"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happened, you can bet it was planned that way." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Yep him to. ron paul and the illuminati [or masonic] hand shake.
Obama outlines his ambitious geopolitical plans in a recent essay for Foreign Affairs magazine. 2/13/08 Foreign Affairs is published by the Council on ForeignRelations, which describes itself as a non-partisan group of which he is a member. Established in the 1920's and headquartered in New York, its membership includes prominent politicians and business elite, including heads of academia and media. The organization seeks to centralize both political power and market power to craft legislation outside the checks and balances of democracy.
The CFR is rarely mentioned by the mainstream media... Obama is also a 32nd degree Prince Hall Freemason loyal to the Craft and devoted to his principles.
Obama is illuminati aristocracy. His appearence from 'nowhere', and subsequent rocket to the front of the political line are no coincidence. Believe it or not, Barack Obama is related to both President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.
Obama is related to guess who
[Lady Queenborough, Occult Theocracy, p. 220-221, quoting a letter from Albert Pike to the 23 Supreme Councils of the World on July 14, 1889]
"1776, Foundation of the Illuminati of Bavaria, by Adam Weishaupt, on May 1." This date (May 1, 1776), is represented on every dollar bill! If you look at the back of a one dollar bill you will find on the left-hand side, "MDCCLXXVI" which is 1776, and the words "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM" which means "New World Order!"
The Bible specifies that Jesus is the chief Cornerstone, but He was rejected. This is quite evident by looking at the picture, the cornerstone has been removed or rejected and has been replaced by the all-seeing eye, a symbol of Satan!
"New World Order: The Rise of the Region-State"
The "old world order" is one based on independent nation-states.
The "new world order" involves the elimination of the sovereignty and independence of nation-states and some form of world government.
This brings us to one of the main goals of the New Age Movement, which is a One World Government with a One World Religion. But for this goal to be realized, a One World Leader is needed. Are Masons, like New Agers, also looking for a One World Leader? Yes, they certainly are!
Obama wants to be the one world leader. He speaks of one world government. He destains the United States everywhere he goes. Obama makes excuses for the US when none are needed or required. WHo do you think obama is?
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