Nolte: Impeachment Proves Nancy Pelosi Is an Idiot
Impeachment Proves Nancy Pelosi Is An Idiot
Editor Note
I agree nancy pelosi is an idot when compared to President Trump because:
Impeaching the President with No Crime
Impeaching the President for Asking for a Judicial Ruling
There Was No Quid Pro Quo
Rushing Impeachment
Sitting on the Impeachment Articles for a Month
Demanding the Senate Do What She Refused to Do
Terrible Choice of House Managers
The House Of Representative Subpoenas were just letters requesting documents or persons to appear in the House Of Reps Hearings That Were Not Valid Subponeas because they did not have the legal requirement of a Full House Of Representatives Vote before they were sent to President Trump.
Pelosi chose Laurel & Hardy — Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler.
The contrast was striking: smirking, hyper-partisan politicians up against mature, thoughtful, well-prepared lawyers.
After a series of defeated Democrat amendments, the Senate evening procedural session ended at 8:00pm Friday Nov 31, 2020 with the following outcome:
- Monday: 11:00am closing arguments by House Managers and Defense (two hours each for a total of four hours); then the senate, regular session, floor speeches begin.
- Tuesday: 11:00am full day of floor speeches. Each Senator limited to ten minutes.
- Tuesday: 9:00 pm State Of The Union Address
- Wednesday: 4:00pm – A final vote on the articles of impeachment.
- Wednesday Evening President Trump is acquitted by the US Senate
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Despite former Vice President Joe Biden’s image of being a fighter for the working class, he has actually engaged in behavior that benefitted himself and his family members to the tune of millions of dollars in shady business deals, according to an interview with Government Accountability Institute (GAI) president and Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer, author of the new book Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite.
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