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Thursday, February 6, 2020

Senate ACQUITS Trump on abuse of power, obstruction of Congress charges

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Senate ACQUITS Trump on abuse of power, obstruction of Congress charges 

Editor Note

Rush Limbaugh expanded on certain words’ definitions so people are not left out who need to know the meaning of unfamiliar words or even simple words. Those in denial will not accept the US Senate verdict on 2/5/2020.

All of the democrats in Congress have lived in Rio Linda California  :)

Therefore I will explain the words ACQUIT and VINDICATE for you and others like Rush Limbaugh using the phrase, "for those of you in Rio Linda".

An example could be the word ACQUITS.

For those of you in Rio Linda California ACQUITS means:

Acquit definition is - to discharge completely (as from an accusation or obligation.

This means the US Senate acquitted President trump by a formal decision in his favor with respect to the 2 charges charges of impeachment.

Also for those of you in Rio Linda Calfornia vindicate means:


To free from allegation or blame.

The lawyers in the FAKE impeachment trial of President Trump VINDICATED President Trump of the two FAKE impeachment changes of the house of representatives.


Rio Linda Explained for Those in Rio Linda and Democrates In Congress and Elsewhere

RUSH: Sue in Fort Myers, Florida. It’s nice to have you with us on the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Thank you, Rush. It’s a pleasure to speak with you.

RUSH: You bet.

CALLER: My husband and I have been listening to you for, I don’t know how many years, since Clinton was in office, and somehow or another we have missed to understand your reference to Rio Linda, California.

RUSH: You know, this happens periodically. I will reference Rio Linda but there are people who have not heard the explanation now and then.

Very briefly, because most of the audience knows what it is. I moved to Sacramento in 1984, and I was to start my show there October the 15th. So I got there a couple weeks early, and I drove around to try to familiarize myself with the community about which I was going to soon be speaking.

So I’m driving around, and I went up to one of the Air Force Bases, I think there were two of them out there, and I now get them confused, but I think this was McClellan. Anyway, I’m driving around out there, and, all of a sudden, I come across this one-lane or two-lane road leading into what looks like oblivion, and the population sign or the city designation sign says Rio Linda and there’s no number there in terms of how many people live there.

You know, most population signs always say the population, at least they did when I grew up, so I figured nobody is willing to admit living there, so let me go look at it.

I’m driving down this two-lane road, and I see houses with refrigerators, the door is open on the porch. I see cars jacked up on concrete blocks in the front yard, dogs running around chasing garbage in the front yards, and I said ‘Whoa, what is this place?’ So I went back and I asked people at the radio station, KFBK, ‘What is this Rio Linda place?’ And they said, ‘Well, it is what it is; there are some nice areas of it, too, but you just happened to go through the bad part.’

So I offered, after having seen the place — and I used to have a shtick back then of always picking a local community and making fun of it just as a broadcast technique — so I offered to move there to elevate property values if they would rename the place Limbaugh, California.

They refused, of course. I also tried the same thing with West Sacramento, and that bombed out as well. But ever since Rio Linda has just been my pet little favorite community to pick on.

Property values have since risen out there. But you can drive and still see some of the things I saw when you drive through town.

I love the people of Rio Linda and I want to make sure they understand what’s being discussed on the program, so I always will change or expand certain words’ definition so they are not left out.

It’s an act of true compassion by a broadcast specialist.

CALLER: Okay, thank you.

RUSH: All right. Thanks. Appreciate it.


Senate acquits Trump on abuse of power, obstruction of Congress charges

The Senate overwhelmingly acquitted President Trump on both articles of impeachment against him Wednesday afternoon following a brief trial, in a historic rejection of Democrats' claims that the president's Ukraine dealings and handling of congressional subpoenas merited his immediate removal from office.

By a final vote of 52-48 against conviction on the abuse of power charge and 53-47 against conviction on the obstruction charge, the Senate fell far short of the two-thirds, 67-vote supermajority needed to convict and remove the president.

Swing-vote Republican senators -- including Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Susan Collins of Maine, and Lamar Alexander of Tennessee -- voted to acquit on both counts.

McConnell also said he was "perplexed" by Democrats' arguments that the evidence against Trump was overwhelming and obvious, but at the same time, more witnesses and evidence were desperately needed.

He called the proceedings a "thoroughly political exercise," and added that ironically, Pelosi was right "in the beginning" when she didn't want to go down this path.

Bonus Editor Note

Invoking Rush Limbaugh's  "For those of you in Rio Linda", a 52-48 vote on FAKE article 1 amd 53-47 vote on article 2 is a fairly close vote.

52 republicans voted to ACQUIT President Trump on FAKE article 1.

47 democrates, all the democrates in the US Senate,  including 1 republican voted to convict President Trump on FAKE article 1.

53 republicans, all the republicans in the US Senate, voted to ACQUIT President Trump on FAKE article 2.

47 democrates, all the democrates in the US Senate, voted to convict President Trump on FAKE article 2.

A 67-vote majority was needed to convict and remove the president.

The democrates were  19 votes short on article 1.

The democrates were 20 votes short on article 2.

"For those of you in Rio Linda" this means the votes to convict President Trump on the 2 FAKE impeachment articles were NOT CLOSE!

All the democrates voted to remove President Trump from office.

All of the Republicans except, "Pierre Delecto", mitt romney voted to ACQUIT President Trump of the 2 FAKE article of impeachment fro the house of ill repute.

Some additional information about, "Pierre Delecto", mitt romney:

Three things about mitt romney:

1)  Mitt Romney has a lurker Twitter handle.

2) The handle name is "Pierre Delecto."

3) "C'est Moi" is how Romney confirmed to a reporter that he was Delecto and Delecto was him.

But before you just laugh off the whole thing, let's dive a little deeper into Romney's decision to start (and maintain) this account. Because there's a kernel of something important here.

Romney himself described his decision to create the account in an interview with The Atlantic's McKay Coppins:

"He explained that he uses a secret Twitter account — 'What do they call me, a lurker?' — to keep tabs on the political conversation. 'I won't give you the name of it,' he said, but 'I'm following 668 people.'"

We learn that "Pierre Delecto"  that Romney wasn't strictly a lurker since, by definition, a lurker doesn't comment on things, only watches.

Romney is lying about being a lurker.

Some of Pierre  Delecto's tweets (Romney  made the account private once its existence was revealed.)

For the most part, they represent an attempt by Romney through Pierre Delecto to make the case that he remains one of the few principled Republicans left in Washington.

In one response to criticism of Romney from liberal commentator Soledad O'Brien, Pierre noted that Romney (AKA him) was the "only Republican to hit" Trump on the Mueller Report and defended his "moral compass."

In another, Delecto defended Romney from a Twitter onslaught by Washington Post blogger and Trump critic Jennifer Rubin. (Pierre Delecto defended himself.)

The most important of Delecto's 10 tweets was a response to Fox News commentator Brit Hume that questioned Romney's loyalty to party.

"Loyal to principle trumps loyalty to party or person, right Brit?" asked Delecto/Romney.

The 2012 Republican presidential nominee -- and a sitting US senator! -- felt the need to defend his commitment to his party from behind the veneer of a fake person's account on Twitter.

Pierre Delecto, mitt romney, used a fake Twitter person to defend himself and his image.

Bonus Editor Note 3

Mitt Romney, ie Pierre Delecto,  displays the veneer of a fake person's persona in real life.

This FAKE person is Willard Mitt Romney, ie Pierre Delecto in reality.

He was "wounded" by President Trump and is bitter.

His one Benedict Arnold vote  on arcticle 1 of impachment is an attempt to damage President Trump but this has failed.

Pierre Delecto voted to vindicate President Trump on article 2 of impeachment.

Williard Mitt Romney is Pierre Delecto.

Pierre Delecto hides behind a veneer of a thin skinned layer of deception.

For those of you in Rio Linda:

Veneer is a superficial or deceptive  appearance, display, or effect.

Another word that describes Pierre Delecto is  Facade.

For those of you in Rio Linda:

Facade is  a false, superficial, or artificial appearance or effect 

Mitt Romney, pierre delecto is a BAD failed actor in the US Senate.


Bonus editor note 4
Democrats in congress are a cancer on America. President Trump and Americans who support President Trump fight the democrate cancer daily.
We The People are seeing the democrate cancer going into remission now that the fake impeachment trial has ended and the US Senate has aquitted President Trump. This democrate cancer on America can only be cured by the removal of democrates in congress and all over America.

Democrates have become a type of disease under the abnormal direction/deception/lies of speaker pelosi and aoc type socialists. This disease is spread through contact with the mass fake news media. To avoid exposure just avoid contact with FAKE news.

You can do this by listening to or or

The mass FAKE news media produces news in a FAKE or sensational manner to promote their ratings and promote democrate indoctrination of those who are susceptible to their propaganda.

There is a cure for self imposed ignorance.

Where your MAGA hat and reelect President Trump in 2020. 
Put the democrate cancer in permanent remission in November 2020. 

Get the real news from The Conservative Tree house website.

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