POW/MIA activists are critical of McCain's behavior during the war. They believe that John McCain did not return from Vietnam a hero. They say his own clumsiness caused his limbs to be broken as he ejected from his plummeting warplane. They claim McCain was never tortured in prison. They accuse him of collaborating with not only the North Vietnamese but with Communists in the Soviet Union and Cuba. They quote unnamed sources who say McCain had a wife and children in Vietnam.
Some even claim he was broken and brainwashed by the Communists and then returned to the U.S. to amass political power and carry out the Reds' wishes. Why else, they ask, would McCain support normalization? Why else would he have embraced onetime North Vietnamese Colonel Bui Tin during hearings into POW/MIA issues? (They circulate a photo of that traitorous act as evidence.) Why else would the North Vietnamese have erected a monument at the lake in Hanoi where he was shot down in 1967?
These claims deserve close inspection--with one tenuous exception: two former POWs who say they were senior officers at a camp where McCain claims to have been tortured tell New Times they knew of no such torture during that time at that camp. McCain has denied that he ever reported to these men.
Ted Guy and Gordon "Swede" Larson both tell New Times that while they could not guarantee that McCain was not physically harmed, they doubted it.
"Between the two of us, it's our belief, and to the best of our knowledge, that no prisoner was beaten or harmed physically in that camp [known as "The Plantation"]," Larson says. ". . . My only contention with the McCain deal is that while he was at The Plantation, to the best of my knowledge and Ted's knowledge, he was not physically abused in any way. No one was in that camp. It was the camp that people were released from."
This article from US News does reveal McCain is NO war hero because he agreed to give military information in exchange for a trip to the hospital. Yes he was shot down and injured but when the chips were down he was willing to sell out his fellow Americans and this is what a TRAITOR does. Note this is his own words so it can't be disputed!
(Story Reports)
When I saw it, I said to the guard, "O.K., get the officer."
McCain agreed to give military information in exchange for a trip to the hospital, but he was told it was too late. Then, however, the Vietnamese discovered they were holding the "crown prince"--the admiral's son.
McCain says he confirmed that his father was the "big admiral" and was taken to a hospital. He recalled that his hospital room was filthy and he was fed only a few spoonfuls of soup a day and was never washed. Crude attempts were made to set McCain's bones, sans pain killers.
Its is very plausible to believe he got special treament because he was the admirals son. At the time McCain's jet was blasted from the air, his father was commander in chief of U.S. naval forces in Europe. (Story Reports)
McCain accepted special favors.
The other POWs did not get the medical treatment that McCain got. Shortly after he was shot down, as you know, he was in a military hospital that was reserved for North Vietnamese officers. Clean sheets, nice soft bed, cast on his arm.
Other POWs who came into the system like that had to endure broken bones sitting or lying in a cell. Many of them had broken backs, had no treatment whatsoever. If they gave them any treatment, it would be an aspirin. (This is a quote from a fellow pilot Viet Nam war vereran. Earl Hopper)
Again it also seems very plausible that he was in the vietnamese officers hospital and not as he stated in a filthy hospital room. Two glaring problems here: He was willing to sell America out and his dad was chief of US navel forces in Europe of which he told the vietnamese his dad was the "Big Admiral". This again is glaring evidence he was trying to get an receive special treatment by letting the gooks know he was 'Special'. What we have here is a john kerry wannabe. A republican who needs to be swiftboated. A man with no morals and is a FAKE! Later on during his capture it also seems plausible he was tortured as a prisioner. I can't get over his own words about when his was first shot down and was willing to agree to give military info to the gooks. In spite of the fact he was maybe tortured later his reaction was not of following the military code of conduct. He was willing to sell out America for his own medical treatment to stay alive. This is amazing in that everyone seems to think he is a war hero yet out of his own mouth in an interview he admits agreeing to give the enemy military information! (Story Reports)
From NAMVETS Article:
What is the real story behind his days as a POW? The U.S. Veteran Dispatch had an article in June of 1996 entitled "POW Songbird McCain Wrongly Described As A Hero." It recounted numerous instances where John McCain violated the Military Coda of Conduct, which specifically orders American personnel to give the enemy no information other than name, rank, serial number, and date of birth. It requires that they accept no favors from the enemy, and to make no written or oral statement disloyal to the United States.
The fact is, in exchange for better medical treatment, McCain violated this code four days after being captured on Oct. 26, 1967. In a U.S. News and World Report interview dated May 14, 1973, two months after he was released, McCain admitted that he exchanged military information in exchange for spending six weeks in a hospital normally reserve for North Vietnamese Military officers.
U.S. government records show that less than two weeks after he was taken to the hospital, Hanoi's press began quoting specific military information, including the name of the aircraft carrier on which McCain had been based, information about the location of rescue ships and the order of which his attack was supposed to take place. The records demonstrate, according to the Dispatch article that McCain continued to collaborate with the Communists after he recovered from his injuries. He did a number of propaganda broadcasts that were aimed at destroying the moral of American servicemen fighting in the jungles of South Vietnam, On June 4, 1969, a U.S. Wire Service story reported one of McCain's broadcasts.
The service reported "Hanoi has aired a broadcast in which the pilot son of the U.S. Commander in the Pacific, Adm. John McCain purportedly admits to having bombed civilian targets in North Vietnam and praised medical treatment he has received since being taken prisoner."
McCain committed other breaches of the Code of Conduct by meeting with and giving interviews to foreign news reporters and anti American delegations.
McCain admits to talking with numerous high-ranking North Vietnamese leaders, including General Vo Nguyen Giap, their Minister of Defense.
He also did a cozy interview over coffee, oranges, and cake wish a Cuban psychiatrist, which took place in the Hanoi office of the Committee for Foreign Cultural Relations.
He failed to "evade answering questions to the utmost of his ability;" by actually conversing with his interviewer in Spanish.
Perhaps these are some of the reasons why John McCain hip been so instrumental in discounting any suggestion that live prisoners of war still languish in Southeast Asia. It certainly does explain to me why he traveled to Hanoi in May of 1993 with soon-to-be Ambassador to Vietnam Pete Peterson, and convinced the Communist leadership to agree that they would NEVER MAKE PUBLIC THEIR INTERROGATION FILES OF AMERICAN POWs.
It should have made him ineligible to sit in judgment of those men who still wait for freedom. I believe it clearly makes him morally unfit to ever lead this nation, to be the Commander of all our armed forces someday.
The big kicker here is the fact McCain convinced the communists to never make public their interrogation files of American pow's Why? It is again very plausible this was done to cover up his collaboration with the enemy. We allready established this fact from the quotes out his own mouth! Mcnasty was broadcasting to gi's about bombing civilian targets and getting good medical treatment. (He also did a cozy interviews over coffee, oranges, and cake wish a Cuban psychiatrist, which took place in the Hanoi office of the Committee for Foreign Cultural Relations. He failed to "evade answering questions to the utmost of his ability;" by actually conversing with his interviewer in Spanish. McCain committed other breaches of the Code of Conduct by meeting with and giving interviews to foreign news reporters and anti American delegations.
McCain admits to talking with numerous high-ranking North Vietnamese leaders, including General Vo Nguyen Giap, their Minister of Defense. (Namevets Article)
(He was all antiwar and a traitor! Did Hanoi Jane interview him? What do you think?
Story Reports)
McCain says he confirmed that his father was the "big admiral" and was taken to a hospital. He recalled that his hospital room was filthy and he was fed only a few spoonfuls of soup a day and was never washed. Crude attempts were made to set McCain's bones, some pain killers. (This picture of McNasty in the Viet Officers hospital looks like the crude attempt to put a cast on his arm worked.)
Leaders & Icons as listed at vietnamwar.com
> John F. Kennedy
> Lyndon Johnson
> Richard Nixon
> Gen. William Westmoreland
> Jane Fonda
> John McCain
> John Kerry
> Howard Dean
Here he is listed as an icon along with Hanoi Jane and Joh Kerry. Ask yourself this: why is John Mccain an icon to the democrate left? Answer: Because he is really no different than John Kerry and Hanoi Jane. A war hero fake who is a liberal liar. (Story Reports)
Col David Hackworth A Real Hero
Accounts by McCain and other writers tell of the horror he endured: relentlessly beatings, torture, broken limbs. All inflicted during savage interrogations. Yet no other POW was a witness to these accounts.
A former POW says "No man witnessed another man during interrogations… We relied on each other to tell the truth when a man was returned to his cell."
The U.S. Navy says two eyewitnesses are required for any award of heroism. But for the valor awards McCain received, there are no eyewitnesses, less himself and his captors. And they're not talking. (NamVets article: It certainly does explain to me why he traveled to Hanoi in May of 1993 with soon-to-be Ambassador to Vietnam Pete Peterson, and convinced the Communist leadership to agree that they would NEVER MAKE PUBLIC THEIR INTERROGATION FILES OF AMERICAN POWs.) Now we know why the captors are not talking.
Col David Hackworth: McCain refused an early release. An act of valor? Three former POWs told me he was ordered to turn it down by his U.S. POW commander and he "just followed orders."
McCain certainly doesn't appear to be a war hero by conventional standards, but rather a tough survivor whose handlers are overplaying the war hero card.
John Mccain Facts
Democrats will cross over in a national election to vote for mccain because of the negative hillary factor. This is bad news. So it looks like its billery or mcnasty and probably McNasty will be elected. McNasty is a blownup media "war hero", a plastic banana "war hero" when in reality he is a traitor to his fellow POW'S and America. He spoke spanish in the hanoi hilton when interviewed was a breach of the code of conduct. In page 2 of the transcript interview he was asked if he was subjected to any physical or moral violence, his answer No. This is another example of his bold face lieing about being beaten when captured. He told the cuban psychiatrist the opposite of what he now says.
Declassified interview in hanoi He is still speaking spanish and twisting the truth. He can't be trusted. (Story Reports)
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