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Friday, March 19, 2010

The States Can Stop Obama

I believe in the near future the federal government under the authority of the FRAUD obama will execute federal incursions that are unconstitutional. Obama and congress as of today Mar 19, 2010 are trying to ram obamacare through the congress and ignoring the procedures set forth in the US Constitution. If obamacare is signed into "law" by the FRAUD obama many states have allready declared they will sue the federal government because it violates the US Constitution.

Tyranny will be enforecd by US Marshalls and their deputies. Americans need to be aware when the feds act outside their proscribed constitutional authority, it is the State’s job to disallow such behavior, even when the Feds grant themselves authority outside their Constitutional limits, such as a U.S. Marshall performing with power of a county Sheriff.

In Mack v US, Scalia states: “The great innovation of this design was that our citizens would have two political capacities, one state and one federal, each protected by incursion by the other.” So who protects the citizen from federal incursions? State and local officials!

In perhaps the most recent and powerful Tenth Amendment decision in modern history, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Mack/Printz v U.S. that "States are not subject to federal direction."

The supremacy clause is dealt with in Mack/Printz, in which the Supreme Court stated once and for all that the only thing "supreme" is the constitution itself. Our constitutional system of checks and balances certainly did not make the federal government king over the states, counties, and cities.

Justice Scalia opined for the majority in Mack/Printz, that "Our citizens would have two political capacities, one state and one federal, each protected from incursion by the other."

So yes, it is the duty of the State to stop the Obamacare "incursion."

To emphasize this principle Scalia quotes James Madison, "The local or municipal authorities form distinct and independent portions of the Supremacy, no more subject within their respective spheres, to the general authority than the general authority is subject to them, within its own sphere." The point to remember here is; where do we define the "sphere" of the federal government? That's right; in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution and anything not found within this section belongs to the States or to the People.

So where does health care belong?

The last place it belongs is with the President or Congress.

It is NOT their responsiblity and the States need to make sure that Obama does not overstep his authority.

The States do not have to take or support or pay for Obamacare or anything else from Washington DC. The States are not subject to federal direction. They are sovereign and "The Constitution protects us from our own best intentions." (Mack/Printz) Which means the States can tell national healthcare proposals or laws to take a flying leap off the Washington monument. We are not subject to federal direction!

(In other words Mr President you can go to hell!) Story Reports

It is rather obvious that nationalized healthcare definitely qualifies as a "federal regulatory program."

Thus, the marching on Washington and pleas and protests to our DC politicians are misdirected. Such actions are "pie in the sky" dreaming that somehow expects the tyrants who created the tyranny, will miraculously put a stop to it. Throughout the history of the world such has never been the case. Tyrants have never stopped their own corrupt ways.

However, in our system of "dual sovereignty," the States can do it. If we are to take back America and keep this process peaceful, then state and local officials will have to step up to the plate.

Doing so is what States' Rights and State Sovereignty are all about.

The states Can Stop Obama

The President Of The United States Nor Any Govenment Agency CAN TELL A COUNTY SHERIFF WHAT TO DO!

“Sheriffs have the authority, the power, and the duty to be the ultimate check and balance for the American citizenry in your county and to defend them against all local and federal criminals.”

(Also remember your last line of defense is yourself. Own a weapon. Your local sheriff can't be sued if they arrive to late to help you.)

The feds only have three law enforcement responsibilities granted to them by art.1 section 8 of the Constitution.


Thus, the marching on Washington and pleas and protests to our DC politicians are misdirected. Such actions are "pie in the sky" dreaming that somehow expects the tyrants who created the tyranny, will miraculously put a stop to it. Throughout the history of the world such has never been the case. Tyrants have never stopped their own corrupt ways.However, in our system of "dual sovereignty," the States can do it. If we are to take back America and keep this process peaceful, then state and local officials will have to step up to the plate.

Find out what your state is doing to protect you from obama.

Find out what your local representatvie thinks about states rights.

Find out if officals in your state will stop the FRAUD obama before its to late.

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