In the United States of America, the Constitution is the supreme law of the land. It is what protects the People from an oppressive and tryannical government. As stated in the Declaration of Independence, when a government becomes tyrannical, it is time for the People to alter or abolish it.
Those who will not uphold their oaths to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States" should be voted out and replaced with responsible individuals who will protect the rights of Free People. Those in congress and obama who violated their oath of office should be removed from office for treason because of the unconstitutional "health care" bill that inslaves the population.
Obama is a complete and total liar about everything in his "healthcare bill". This alone is justification for removing him from office.
Tyranny is usually thought of as cruel and oppressive, and it often is, but the original definition of the term was rule by persons who lack legitimacy.
Obama is an illegitimate president therefore he is a tyrannical president.
Obama Is A No Record Communist
If you describe a government or organization as tyrannical, you mean that it acts without considering the wishes of its people. Obama is also a tyrannical president because he ignores the fact a majority of Americans DO NOT want "national health care".
At this time there is only one reason obama has not declared himself dictator for life. Its the fact a majority of Americans own guns and know how to defend themselves.
Americans must be prepared to defend themselves against "domestic enemies" that would enslave them.
Oath of office for Congress
The current oath was enacted in 1884:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
Note: "I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same".
Supporting and defending the US Constitution means obeying the Constitution. Allegiance to the US Constitution is a true and faithful obedience of the US Constitution.
Congress under the direction of obama have violated and ignored their oath of office to support and defend the US Constituion.
Obama and members of Congress who choose to force "national health care" on the people of the US should be removed from office for TREASON.
We the people should ignore and not obey the unconstitutional law of "national health care".
Americans should rebel against this unconstitutional law, the traitors in congress and obama, who have moved to pass not only and unconstituional law but have also used unconstituional rules to pass the "law" in the first place.
Story Reports
The US Constitution and the 10th Amendment prohibits government from making a law mandating we buy health insurance.
Universal Healthcare will impose an individual mandate on all working Americans. By doing this, they are sanctioning slavery on the American People.
On 09/09/09, President Obama addressed the Congress and the nation, stating that individuals would be required to purchase healthcare. Anyone who does not will be fined up to $1,900, thrown in prison, and fined an additional $25,000.
This is a perfect example of government tyranny, and is more properly termed, "fascism."
In any program designed to help others, there is always an option to withdraw or not participate.
In the case of healthcare, a tax is placed on the right to LIFE itself.
A person who cannot opt out is not free, He or she is nothing but a slave.
Socialist programs like Social Security, Medicare, and the Draft all result in slavery or involuntary servitude. The 13th Amendment prohibits slavery.
Excerpts included from:
Broadus For Congress Fighting For Freedom
Excellent commentary
The psychology of tyranny
Perhaps one of the things that most distinguishes those with a fascist mentality from most other persons is how they react in situations that engender feelings of insecurity and inadequacy. Both kinds of people will tend to seek to increase their power, that is, their control over the outcome of events, but those with a fascist mindset tend to overestimate the amount of influence over outcomes that it is possible to attain. This leads to behavior that often brings them to positions of leadership or authority, especially if most other persons in their society tend to underestimate the influence over outcomes they can attain, and are inclined to yield to those who project confidence in what they can do and promise more than anyone can deliver.
This process is aided by a common susceptibility which might be called the rooster syndrome, from the old saying, "They give credit to the rooster crowing for the rising of the sun." It arises from the tendency of people guided more by hope or fear than intelligence to overestimate the power of their leaders and attribute to them outcomes, either good or bad, to which the leaders contributed little if anything, and perhaps even acted to prevent or reduce. This comes from the inability of most persons to understand complex dynamic systems and their long-term behavior, which leads people to attribute effects to proximate preceding events instead of actual long-term causes.
The emergence of tyranny therefore begins with challenges to a group, develops into general feelings of insecurity and inadequacy, and falls into a pattern in which some individuals assume the role of "father" to the others, who willingly submit to becoming dependent "children" of such persons if only they are reassured that a more favorable outcome will be realized. This pattern of co-dependency is pathological, and generally results in decisionmaking of poor quality that makes the situation even worse, but, because the pattern is pathological, instead of abandoning it, the co-dependents repeat their inappropriate behavior to produce a vicious spiral that, if not interrupted, can lead to total breakdown of the group and the worst of the available outcomes.
(Obama has the fascist mindset and seeks to increase his power through various unconstitutional laws. Obama overstates and overestimates his ability to do anything. Obama promises more than he can deliver. In fact obama has delivered nothing and is an illegitimate president therefore he is a tyrannical president.) Story Reports
In psychiatry, this syndrome is often discussed as an "authoritarian personality disorder". In common parlance, as being a "control freak".
President Obama is not worried -- and doesn't think Americans should worry -- about the "procedural" debate over whether House Democratic leaders should go ahead with a plan to approve health care reform without a traditional vote, he told Fox News on Wednesday.
(In other words he doesn't care how the "obamacare" bill is rammed through congress. He says Americans should not be concerned about how congress works. This is clear and plain evidence obama is a COMMUNIST. Obama wants America to just believe he knows what he is doing. Obama has a track record of TOTAL FAILURE and he believes Americans should just let him take over as dictator. Obama is telling you to not worry or be concerned about what the US government is doing via your elected officals. Only a traitor would says something like this. It is amazing to me. It would seem obama believes Ameicans are idiots.) Story Reports
Obama is a liar, a total fraud. Obama is an imposter who cannot prove he is a US citizen. America has elected a tyrant. A domestic enemy. A traitor to America.
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