"IN the wake of George W. Bush, even a miracle might not be enough for the Republicans to hold on to the White House in 2008. But what about two miracles? The new year’s twin resurrections of Bill Clinton and John McCain, should they not evaporate, at last give the G.O.P. a highly plausible route to victory."
frank Rich Op Ed
Yes I agree ole Billery and ole Mccain are a potential miracle. Mccain will bring out all the dirt on Billery and the twins will be left spinning in the wind. Then we will get Mccain who by the way is 1/2 democrate. If obama is nominated I think he has a good chance to win because of the dumb downed America that now exists looking for "change" any change just for change sake. Monica Crowley says, "Obama's rhetoric is as wispy and transparent and unsubstantial as cotton candy. And for now, at least, it doesn't matter, because he's tapped into something else entirely. He's hooked into that panging desire for hope that Americans so worship; that idea of wishful thinking to which we are all so addicted. It's a quintessentially American vibe, and Obama's found it." Billary has too much baggage and does represent the same old crap of the democrates. Lets see, we have a choice between a liar and a liar and another liar. Voting for the lesser of the two evils is not an option here, there are all bad apples. Lets hope a solid independent capable of winning the election developes, this would be a third miracle and you know the third time is the charm.
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