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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

There is a way to treat and cure the covid-19 correctly.

Editor Note

I am not a doctor. My advice is based on my own observations and current information. It is my opinion and not a medical opinion.

Just because someone is a doctor doesn't instantly avail them of common sense.

It many cases it actually make them ignore truth if it conflicts with their perceptions and eduction background.

Doctors are like mechanics, some are good and some are bad. The problem is if your doctor makes a mistake fixing your problem he or she may not get a second chance to fix their mistake.

Let me repeat, I am not a doctor, my views are my own, they are backed up with my own ability to read between the lines and make up my own mind about covid-19.

You like me need to research information about covid-19 and read between the lines, read the fine print as Dabo Sweeny - clemson coach - said to do but doesn't do.

Don't just rely on what I have said, find out the truth yourself and then make up your own decision on how to live your life in the face of the media and everyone else telling you what to do.

Don't be a dabo weeny and not read between the lines about current issues.

On a scale of 1 to ten I think my risk is at 1 and I am going to live my life as normal as possible.

On a scale of 1 to 10 your risk may be different than mine because of other factors I have indicated come into play.

The Texas Medical Association’s COVID-19 Task Force and Committee on Infectious Diseases ranked 37 activities on a scale of 1-10.

Item 1 is the LOWEST Risk.  I have added my opinion of what *item 1 should be.

Living you life as normal as possible means not being a prisoner to statistics that guide you through your daily activities.

Some people would constantly refer to the above chart and ignore item *1 which I have added.

What you need to understand is this:

Covad-19 hospitalized cases vary among races and underlying health conditions.

Jun 27, 2020 Data

Among 8,672 hospitalized adults with information on underlying medical conditions, 91% had at least one reported underlying medical condition. The most commonly reported were hypertension, obesity, chronic metabolic disease, and cardiovascular disease. Among 180 hospitalized children with information on underlying conditions, 51.7% had at least one reported underlying medical condition.

The most commonly reported were obesity, asthma, and neurologic conditions.

The CDC lumps all pneumonia, flu and covid-19 deaths together that is misleading.

Even with all of their deception the chart shows what they call, PIC Pneumonia-Influenza-Covid-19,
as decreasing!

The death rate  currently is the same as the seasonal baseline in 2018.

Cases of covid-19 are increasing because of much more testing but the covid-19 death rate continues to go down as the misleading lumped in PIC chart shows.

The FAKE news media constantly talks about the new cases and how many people are in the hospital etc etc.

New cases of covid-19 because of massive testing nationwide are of course increasing.

The death rate from covid-19 is decreasing but the news media does not report this information.

What counts is how many people are recovering from the covid-19.

NIH's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci told the Senate Subcommittee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions  that 80 percent of the  people who have been infected by the novel coronavirus, also referred to as COVID-19, "spontaneously recover," meaning they get better without any specific intervention.

That leaves 20% of people that need some form of intervention to fight off the covid-19.

These are the people with various underlying health conditions.

The most commonly reported were obesity, asthma, hypertension  and neurologic conditions.

The covid-19 risk chart does not mention underlying health risks associated with covid-19 only your "risk" of getting covid-19 at various places.

The covid-19 risk chart like the CDC PIC death rate information is also misleading.

The covid-19 risk chart is not valid.

It cannot predict who you actually may come into contact with and for how long.

Some people may have covid-19 symptoms and some may not.

The covid-19 seems to be spread more when you come into contact with a person who has a bigger case of the covid-19 than a person who has a milder case of the covid-19.

It also doesn't take into account how long you are potentially exposed to a person with the covid-19.

The longer you are exposed to a person with covid-19 the more likely you are to get it.

The bottom line is this:

Getting a case of the covid-19 is a roll of the dice because of so many different factors that come into play about covid-19.

Ok so knowing this I have indicated on a scale from 1 to 10 that your risk is *1, 80% of people,  and you should live your life normally as much as possible.

This would apply to the 80% or more of people who get the covid-19 because they lived their life in a normal manner. This 80% get better without any specific intervention when they have become infected with the covi-19.

The other 20% or so with underlying health conditions need to take  more precautions.

The more underlying health conditions you have the more you are at risk for dying with the covid-19.

Most people can help protect themselves from getting the covid-19 and also if they do get the covid-19 by boosting their immune system.

Many people over 65 have immune systems that are weaker and cannot fight off the covid-19 even if they don't have any underlying health conditions.

The most important thing anybody can do is to boost their immune system.

The number one way is to exercise.

The number two way is to take the correct vitamins and minerals daily.

The number 3 way or it could be number one is to not drink alcohol or smoke.

If you  have obesity, asthma, hypertension or a neurologic condition and don't exercise, or take vitamins and mineral supplements and drink alcohol or smoke you may end up dead as a door nail because of your failure to protect yourself from the covid-19 when you could have possibly prevented it from killing you.

There are people who will smoke and drink, not exercise etc and of course end up in intensive case with a bad case of the covid-19 and possible die.

Covid-19 has to be treated differently than the flu. It wasn't when the death rate spiked in most cases.

There is a way to treat and cure the covid-19 correctly.


Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Life Giving Information You Need To Know

Life Giving Information You Need To Know

Please pass this life giving information on to doctors you know.

Dr. Thomas Yadegar is the ICU Director at Providence Cedars-Sinai Tarzana Medical Center. He's a pulmonologist, and his California team hasn't lost a single patient to COVID 19. Better yet? They haven't used a single ventilator, either. How?

Dr. Yadegar says that this new coronavirus doesn't just trigger a response to the virus, but it can trigger negative immune system responses too. These auto immune responses can then lead to heart attacks, blood clots, strokes, or more.

His team has learned to look for these signs, specific markers,  EARLY in patients, rather than searching for a quick fix -- or a one-size-fits-all -- approach to treating the virus. All cases differ, and THAT's the key to preventing loss of life.

Please take the time to watch this 17 min video where Dr Thomas Yadegar explains how his group has treated the covid-19 in their ICU and not lost a single patient or used a single ventilator!

How doctors can potentially significantly reduce the number of deaths from Covid-19

We already have medicines for treating cytokine storm syndrome, the immune response that’s killing many who die of Covid-19.    STRATEGIES FOR INHIBITING CYTOKINES

Pass this information along quickly to doctors to save lives.

Some doctors will resist simply because they want a quick fix to the corona virus covid-19 but this is exactly what doctors should not be using or looking for concerning the covid-19 virus.

Knowing that testing all covid-19 patients for cytokine storm symptoms is the KEY to SAVING LIVES!

All Covid-19 patients sick enough for hospitalization should be given a cheap, quick, and readily available serum ferritin blood test.

This test will help indicate if a covid-19 patient needs treatment for a cytokine storm, which is the body's immune system over response to an infection which causes the body to destroy its own organs.

The first thing any covid-19 patient should do or a loved one should do is ASK the doctor if he or she will be givining a  serum ferritin blood test  to check to see if your body's immune system is overreacting to the wuhan, corona, covid-19 virus.

This is a critical initial test to possibey save your life if you are one of the type of people that will have a sudden overreaction response of your immune system to the sars-2 corona virus.

Everyone young and old can have a cytokine storm syndrome that can result in your death.

Even if you are in good health and your immune system is working properly your body can have an over response to the sars-2 corona virus.

If you have an underlying health problem this canmake your body's cytokine storm syndrome much worse.

This is what makes the sars-2 corona virus different.

It kicks off your body's own immune system into a cytokine storm that causes your body to destroy its own organs.

After about 7 days your symptoms can become worse because your body overreacts to the sars-2 corona virus.

This is why some healthy young people get the sars-2 virus and suddenly die.

This is why older people suddenly die, their immune system overreacts and destroys itself.

Please keep this in mind.

Most people's bodies DO NOT OVERREACT when the have been infected with the sars-2 corona virus.

People will have the sars-2 corona virus with differnet  symptoms ranging from no symptoms or some symptoms.

This is also what makes the sars-2 corona virus different.

People's immune systems have different responses to the sars-2 virus.

Every sars-2 patient is differnet as,  ICU DOCTOR Thomas Yadegar : Key to Treating COVID 19 is Realizing There's NO QUICK FIX to Virus, All Cases Differ has said.

THEREFORE each sars-2 corona virus patient must be tested if they have the covid-19 symptoms or are admitted to a hospital. This is critical to saving lives!

(1) Its is also critical that the attending doctor  use a  serum ferritin blood test  to check to see if your body's immune system is overreacting to the wuhan, corona, covid-19 virus.

(2) If this test indicates your body's response to the sars-2 virus will kick off a  cytokine storm it is also critical that you doctor begin to give you medicines that will INHIBIT THE CYTOKINES.

The public is in total fear or the sars-2, covid-19, corona virus because they lack this life giving knowledge that the sars-2 corona virus CAN BE CURED if it is detected by using the serum ferritin blood test. and then treated using STRATEGIES FOR INHIBITING CYTOKINES.

Bonus Editor Note

Because of the many factors that come into play for about 20% of people who are at risk for hospitalization it really is a "roll of the dice" if you will be a victim. The dice are "loaded" against you.

The other 80% will be more fortunate when the covid-19 dice are "rolled".

In the election Nov 2020  the deepstate, democrates and fake news media are rolling loaded dice and hoping you will be tricked into voting their frail candidate biden.

They think their fake polls give them good odds to run the table.

President Trump knows they are playing with loaded dice at the election table.

Because of this he knows they will end up with not enough chips to even break even in the game.

President Trump is still Making America Great Again.

Boris Johnson's Covid-19 dice are loaded against our struggling towns

Never bet more than you can afford to lose. The old gambler’s adage springs uncomfortably to mind as the government once again prepares to roll the pandemic dice, pushing ahead with opening English pubs this weekend even as a fresh outbreak forces Leicester back into lockdown. For those lucky enough to live in places where Covid-19 seems firmly under control, a night out probably means risking little more than a hangover. But in some parts of the country, so-called super Saturday looks alarmingly like chucking petrol on a barbecue.

Rumours abound of other towns teetering on the brink of being locked down again, although names should be taken with a pinch of salt; working out where fresh outbreaks are brewing is about far more than simply spotting high case numbers. After Leicester, the highest infection rates per 100,000 people are in Bradford and Barnsley, Rochdale and Oldham, but the most recent reports show infections falling in all four. Doncaster and Bolton have lower numbers but seem to be heading ominously upwards, and in Bedford, where cases are unusually high for the south, the council this week halted the reopening of children’s playgrounds as a precaution.

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