Haiti is the world's first black republic.
It's also the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere.
It obtained independence from France over two centuries ago, but today it's often mentioned as a classic example of a failed state, a country which is unable to control its territory and is unable to provide its people with the most basic services, such as water, electricity, education, health care and justice.
Even in the capital, Port-au-Prince, the streets are full of potholes. Many parts of the city are no-go areas, particularly in the slums. They're controlled by rival armed gangs.
No one is safe in the city. Blacks, whites, adults, elderly people and even children leave their homes at their own peril: up to 30 people a day are kidnapped. Their relatives or friends have to pay thousands of dollars to secure their release.
The sizable differences are the culmination of political and social trends that stretch back decades, even centuries. In Haiti, chronic political instability and corruption have combined with poverty, illiteracy, and racial discrimination to pose insurmountable barriers to modernization. Dominicans have also experienced a great deal of corruption and instability, but since 1970 the country has maintained the transition of power through peaceful elections. The continuity of the Dominican government made possible a set of economic reforms in 1990 that led to a decade of steady growth.
Medical care
The health care system is one of the clearest examples of the failures of the Haitian state. People who do not have money are often refused medical care, even in emergency cases. Patients have to give bribes to underpaid medical staff, who are often not present, and they have to purchase their own medication. As a result, mortality rates are extremely high, particularly among pregnant women.
Another reason that Haiti has one of the lowest life expectancies in the world is poor hygiene. There is no functioning sewage system in most of the country, and the dirt paths in the capital's slums are full of waste. People in the slum of Les Salines, for example, just dump their trash in wasteland near the sea.
The reasons behind the failure of the Haitian state are numerous, among them civil conflicts, dictatorships and extreme poverty.
In 1957, after more years of political turmoil, François Duvalier or Papa Doc came to power in the country's first elections which all Haitians could take part in. He soon began terrorising the Haitian people and corruption became endemic.
"Corruption became endemic." Its the same thing with obama and the stimulus slush fund. Papa Dunce aka obama has corrupted congress. Story
Cities like Port-au-Prince grew exponentially. In the past two decades, the capital's population has gone from one million to three million. Most of the people who arrived there have little or no education: 70 percent of Haitians are illiterate. They wound up in filthy, overcrowded slums with almost no job opportunities. Crime surged.
In 1991, Jean-Bertrand Aristide won democratic elections. The former Catholic priest was extremely popular among the poor, and he became Haiti's first democratically elected president. He armed many of his supporters, but nonetheless was overthrown twice, and now lives in exile in South Africa. He helped exacerbate the state of anarchy which now exists in Port-au-Prince and other cities, says Michiel Baud:
The violence is having profound a profound impact on the entire country, says Maggy Mathurin. "Many Haitians who had invested in the country have left. Educated people who were still willing to fight to help develop their country are now leaving because of the violence." Poor people are also leaving in search of work elsewhere in the Caribbean.
Two centuries ago, Haiti was a beacon for blacks, but it has never lived up to its promises. How and when Haiti will be able to emerge from its present situation is anybody's guess.
"Criminal and political violence has killed hundreds of Haitians while the perpetrators enjoy overwhelming impunity," said Joanne Mariner, deputy Americas director at Human Rights Watch. "The authorities' failure to investigate and punish daily acts of violence creates a climate of impunity in which abuses flourish and people feel completely defenseless."
At the same time, victims of violence often face police harassment. Several residents of impoverished Cité Soleil area of Port-au-Prince told Human Rights Watch that the police treat anyone wounded in the area as a gang member. People try not to bring the wounded to state-run hospitals, knowing that the victims may be arbitrarily arrested there.
(State Run Hospitals. This is what obamacare offers for the future. State run medical care. State run everything including state run panels to determine if you get medical care, IE live or die. Haiti is a total failure.) Story Reports
The Successful Failure of Haiti's Revolution
The term successful failure is an interesting phrase. It could mean the failure was accomplished on purpose. It could also mean the result was a successful failure. Step 1 revolution and freedom. Step 2 failure to accomplish the next step.
This is of course the picture of obama. Step 1 get elected. Step 2 take credit for the system failing. A successful failure.
Haiti was the first colony of the modern world to win freedom. What is even more astounding is that when Haiti declared independence from France on 1 January 1804, its army – composed of slaves who had been brought from Africa – had defeated the armies of France, Great Britain and Spain in the span of 13 years.
It was only in 1861 that the United States, under Abraham Lincoln, recognised Haiti as a sovereign State.
Haiti A Clinton Catastrophe
Gen. Charles E. Wilhelm, commander of the U. S. troops in Latin America, in testifying before a House committee on Feb. 25 virtually pronounced the Clinton administration’s policy toward Haiti a dismal failure. He said, “As our continuous military presence in Haiti moves into its fifth year, we see little progress toward creation of a permanently stable internal security environment. In fact, with the recent expiration of Parliament and imposition of rule by Presidential decree, we have seen some backsliding. He said that we have been keeping an average of about 500 military personnel in Haiti to provide “humanitarian assistance.” General Wilhelm said he had recommended that we terminate our permanent military presence in Haiti. Why? Well, for one thing it cost us over $20 million in 1998. But he said, “At this point, I am more concerned about force protection than cash outlays.” He explained, “The unrest generated by political instability requires us to constantly reassess the safety and security environment in which our troops are living and working.” He said that until the troops are withdrawn, “We will continue to make force protection job one for our deployed forces. We will not let our guard down.” This means that we are keeping 500 American servicemen in Haiti under conditions in which our primary concern is protecting their lives. In September 1994, President Clinton sent 20,000 American troops to Haiti to restore President Jean-Bertrand Aristide to power. This was supposed to usher in a bright new future for this impoverished Caribbean country. Our troops were sent to make Haiti safe for Aristide, who had been ousted from his presidential office in September 1991 after serving only eight months of his four-year term. During those eight turbulent months, he had incited his followers to murder 27 people by necklacing, the barbaric practice of burning them to death by putting a gasoline filled tire around their necks and igniting it. Aristide, who had been diagnosed as psychotic, had incited the mobs, telling them that he loved the smell of “Pere Lebrun,” the Haitian name for necklacing. He had them gather before the Parliament and the Supreme Court with their tires, gasoline and matches, to intimidate the members of Parliament and the judges. After the Reverend Sylvio Claude, a Baptist minister who headed the Christian Democratic Party, became the 27th victim of necklacing on September 29, 1991, Aristide was arrested by the military and given the choice of standing trial on nine serious charges or resigning and going into exile. He took the exile option and spent the next three years scheming and lobbying in Washington to get the U.S. to restore him to power. Bill Clinton, smarting from the failure of his effort to bring peace and democracy to Somalia by sending U.S. troops, thought that sending 20,000 American soldiers to Haiti to restore Aristide to power would show that he was a great commander-in-chief. Clinton said this would restore democracy and also cut off the flow of drugs being shipped to the U.S. through Haiti. We will discuss the results in our next commentary.
(Bill Clinton, smarting from the failure of his effort to bring peace and democracy to Somalia by sending U.S. troops, thought that sending 20,000 American soldiers to Haiti to restore Aristide to power would show that he was a great commander-in-chief. This is what obama is doing also. Obama is a total failure on everything. Again he is trying to look like he is a great commander in chief as clinton did. Its all about obama. Its all about covering up for obama's failures.)Story Reports
Obama the successful failure.
An african American said to me: White folks always have claimed blacks are not capable of achieving goals and being successful because they are not bright enough.
My answer was this was true for some people no doubt. Some people, like the person I was talking to, equate race with success. Some people group other people an act if they all are alike.
The person I was talking to played the race card on me.
He was saying I didn't think obama was capable of success just because he is a black man.
I told him no thats not how I think.
Because he is black to me is not important. What is important is obama successful.
Obama is not. Excuses can and will be made. The race card will be played. All I hear is give the man a chance. This is just another excuse. Obama has had a year to turn the economy around. In this last year it has become much worse.
To many people its all about race. To me its all about results. The results of obama equal a successful failure.
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