Editor note
On monday 2/3/2020 Rush Limbaugh announced he has advanced lung cancer. This was bigger news than the FAKE impeachment trail in the US Senate.
I like this program to be about you and the things that matter to all of us. The one thing that I know that has happened over the 31-plus years of this program is that there has been an incredible bond that has developed between all of you and me. Now, this program’s 31 years old, and in that 31 years, there are people — you hear them call all the time — who have been listening the whole time.
They’ve been listening 30 years or 25 years.
I just had somebody say they’ve been here three years. But, whatever, it is a family-type relationship to me, and I’ve mentioned to you that this program and this job is what has provided me the greatest satisfaction and happiness that I’ve ever experienced, more than I ever thought that I would experience. So I have to tell you something today that I wish I didn’t have to tell you.
It’s a struggle for me because I had to inform my staff earlier today. I can’t escape… Even though people are telling me it’s not the way to look at it, I can’t help but feel that I’m letting everybody down with this. But the upshot is that I have been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, diagnosis confirmed by two medical institutions back on January 20th. I first realized something was wrong on my birthday weekend, January 12th.
I wish I didn’t have to tell you this, and I thought about not telling anybody. I thought about trying to do this without anybody knowing, ’cause I don’t like making things about me. But there are going to be days that I’m not gonna be able to be here because I’m undergoing treatment or I’m reacting to treatment, and I know that that would inspire all kinds of curiosity with people wondering what’s going on.
And the worst thing that can happen is when there is something going on and you try to hide it and cover it up. It’s eventually gonna leak, and then people are gonna say, “Why didn’t you just say it? Why’d you try to fool everybody? ” It’s not that I want to fool anybody. It’s just that I don’t want to burden anybody with it, and I haven’t wanted to. But it is what it is. You know me; I’m the mayor of Realville.
So this has happened, and my intention is to come here every day I can and to do this program as normally and as competently and as expertly as I do each and every day, because that is the source of my greatest satisfaction professionally, personally. I’ve had so much support from family and friends during this that it’s just been tremendous. I told the staff today that I have a deeply personal relationship with God that I do not proselytize about.
But I do, and I have been working that relationship (chuckles) tremendously, which I do regularly anyway, but I’ve been focused on it intensely for the past couple of weeks. I know there are many of you in this audience who have experienced this, who are going through it yourselves at the same time. I am, at the moment, experiencing zero symptoms other than… Look, I don’t want to get too detailed in this.
What led to shortness of breath that I thought might have been asthma or — you know, I’m 69 — it could have been my heart. My heart’s in great shape, ticking away fine, squeezing and pumping great. It was not that. It was a pulmonary problem involving malignancy. So I’m gonna be gone the next couple days as we figure out the treatment course of action and have further testing done. But, as I said, I’m gonna be here as often as I can.
And, as is the case with everybody who finds themselves in this circumstance, you just want to push ahead and try to keep everything as normal as you can, which is something that I’m going to try to do. But I felt that I had to tell you because that’s the kind of relationship I feel like I have with those of you in this audience. I say it every Christmas, which is when I feel more thankful than at Thanksgiving.
And I feel thankful at Thanksgiving, but Christmas it really gets to me. But over the years, a lot of people have been very nice telling me how much this program has meant to them. But whatever that is, it pales in comparison to what you all have meant to me. And I can’t describe this. But I know you’re there every day. I can see you. It’s strange how, but I know you’re there.
I know you’re there in great numbers, and I know that you understand everything I say. The rest of the world may not when they hear it expressed a different way, but I know that you do. You’ve been one of the greatest sources of confidence that I’ve had in my life. So, I hope I will be talking about this as little as necessary in the coming days
But we’ve got a great bunch of doctors, a great team assembled. We’re at full-speed ahead on this, and it’s just now a matter of implementing what we are gonna be told later this week. So, I’ll be back here. I hope I’ll be back Thursday. If not, it will be as soon as I can — and know that every day I’m not here, I’ll be thinking about you and missing you. Thank you very much.
Bonus editor note
Everything happens for a reason. God is in control of his creation. We sometimes think we know why or what is happening. We really don't because our wisdom is very limited.
Prayer is needed for Rush Limbaugh.
I will pray that God will have mercy on him, heal and comfort him.
I also will pray that his family and friends will be comforted also.
None of us know when out life will end. Only God knows. We all need to try to live for God according to his Word in the Bible.
Study Bible Beginning at Genesis 1:1 To Revelation
Psalms 119
119:17 Deal bountifully with thy servant, that I may live, and keep thy word.Defender's Study Bible Notes
119:17 that I may live. Again dabar (“word”) is used, and associated, quite significantly, with “living.” As the number of “new life,” through the “living Word,” the number “eight” is impressed in the whole structure of Psalm 119, each stanza consisting of eight verses. It is noteworthy that there were eight individuals (not including Christ and those raised with Him at His resurrection) who were raised from the dead, as recorded in Scripture: three in the Old Testament (I Kings 17:22; II Kings 4:34,35; II Kings 13:21), three by Christ (Matthew 9:24,25; Luke 7:15; John 11:44), one through Peter (Acts 9:40-41), and one through Paul (Acts 20:9-12). Dabar (“word”) in this psalm seems associated mainly with cleansing and new life (Psalm 119:9,17), imrah (“word”) with victory over sin (Psalm 119:11).
Thank You Jesus!
This is a bible verse I read while recovering in the hospital from open heart surgery about 2 years ago.
I knew exactly while God had spared my life. It was to keep his Word and also proclaim his Word.
God had mercy on me.
Pray that God will have mercy on Rush Limbaugh and others.
On monday 2/3/2020 President Trumps defense team refuted the closing arguments of the house impeachment managers who have botched their presentation of the FAKE articles of impeachment.
12:52 PM: Cipollone says Trump’s team will complete their arguments in an “efficient” manner because the Senators already know their arguments. He says at the end of the day, this is an effort to overturn one election and interfere in another that starts today. He says the only appropriate result is to acquit the president and leave it to the voters to decide.
Trump impeachment attorney says House managers failed burden of proof: "It's not because they didn't get the additional witnesses or documents...It's because their own witnesses have already offered substantial evidence undermining their case." https://abcn.ws/31jSDZs
Trump attorney Jay Sekulow: "This entire campaign of impeachment, that started from the very first day that the president was inaugurated, was a partisan one—and it should never happen again." https://abcn.ws/31jSDZs
The court of impeachment stands adjourned until 4:00 pm on Wednesday, February 5th.
- Tuesday: 9:00 pm State Of The Union Address
- Wednesday: 4:00pm – A final vote on the articles of impeachment.
- Wednesday Evening President Trump is acquitted by the US Senate
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