Clinton spent the bulk of her career — 15 of those 35 years — at one of Arkansas' most prestigious corporate law firms, where she represented big companies and served on corporate boards. The full truth doesn't fit into the carefully crafted narrative the campaign has developed about Clinton, said Sally Bedell Smith, the author of "For Love of Politics," a study of the Clintons' partnership. "She wants to be seen as someone who has devoted her life to public service," Smith said. "I suppose if you say it enough, maybe you can get people to believe it."
Yes I agree, say it enough and some dope will believe it. Ms Clinton isn't qualified to govern the country as president. She has devoted her life to perpetate a mith. The mith of caring for the 'children' when in reality she only cares about herself and the power of the Presidency. She and mccain are much alike, both are liars and frauds. Snake oil salesman selling you false promises that you want to hear. Nothing from nothing leaves nothing. Their core beliefs are socialism and control of your money. Power is what they want to take away your freedom. We have no choice if all we are given is mccain and hillary. I also agree with Rush who said, these are candidates of the drive by media. They are promoting mccain who is a liberal and will compromise with the democrates to much.
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