WASHINGTON – The top Democrat in the U.S. Senate apologized on Saturday for comments he made about Barack Obama's race during the 2008 presidential bid and are quoted in a yet-to-be-released book about the campaign.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada described in private then-Sen. Barack Obama as "light skinned" and "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one." Obama is the nation's first African-American president.
What did ole harry mean? He knew obama had to "act" different to get elected. Harry was also saying obama had "no negro dialect" so he would be a good choice. Harry was saying a real black man with a real "black dialect", al sharpton, jessie jackson etc could not get elected but obama could because he didn't act like a typical black man. This reveals how the democrates really think. These democrates are racists. It all out in the open now.
African American Vernacular English (AAVE)—also called African American English; less precisely Black English, Black Vernacular, Black English Vernacular (BEV), or Black Vernacular English (BVE)—is an African American variety (dialect, ethnolect and sociolect) of American English.
He was saying obama was not a typical negro.
He was saying obama didn't look like a typical negro.
Harry was also saying obama didn't sound or talk like a typical "african American negro."
Harry wasn't just saying obama was light skinned.
Harry wasn't just saying obama didn't have a negro dilect unless he was speaking to another negro or group of negros.
Harry Reid was making a RACIST comment about obama and all blacks.
By saying obama didn't sound like a negro unless he wanted to, was a racial slur.
Obama has given his democratic racist buddy a pass for his racist comment.
Why? It is because obama is also a racist. Obama is a "light skinned" racist". A man who claims to be black but distains blacks. He only uses he chosen race as a tool.
Obama also has made racist comments about whites in the past.
"That hate hadn't gone away"...."white people — some cruel, some ignorant, sometimes a single face, sometimes just a faceless image of a system claiming power over our lives." Barack Hussein Obama from Dreams Of My Father
"There were enough of us on campus to constitute a tribe, and when it came to hanging out, many of us chose to function like a tribe, staying close together, traveling in packs. . . It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names" Barack Hussein Obama from Dreams of My Father
"I found solice in nursing a pervasive sense of grievancee and animosity against my mother's race" Barack Hussein Obama from Dreams of My Father
All the democrates give each other a pass on racist quotes. The naacp ignores harry's racist comments. Yet the naacp
This is because the naacp is also a racist organization.
By giving reid a pass on his comments it just proves my point.
With the democrates, naacp, jessie jackson or al sharpton it all depends on who made the racist comment. It doesn't matter to them what was said. It just matters who said it.
All these people and organizations are racist. They feed on racisim. They use it as a wedge to deflect their real agenda.
Blacks identify with obama. It doesn't matter to them what he does or says.
The media uses people like reid to help shield obama from the fact he is a successful failure. The media plays up the circus of reid and obama. Both are racists. Both are
Bill Clinton told Ted Kennedy that Obama 'would be getting us coffee' a few years ago.
Bill Clinton helped sink his wife's chances for an endorsement from Ted Kennedy by belittling Barack Obama as nothing but a race-based candidate.
"A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee," the former president told the liberal lion from Massachusetts, according to the gossipy new campaign book, "Game Change."
What bill clinton was really saying was obama a few years ago would have been just a domestic "slave" getting his coffee. Now because of political correctness gone amuck obama is having hillery bring the coffee as a "domestic slave".
Bill clinton is also a big democrate racist. Its all well known. The media gives clinton a pass and obama the racist gives clinton a racist a racist pass also.
The ‘Articulate’ and ‘Clean’ Man’s Choice.....the FRAUD Barack Hussein Obama.
Last year, a journalist asked Biden what he thought of his opponent (Biden had recently announced his candidacy for president), and this is what he said about Obama:
“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
That one statement set off a sh**storm, and mainstream media and bloggers were right in the middle of it. Calling a black person “articulate” and “clean” conjures up negative racial stereotypes, which imply that black people normally aren’t well-spoken or hygienic. Some black people can be sensitive about these things.
Duh Ya Think!
This was nothing but another racist statement make by jose biden.
He was really saying a typical black person is not articulate but obama is.
Biden was really saying a typical black person is not hygienic but obama is because joe biden thinks he is.
Obama has taken the racist comment of joe biden and acted if it was nothing.
Obama needed joe biden's help to get elected as the first clean and articulate "black" president.
Joe biden and barack obama are both racists and frauds.
They are democrats that will deny their own racism and use racism as a wedge/card to be used to their advantage.
Both biden and obama are traitors to America.
Because obama is known as the first black president the media and black people will let obama and biden do or say anything. They ignore the facts when facts get in the way. The audacity of joe biden and barack obama
Anyone who ignores the facts about obama and biden when its a racial lie are themselves closet rasists.
Come out of the closet all of you people who have sold your pride and soul to obama the imposter and demand that the naacp send harry reid a message. If a republican had said the same thing the racists now in the closet would come out and play the "race card".
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