JIG: A joke or trick. Used chiefly in the phrase The jig is up.
Urban Dictionary: imbicile Unknowingly mentally challenged. You're such an imbicile, you don't know what goes on around you.
The trick is up. It didn't work. The narcissistic obama thought he could, by his presence, persuade the olmypic committee to host the 2016 games in of all places Chicago. The urban dictionary definition fits obama perfectly. He is an "imbicile". An unknowingly challenged narcissist!
narcissism: The term narcissism' refers to the personality trait of self-love, which includes the set of character traits concerned with self-image or ego. The terms narcissism, narcissistic, and narcissist are often used as pejoratives, denoting vanity, conceit, egotism or simple selfishness.
COPENHAGEN — Even the First Couple couldn't keep the USA from finishing dead last in the race for the 2016 Summer Olympics.
IOC voters sent Chicago away with just 18 of 94 first-round votes before handing Rio the opportunity to host the first South American Olympics.
Critics questioned the value and motive of his attendance with so many pressing domestic and other international issues on his plate.
This is how obama operates. In the face of sure defeat he travels to denmark to make a speech knowing chicago really didn't have a chance. He does not think logically nor act like a mature adult. He is really STUCK ON STUPID! He wants what he wants even in the face of sure defeat no matter what. Obama truly is a narcissistic freak!
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