A handful of ex-Googlers have joined the administration in various roles.
The most visible appointee is Google's former head of global public policy, Andrew McLaughlin, who was named deputy chief technology officer in June. McLaughlin's appointment raised eyebrows -- in his previous role McLaughlin championed Google's policy goals. Now he'll be in a position to shape policy that affects Google's rivals.
AT&T doesn't like the idea of new regulations mandating unfettered access to the Internet, and recent comments from the Obama administration that connected the issue to censorship in China have really gotten under its skin.
The telecom giant responded forcefully this week to remarks by White House deputy chief technology officer Andrew McLaughlin, who said that free speech and network neutrality are "intrinsically linked."
Net neutrality rules are being crafted by federal regulators that would restrict Internet service providers such as AT&T from blocking or prioritizing content on the Web.
(What this means is obama is about to limit access to internet traffic by filitering content out. Obama is trying to control the internet because it is the source for news that is not censored by the "state run media".) Story Reports
In an entry published on the Post Tech Blog and in comments at a telecom policy conference last week, McLaughlin compared censorship in China -- where President Obama's recent comments on open Internet values were blocked from Chinese Web sites -- to the need for net neutrality rules so as to prevent corporations from acting as gatekeepers of information and speech.
"If it bothers you that the China government does it, it should bother you when your cable company does it," McLaughlin said at the policy conference. The administration has made net neutrality a cornerstone of its technology agenda.
Those comments did not sit well with AT&T's chief lobbyist, Jim Cicconi, who issued an angry response. He said it was "ill-considered and inflammatory" to connect censorship in China to the practices of American ISPs, whom he said do not threaten free speech.
(This so called free speech crisis is a manufactured crisis obama will use to further his communist agenda.) Story Reports
"It is deeply disturbing when someone in a position of authority, like Mr. McLaughlin, is so intent on advancing his argument for regulation that he equates the outright censorship decisions of a communist government to the network congestion decisions of an American ISP. There is no valid comparison, and it's frankly an affront to suggest otherwise," Cicconi ot ATT said.
The Computer and Communication Industry Association, a trade group representing some of the biggest companies in the telecom and high-tech industries, criticized Cicconi's comments and agreed with the link McLaughlin made between net neutrality and free speech.
"The juxtaposition of these free speech issues -- Internet censorship and net neutrality -- pulls away the layer of confusion about net neutrality that opponents have hidden behind for years," said Ed Black, chief executive of CCIA. "Unrestricted, the Internet may be mankind's greatest tool ever to promote individual freedom. We ought to do everything we can to protect that possibility -- and if we aren't careful it can become a tool to censor, surveil and manage captive audiences."
(This is EXACTLY what obama wants to do with the internet. Use it as a tool to censor, surveil and manage captive audiences." These captive audiences can then be managed by obama using not only the state run media but also a state run internet media.) Story Reports
Hitler did the same then when promoting natzi propaganda. He completely controlled all the media. Hitler had weekly radio talks also to promote his natzi agenda. Hitler also installed "national health care" to control the population before becoming dictator.
When shaping their approach to combating actual, perceived and made up threats, the obama administration tapped the Terror/Crisis management theory (TMT), first proposed by Sheldon Solomon, Tom Pyszczynski, and Jeff Greenberg, suggests that people adhere to cultural worldviews and beliefs in order to suppress death and mortality-related thoughts. TMT suggests that people combat the terror of their mortality with the same cognitive abilities that cause this terror to arise, by developing death-denying cultural belief systems.
More importantly, TMT suggests that individuals must feel that they are significant contributors to this worldview and derive their sense of self-esteem according to whether or not they meet culturally determined standards. If the standard defined by the establishment and promoted by the media is based on an all-encompassing struggle and war with imminent loss of life, it is obvious why the "War on Terror", or "obamacare or "global warming" statements were so easily sold to the large majority of the American people.
(Culturally determined standards. I think this is why thousands of tree huggers work so hard to protect their mother earth. Its like a high for them when they succeed in "saving" the planet from a crisis that does not exist. A manufactured crisis used to control weak minded people in the population. A form of "environmental hypnotism" or "obamaism".
When I was in the military a large group was asked to go into an auditorium to see how hypnotism works. I thought this was odd on a military base while on duty. The hypnotist ask all to clasp their hands and suggested that after 15 seconds we would not be able to unclasp our hands. Some could not unclasp their hands after 15 seconds and sat there with their hands clasp trying to pull them apart.
These individuals were "weak" minded and susceptible to hypnotic suggestion. Obama seeks out these same type of individuals through his propaganda of "change" to "clasp" obamacare for instance.
Some people accept obama's clamor for change and "clasp their hands". They are then "locked" into a fantasy world of "global warming", "obamacare" etc. and crisis after manufucatured crisis. These people are then used by obama like clones to disperse his communist stealth agenda.
Obama ties American's self esteem with his propaganda of stealth communist ideals. This is brain washing or mind control using the "state run media.) Story Reports
Obama is a traitor who is a communist destroying America.
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