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Thursday, July 9, 2020

Prediction model of Trump's chances in 2020

President Trump will win the election in Nov 2020. The deep state and democrates know this.

Despite recent polls that identify Joe Biden as the heavy favorite in 2020, a political science professor is still standing by his prediction model that shows President Trump having a "91 percent" chance of winning in November.

Mediaite reported on Wednesday that Stony Brook professor Helmut Norpoth is doubling down on his "Primary Model,” which has correctly predicted five out of the past six elections since 1996 and every single election but two in the past 108 years.

“The Primary Model gives Trump a 91 percent chance of winning in November,” Norpoth said.

"This model gets it right for 25 of the 27 elections since 1912, when primaries were introduced."
As Mediaite noted, the two elections the model failed to predict were the 1960 election of John F. Kennedy and the 2000 election of George W. Bush.

Norpoth's model examines the results of presidential primaries as the strongest indicator as to the outcome in the general election, not the polls that dominate the political discussion. According to Norpoth, Biden is in a much weaker position than Trump because of his poor showing in the first two primary races.

Before making the stunning comeback in the South Carolina primary and carrying the following races, Biden came in fourth place in Iowa with just 15.8 percent of the vote and came in fifth place in New Hampshire with just 8.4 percent. Norpoth stressed that enthusiasm is key.

“The terrain of presidential contests is littered with nominees who saw a poll lead in the spring turn to dust in the fall,” Norpoth told Mediaite. “The list is long and discouraging for early frontrunners. Beginning with Thomas Dewey in 1948, it spans such notables as Richard Nixon in 1960, Jimmy Carter in 1980, Michael Dukakis in 1988, George H.W. Bush in 1992, and John Kerry in 2004, to cite just the most spectacular cases."

Norpoth's model, which correctly predicted Trump's victory roughly nine months before the 2016 election, suggests that the president will win by even a wider margin in the electoral college with 362 electoral votes versus the 304 he earned against Hillary Clinton. Mediaite pointed out such a victory would nearly match Barack Obama's 2008 election, when he earned 365 electoral votes.

 Norpoth said his model predicted Trump’s election in 2016 partially by discounting opinion surveys. “Polls and poll-based forecasts all handed Hillary Clinton a certain victory,” he said.

91 percent chance of winning reelection

Editor Note

I know the fake polls about joe biden are constructed to persuade people to not believe President Trump will win reelection.

Most polls are useless. Remember all the polls except Norpoth's poll in 2016 predicted the hilda beast would win?

They were ALL wrong.

Joe Biden will never be elected as president.

FAKE polls won't get him elected. Democrate dirty tricks won't get him elected. Ballot tampering by the democrates won't get biden elected. All the illegal aliens and criminals voting for biden won't get him elected. Riots by blm won't gim biden elected. Covid-19 won't get biden elected.

Nothing will get joe biden elected.


President Trump will be reelected in Nov 2020 and many in the deep state fedral and local operatives and other criminals will be prosecuted for crimes they have done.

They also know this.

Americans have purchased guns and ammo in record numbers the last few months.


For various reasons but the bottom line is for self protection.

Those groups that want to overthrow our government will continue to cause destruction, murder etc.

Americans are buying guns to protect themselves from groups like blm and antifa.

They like me expect criminals to continue to cause destruction and death.

They like me are planning to protect themselves.

blm, antifa and other groups have threatened to kill cops, white people and others.

When these people are in a group tearing down statues and burning buildings etc we will be ready and able to defend ourselves against violence aimed at our family and us.

I am ready. I am "packing". Are you?

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