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Thursday, October 8, 2020

Kamala Harris Cackles Often Because She Wants You To Like Her


 Why does Kamala Harris often cackle and it seems awkward or inappropriate?

 Cackle definition is - to make the sharp broken noise or cry characteristic of a hen especially after laying. 

 Kamala Cackling draws attention to  herself in an awkward  uncomfortable way.

Kamala indeed has ieed.




The longer you watch kamala harris the more you don't like her cackle.

Donald Trump Jr said her cackle laugh is a failure of personality.




What Causes Inappropriate Laughing After Every Sentence?



Is a disorder for laughing after every clause or words. If so, would you mind telling me what is the proper name for the disorder? I am trying to find a way to deal with an issue like this in my office. It bothers my colleagues and me tremendously.


Psychologist Reply:

I wish your short question had a short answer…but it doesn’t. Inappropriate laughter is often viewed as a form of emotional dysregulation.

Our outer emotional expressions should be directly related to our inner mood and/or our thoughts. If we talk about something funny, we should be smiling and even laughing. If we talk about something sad, our facial expression should be sad.

When we have emotional expressions that are unrelated to the situation, conversation, or mood at the time, our emotions are poorly regulated and controlled. Mental Health professionals have proposed a diagnosis of “Involuntary Emotional Expression Disorder” (IEED) for this condition. In short, what you are seeing in the office is unusual…but what might cause it?

Involuntary emotional expression disorder (or IEED), which is also sometimes called pseudobulbar affect or emotional dysregulation, involves uncontrollable emotional outbursts, such as laughing.



Editor Note


Kamala Harris has  IEED .

She laughs when inappropriate often.

I have seen this in other people that is much worse. In these people they laugh often after every sentence.

It make them look and sound crazy.

They laugh at everything they say or someone else says.

They can't talk without laughing. 

Now I know its a mental disorder.

Kamala Harris has a mental disorder that causes her to laugh when inappropriate at times.

She does this because she wants you to like her more an this is her way of trying to get you to do so, her long cackles.

Because her psersonality is less likeable the more you see her she trys to make up for failure of personality by cackling.

Hillary clinton did the same thing.

Hillary also has a very dull unlikable personality also.

They think their cackle will make them more likable but it makes them less likable.

If you saw kamala and hillary trying to converse it would be a series of each speaking short sentences and then each cackling in their own unique very odd manner.

You would be trying to figure out what was so funny and what was said.

Its similar to listening to slo joe biden talk.

Your are left trying to figure out what he said and or why he did not complete a sentence that made sense.

Joe doesn't cackle but instead fills in his thought gaps with the phrase, "ah come on man".

"ah come on man" is joe biden's cackle.

Also some people that have the IEED disorder use the cackle as a crutch to mask the fact they also are not able to understand what you have said and do not have an appropriate reply.

So instead of talking they CACKLE.

A long cackle fills in the gaps of a conversation that is not really a conversation or a speech.

I used to have a lady supervisor that cackled all the time.

I would ask her a question or made a statement and all I got in response was an inappropriate CACKLE, CACKLE CACKLE and the phrase, I know thats right.

She could tell someone what to do in a limited way  but did not have a clue what they were doing and the meaning of what she said.

I think Kamala Harris often says things she does not understand but is told what to say by other people.

Kamala Harris like Joe Biden are inappropriate choices for leadership.

The "ah come on man", "cackle, cakle, cackle" senile and fake duo are promoted by social media as something other than who they really are.

Biden is senile and Harris is cackling for him to fill in the gaps of their conversation with the American people.

We THE People don't want a senile president and a cackling vice president that are controlled and told what to say and do by others.





Donald Trump Jr is interviewed by Glenn Beck and talks about Kamala Harris's failure of personality and inappropriate cackling.

 Don Trump Jr. on Kamala, Pence VP debate: 'We get fact-checked, and they don't'


Bonus Editor Note

Kamala was a victim of her own mental ability and empty personality.

Her  dull personality facade and mental abiltiy to debate was exposed by Vice President Pence in a rational manner.

In the debate her cacking was subdued so I am sure she felt more uncomfortable when talking.

She did manage to cackle a couple of times to relieve her distrees but these cackles were not appropriate and looked awkward and strange.

What a motley crew of two!





Here she was on Stephen Colbert's show, asked about her harsh scoring of Biden himself at one of the presidential debates:

Strange extended cackling laughter there, too. CACKLING begins at 2:30.  WEIRD!

It make one wonder if something is just a little off about her. 

What does psychology say about people who burst into inappropriate laughter?  According to Wikipedia, what's called "paradoxical laughter" could be a sign of bipolar, mania, hypomania (where a person is in a manic state but is outwardly normal), or schizophrenia. 

We can probably rule out the last item, but she might be a candidate for one of the two formers.  The bipolar spectrum often involves feelings of grandiosity and then deep lows, which wouldn't be utterly surprising for someone in the political arena.  It also has roots in mood disorders such as depression — and with Kamala's record of fakery (fake Twitter followers, a curious election that flipped in her favor at the last minute), she might inwardly feel like a fraud.

But most people in politics don't slide into episodes of manic laughter as she does.


Whatever it is, it  suggests she's handling the pressure of being a candidate badly. 

Nobody does that kind of manic laughter ie cackling without being thought of as little off. 

In her case, it's a particularly disagreeable cackle, which is bound to turn some voters against her even more.


Kamala Harris Supports BLM Riots  

Kamala Harris was an Indian Woman but now is a black woman?  




Kamala Harris and Willie Brown

Kamala Harris was grandstanding again as she tried to bully Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Capitol Hill. Sessions, with his smooth southern drawl, outsmarted and outclassed Harris, who came off as a screaming shrew, and it’s no wonder with her tawdry past.

Harris has a dirty little sex secret that is coming back to haunt her, but that’s not all. She has a long line of corrupt deals, one with Maxine Waters, that helped her get power and stay in power.

If there ever was a swamp creature in Washington, D.C., it is Kamala Harris.

In fact, she is the poster politician for all swamp creatures. Harris has been trying to make a name for herself by screaming and bullying two of the good guys left in D.C., Admiral Mike Rogers and Jeff Sessions.

Well, the junior senator from California didn’t come out unscathed, as her dirty little sex secret has come out.

Harris got her start in 1994 by having an affair with slimy Willie Brown, who was serving as the California Assembly Speaker and then became the mayor of San Fransico.

Brown was 60 years old and Harris was 29 when their affair began. Harris was so brazen that she came out publicly as his date at his 60th birthday party, despite his wife of 36 years being in attendance.

Kamala Harris began her political career as Willie Brown's mistress.

Kamala Harris slept with Brown for one reason; she used the corrupt San Francisco mayor to launch her rise to power.

Daily Caller reports, “As Brown’s time as speaker drew to a close in 1994, he named Harris to the California Medical Assistance Commission, a job that came with a $72,000 annual salary. Brown had previously appointed her to the state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board.”

She “was described by several people at the Capitol as Brown’s girlfriend,” the Los Angeles Times reported at the time.

Although that job paid nearly $98,000, Harris’ term was set to expire in five weeks when Brown tapped her for the Medical Assistance Commission slot. That body met only monthly, and the $72,000 position was not considered a full-time job.

Willie Brown is a sleaze-bag who led one of the most corrupt mayoral offices ever seen in San Fransico, but that was fine with Harris, who went on to steal the election for California’s Attorney General in 2010.

“Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley led Harris by 34,000 votes after more than 7 million were counted. But after provisional ballots were counted, she was declared the winner by approximately 50,000 votes,” reports Daily Caller.

At one point, Cooley was up by 62,000 votes, and in panic mode, Harris reached out to her good buddy California Secretary of State Debra Bowen, whose role was to certify the votes. That’s when thousands of Cooley’s votes just disappeared.

Kamala Harris’ path to power is strewn with illicit affairs and fraudulent elections, and in desperation, she paid Maxine Waters’ daughter Karen $63,000 dollars to appear on mailers with Auntie Maxine. Washington Free Beacon reports, “The payments were made from Harris’s campaign committee and transferred to Waters’s campaign committee through a lucrative ‘slate mailer’ operation run by Waters’s daughter, a program that has proved profitable for both her daughter and the campaign.”

Liberal loons are grasping at straws on social media, hailing Harris as the savior they need, and anyone who questions their new “it” girl gets called a racist and a misogynist. Harris is nothing that any little girl should aspire to be; she is just another swamp creature who got there by having sex with a 60-year-old buffoon.

Horizontal Harris Facts

Most people don’t know about how former San Fransico Mayor Willie Brown enriched his 30-year-old lover, Kamala Harris, in a money scheme.

 It’s the one dirty secret the Harris campaign is hoping to keep under wraps. Now that CNN suggested Joe could “step aside” for Kamala if they win, Americans must know the truth.



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