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Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Liberal media helping Trump win four more years







Liz Peek: Liberal media helping Trump win four more years. Here's how

Our liberal media outlets are not putting their thumb on the scale; they are putting their shattered reputations, too.  

If President Trump wins another four years in the Oval Office, he will have the media to thank.   

Why? Because the blatant effort by some of our biggest newspapers, TV companies and social media giants to boost an incapable Joe Biden over the finish line has enraged supporters of President Trump; they want justice and they will vote to get it.  

Twitter is blowing up over innumerable incidents of censorship and dishonesty from the left wing media - deep state controlled propaganda.


Spotify employees trying to silence Joe Rogan, the site’s number one money-maker; the Wall Street Journal’s Kim Strassel receiving a “headlines don’t tell the whole story” notice about her tweet of her very own column;

Investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald resigning from the Intercept, which he co-founded, because editors there wanted to censor an article he wrote critical of  Joe Biden; Facebook shutting down “New Jersey Women for Trump”;

National Review writer David Harsanyi being banned for making a joke about being banned;

CNN conjuring up a “Fake News” story about Trump rally-goers being abandoned in Pennsylvania, and on and on.  

And, then, of course, the granddaddy of all media outrages: the New York Times, the Washington Post, NPR and nearly every other news organization in the country ignoring and dismissing the shocking materials on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Materials were substantiated by colleague and Democrat donor Tony Bobulinski.

The materials show that Joe Biden was well aware his son was cashing in on dad’s White House position and may have even participated in those activities. 


They not only ignored the blockbuster story, but actively suppressed it, with Twitter and Facebook refusing to let it circulate on their platforms.  

Our liberal media outlets are not putting their thumb on the scale; they are putting their shattered reputations, too.  

There is nothing more sinister or offensive to those who believe in freedom than censorship.

Suppressing contrary views is the tool of socialist totalitarian regimes; witnessing it burrow into our national politics is harrowing. 

It is not just the media, it is also the toxic “cancel culture” enabled by woke elites in academia, Hollywood and corporate boardrooms who are intolerant of opposing views and punish those who do not conform. 

This cannot be tolerated. Voting for Trump is one way to push back. 

The liberal media’s coverage of this election is an outrage. We have never seen a race in which one candidate – Joe Biden – receives near-universal generosity from the press while his opponent Donald Trump is routinely trashed, even when things go right.    

Imagine: the media has not even seen fit to probe why Joe Biden has spent the past several months hiding from the press and from voters.  

The former vice president has refused almost all sit-down interviews of substance, and almost never interacts with the press corps assigned to his campaign. 

He has also rarely mixes it up with the public. 

It is not, as his spokesmen might argue, out of an abundance of caution in this time of COVID. Biden could certainly have safely sat in a room socially distanced from Fox News’ Chris Wallace, for instance, who has requested an interview for months.


It is because Biden’s campaign doesn’t trust their own candidate; given a free-wheeling conversation, Biden frequently embarrasses himself, or blunders into policy pronouncements that offend voters. 

When he said during the debate that he wants to shut down the oil and gas business, voters in all-important Pennsylvania got nervous. When he told Charlemagne  "If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t Black," Biden insulted many black voters.


When he says “Barack and I Think It’s a Right For People To Have Badakathcare,” (literally) many worry about the candidate’s mental acuity.  

Supporters of Donald Trump, to be sure, are motivated to vote for his reelection for many reasons.   

They believe his pro-business program of lower taxes and limited regulation will boost the economy better than Biden’s regulatory zeal and proposed $4 trillion tax hike.    

They know that President Trump is willing to confront China in order to curtail Beijing’s predatory behavior, including their gigantic theft of our business secrets and dishonest trade practices.  

Those voting for President Trump believe in America First, and know that Democrats are the party of America Second. Trump fans applaud his common-sense demands that our NATO allies pay their promised share of our mutual defense, and the extra hundreds of billions of dollars that they have already surrendered. 

They also applaud his breakthrough Middle East policy, which has brought together several Arab nations to make peace with Israel and to ring-fence Iran. 

Supporters of President Trump will vote for his policies because they think they are best for the nation. 

But they are also voting against Twitter, which has been “fact-checking” President Trump and also censoring doctors who do not agree with Dr. Anthony Fauci’s fluid pronouncements about COVID.  

Twitter also recently shut down the account of Acting Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan for a post about the wall being built on the Southern border. Morgan wrote, “Every mile helps us stop gang members, murderers, sexual predators, and drugs from entering our country. It's a fact, walls work.” That was deemed “hateful conduct.”  

Just as Democrats overstepped by impeaching Trump, which pushed the president’s fund-raising and approval ratings to an all-time high, the liberal media’s excesses may achieve the very outcome they have worked so hard to prevent: four more years of President Trump. 

Editor Note

I know President Trump will win the election no matter what the deep state has done or is doing.

The FAKE news media is hiding information about President Trump's massive support.

The mass media's total deception and lies about President Trump are NOT enough to help Kamala  push Biden over the election finish line in his wheel chair before President Trump runs across the election finish line.

President Trump is running for President.

Joe Biden is being pushed in a wheel chair by Kamala.

Joe Biden has a mental problem.

The democrate party could have gone to a retirement nursing home for democrate politicians and found a former political hack with mental problems/dementia to run for President just like Joe Biden. 

Dementia is a broad category of brain diseases that cause a long-term and often gradual decrease in the ability to think and remember that is severe enough to affect daily functioning. Other common symptoms include emotional problems, difficulties with language.

Joe Biden is a classic case example of a person who has dementia.

Joe biden displays a problem thinking and remembering that effects what he says in his speeches.

Joe Biden other symptoms include emotional outbursts that seem irrational.

Joe Biden often slurs his words and says things that don't make sense.


The bottom line is this about Joe Biden:

If Joe Biden was allowed to drive a car he would not be able to get to his distination nor return to  his handlers.

If Joe Biden was dropped off at a mall to fend for himself he would get lost and wander around in the mall trying to go nowhere. He would forget where he was going to or came from.

If Joe Biden got on an escalator he would stumble and fall.

If Joe Biden couldn't find his way through or out of a mall how could he govern America?

Joe Biden is not capable of being president.

If he was elected through voter fraud, Joe Biden would not be in control. His handlers, the deep state/shadow government  would be in control of America.

The cackling  person pushing Joe Biden's wheel chair would be pushing Joe Biden to a back room in the white house where he would be left talking to himself, if he was elected.

Biden would be removed from office quickly and Kamala would be President.

Joe Biden would then be pushed out of the white house to a nursing home by the secret service.


Joe Biden's election  future is a temp back room in the white house and  then a nursing home if the democrates steal the election through voter FRAUD.

This is not going to happen. Joe Biden will never see a back room in the white house.

Joe Biden will see a return to the basement of his house after President Trump is elected for 4 more years as President in 2020.

He like Hillary will become another bitter loser.

Hillary's and Joe's fate will be in the hands of President Trump.

Both are real criminals and traitors to America.

They both should be in prison. Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton should be locked up.


Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton should be brought to trial.

Their crimes and treason must be fully exposed to the American public.


Joe Biden's and Hillary Clinton's conviction would reveal more activities of the shadow government/deep state.

This "sentance" of the trial and conviction would be a big victory for WE THE PEOPLE!


This is what I hope will happen.






Listen live to the Mark Levin show HERE

6 PM - 9 PM  EST

On Nov 3, 2020 Mark will be giving us special insight into the 2020 election results.
Accurate assessment of the Nov 3, 2020 election results.

Listen live to the Rush Limbaugh show HERE

12 AM - 3 PM  EST

On Nov 3, 2020 Rush will be giving out his wisdom about the Nov 3, 2020 election results.



Election Day 2020 – Notes and Discussion      The Conservative Tree House

Decision 2020 106.3 WORD Radio    A 2 Hour election night special. 7 pm - 9 PM EST    Tara, Bobby Mac and Lee Rogers.

This is a local upstate SC Radio station that will be an accurate assessment of the Nov 3, 2020 election results.


Ignore ALL exit polls that the media will use to deceive you about the Nov 3, 2020 election.

This includes any fox news exit polls.

Exit polls are used by ALL of the media for the use of their online talking heads to promote their own agenda.


Bonus Editor Note:

In my state anyone that has a sign etc must be at least 200 feet from a polling place.

I am planning to go to where I vote and stand 201 feet with a sign for President Trump.













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