Heinrich Himmler and Hermann Göring at the meeting to formally establish the Gestapo. (Berlin, 1934). Thursday, December 17, 2009, The White House released an Executive Order "Amending Executive Order 12425 which creates an obama gestapo through interpol.
The shocking comment Barack Obama does not want you to hear!
"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."
Did you understand what obama said. He wants a national security force. Gestapo. Just as powerful, strong and funded as the military we have now.
This is a nut talking. This man is talking like hitler. He and the congress have a bill to establish his SS in America. Obama is talking about creating a police state.
DoD Civilian Expeditionary Workforce 1404.10 PDF
Both H.R. 675 and the DoD Civilian Expeditionary Workforce directive 1404.10 will establish civilian “soft power” under the direction of the Pentagon. Obama is now actively working to create a paramilitary “civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded” as the military. In order to skirt Posse Comitatus, Obama’s paramilitary brownshirts will be organized and run out of the Office of Personnel Management with orders coming from the Pentagon.
In the recent past, the Pentagon sent operatives to snoop on anti-war and patriot demonstrations — for instance, Alex Jones’ protest at the Federal Reserve was monitored by the Pentagon . In the not too distant future they will likely send “civilians” with firearms and the power to arrest “rightwing extremists” who represent, according to the Department of Homeland Security and numerous federalized police agencies, “offense against the United States.”
H.R. 675: Building Obama’s Civilian National Security Force
H.R. 675: To amend title 10, United States Code, to provide police officers, criminal investigators, and game law enforcement officers of the Department of Defense with authority to execute warrants, make arrests, and carry firearms.
Did you get that? Law enforcement officers of the department of defense. The military under the US Constitution has no authority to execute warrants, make arrests etc.
If martial law is declared there won't be any warrants or arrests. The military will just take you away. At that point the US Constitution is suspended and doesn't apply. Obama is trying to get a law passed to fund and train his civilian police force, gestapo, to enforce his reign as dictator. It very easy to see. His civilian gestapo will do his dirty work when the US military will not. Its similar to what hitler did and what obama is doing.
There will be a resistance formed to combat the obama gestapo just like in WWII. The biggest threat to obama is the American people who examine his executive orders and what they will do. The real threat to obama is people like me who simply read what he says and compare it to what he does. Most people rely on what the state run media tells them. I don't as many others don't. We know what a threat to our national security obama is. People who gather information that can be examined and obtain a logical decision are in fact the people obama wants to eliminate. People like me who document some of his efforts to seize control are the people he fears. The executive order about interpol and the bill that awaits in congress are more than enough evidence to convince even the simple minded that obama is moving to seize control of the US. If you are one of the people that have in effect "sold your soul" to obama because he is the "first black" president nothing obama says or does will ever convince you he is a traitor and liar. You are set up to snitch for obama in his civilian gestopo police force.
The gestapo in WWII was able to be effective because germans sniched on each other. The same thing will happen here because people are still the same. It won't be exactly the same in America. People will resist. Who but evil would want to create a civilian police force as powerful as the US military? And for what purpose? This civilian gestapo is not needed to fight terrorists. It is designed to weed out anyone who opposes obama only. Obama is truly evil as hitler was. The personification of evil.
Elevation Above The US Constitution Afforded INTERPOL By Obama
Obama creates his own gestapo through interpol
Hitler Gestapo
The power of the Gestapo most open to misuse was called Schutzhaft – "protective custody", a euphemism for the power to imprison people without judicial proceedings. (This is exactly what the executive order signed by obama does. It gives power to interpol to arrest people without ANY judicial review). An oddity of the system was that the prisoner had to sign his own Schutzhaftbefehl, an order declaring that the person had requested imprisonment – presumably out of fear of personal harm (which, in a way, was true). In addition, thousands of political prisoners throughout Germany – and from 1941, throughout the occupied territories under the Night and Fog Decree – simply disappeared while in Gestapo custody.
It was ordinary Germans by their willingness to denounce one another who supplied the Gestapo with the information that determined whom the Gestapo arrested.
Executive Order Amended to Immunize INTERPOL In America
By Steve Schippert, Clyde Middleton
Last Thursday, December 17, 2009, The White House released an Executive Order "Amending Executive Order 12425." It grants INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organization) a new level of full diplomatic immunity afforded to foreign embassies and select other "International Organizations" as set forth in the United States International Organizations Immunities Act of 1945.
By removing language from President Reagan's 1983 Executive Order 12425, this international law enforcement body now operates - now operates - on American soil beyond the reach of our own top law enforcement arm, the FBI, and is immune from Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests.
Through EO 12425, President Reagan extended to INTERPOL recognition as an "International Organization." In short, the privileges and immunities afforded foreign diplomats was extended to INTERPOL. Two sets of important privileges and immunities were withheld: Section 2© and the remaining sections cited (all of which deal with differing taxes).
December 17, 2009 President Obama removed the exemptions in EO 12425.
Section 2c of the United States International Organizations Immunities Act is the crucial piece.
Property and assets of international organizations, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, unless such immunity be expressly waived, and from confiscation. The archives of international organizations shall be inviolable. (Emphasis added.)
Inviolable archives means INTERPOL records are beyond US citizens' Freedom of Information Act requests and from American legal or investigative discovery ("unless such immunity be expressly waived.")
Property and assets being immune from search and confiscation means precisely that. Wherever they may be in the United States. This could conceivably include human assets - Americans arrested on our soil by INTERPOL officers.
Context: International Criminal Court
The importance of this last crucial point cannot be understated, because this immunity and protection - and elevation above the US Constitution - afforded INTERPOL is likely a precursor to the White House subjecting the United States under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC). INTERPOL provides a significant enforcement function for the ICC, just as our FBI provides a significant function for our Department of Justice.
In light of what we know and can observe, it is our logical conclusion that President Obama's Executive Order amending President Ronald Reagans' 1983 EO 12425 and placing INTERPOL above the United States Constitution and beyond the legal reach of our own top law enforcement is a precursor to more damaging moves.
The pre-requisite conditions regarding the Iraq withdrawal and the Guantanamo Bay terrorist detention facility closure will continue their course. meanwhile, the next move from President Obama is likely an attempt to dissolve the agreements made between President Bush and other states preventing them from turning over American military forces to the ICC (via INTERPOL) for war crimes or any other prosecutions.
When the paths on the road map converge - Iraq withdrawal, Guantánamo closure, perceived American image improved internationally, and an empowered INTERPOL in the United States - it is probable that President Barack Obama will once again make America a signatory to the International Criminal Court. It will be a move that surrenders American sovereignty to an international body whose INTERPOL enforcement arm has already been elevated above the Constitution and American domestic law enforcement.
For an added and disturbing wrinkle, INTERPOL's central operations office in the United States is within our own Justice Department offices. They are American law enforcement officers working under the aegis of INTERPOL within our own Justice Department. That they now operate with full diplomatic immunity and with "inviolable archives" from within our own buildings should send red flags soaring into the clouds.
They are American law enforcement officers working under the aegis of INTERPOL within our own Justice Department.
(So this looks just like the nazi gestapo. The Gestapo "Secret State Police") was the official secret police of Nazi Germany.)
American law enforcement officers working under interpol, with total immunity from prosecution. These Obama gestapo can arrest you and there will be little chance to defend yourself. Just like the nazi gestapo the obama gestapo working with interpol can make you disappear. Story Reports
The US Constitution has been subverted by obama. Americans are in peril. Obama as I have said before is a traitor.
My advice. The obama gestapo can seize you or your property without any fear, they think.
Arm yourself and be aware as much as possible. Obama does not adhere to the US Constitution. Americans will resist unlawful arrests. Send obama a message. Let him and congress know, Americans will defend ourselves against the obama gestapo. It is comming in many forms. Obama is the personification of evil just as hitler was.
This is the disturbing context for President Obama's quiet release of an amended Executive Order 12425. American sovereignty hangs in the balance if these actions are not prevented through public outcry and political pressure. Some Americans are paying attention, as can be seen from some of the earliest recognitions of this troubling development.
Ultimately, a detailed verbal explanation is due the American public from the President of the United States detailing why an international law enforcement arm assisting a court we are not a signatory to has been elevated above our Constitution upon our soil.
(This will never come from obama. I know why obama has done this. He must consolidate his power very soon before the Nov 2010 elections. Obama is a traitor. A liar just like hitler.)Story Reports
Why Does Interpol Need Immunity from American Law?
Obama needs to answer this question. Of course he will not. He has established his nazi style gestapo through interpol to be used against his enemys.
Why Does Interpol Need Immunity from American Law?
Why Does Interpol Need Immunity from American Law? [Andy McCarthy]
You just can't make up how brazen this crowd is. One week ago, President Obama quietly signed an executive order that makes an international police force immune from the restraints of American law.
Interpol is the shorthand for the International Criminal Police Organization. It was established in 1923 and operates in about 188 countries. By executive order 12425, issued in 1983, President Reagan recognized Interpol as an international organization and gave it some of the privileges and immunities customarily extended to foreign diplomats. Interpol, however, is also an active law-enforcement agency, so critical privileges and immunities (set forth in Section 2(c) of the International Organizations Immunities Act) were withheld. Specifically, Interpol's property and assets remained subject to search and seizure, and its archived records remained subject to public scrutiny under provisions like the Freedom of Information Act. Being constrained by the Fourth Amendment, FOIA, and other limitations of the Constitution and federal law that protect the liberty and privacy of Americans is what prevents law-enforcement and its controlling government authority from becoming tyrannical.
On Wednesday, however, for no apparent reason, President Obama issued an executive order removing the Reagan limitations. That is, Interpol's property and assets are no longer subject to search and confiscation, and its archives are now considered inviolable. This international police force (whose U.S. headquarters is in the Justice Department in Washington) will be unrestrained by the U.S. Constitution and American law while it operates in the United States and affects both Americans and American interests outside the United States.
Interpol works closely with international tribunals (such as the International Criminal Court — which the United States has refused to join because of its sovereignty surrendering provisions, though top Obama officials want us in it). It also works closely with foreign courts and law-enforcement authorities (such as those in Europe that are investigating former Bush administration officials for purported war crimes — i.e., for actions taken in America's defense).
Why would we elevate an international police force above American law? Why would we immunize an international police force from the limitations that constrain the FBI and other American law-enforcement agencies? Why is it suddenly necessary to have, within the Justice Department, a repository for stashing government files which, therefore, will be beyond the ability of Congress, American law-enforcement, the media, and the American people to scrutinize?
Threats Watch
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