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Wednesday, July 15, 2020

President Trump is the big winner in tuesday 7/14/20 primaries and Dims remain divided

How The Democrates Plan To Steal The Election In Nov 2020

Doug Schoen: Trump is big winner and Sessions is big loser in Tuesday primaries, while Dems remain divided

The president’s current chances for reelection are stronger than national polls indicate

There are two key takeaways from the outcome of Tuesday’s primaries in Alabama, Maine and Texas.

First, the big winner of the night was President Trump.

Several Trump-backed candidates defeated their opponents and unquestionably benefited significantly from the president’s support.

The most notable of these was former Auburn University football coach Tommy Tuberville, who defeated former senator and attorney general Jeff Sessions for the GOP nomination for a U.S. Senate seat in Alabama. Tuberville will face Democratic Sen. Doug Jones, considered a highly vulnerable incumbent.

Second, Democratic primary results show the party is deeply divided, complicating the Democrats’ path to winning majority control of the Senate and defeating Trump in the November election.

In Texas former White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson, who was endorsed by Trump, won his primary for a U.S. House seat, beating out Josh Winegarner. Winegarner was endorsed by the outgoing Republican Rep. Mac Thornberry, who did not seek reelection.

In many ways, the weight of Trump’s endorsements in Alabama and Texas signals that the president’s current chances for reelection are stronger than national polls indicate.

On the Democratic side, Tuesday’s primaries represented another test for the national party, which is struggling to mobilize its base while finding a way to unite progressives and moderates around a message that unites— rather than further polarizes — a divided country.

The division between the progressive and moderate factions of the party was manifest in Tuesday’s primaries.

Given the clear progressive insurgency within the Democratic Party across the country, there will also likely be greater pressure on the party to embrace left-leaning policies, such as defunding the police, which are unpopular with the general electorate.

Doing so could cost the Democrats the presidency, the Senate, and even their current House majority.

Editor Note

Tuesday’s primary results reveal that the party’s ability to drag joe biden into the oval office in November is far from certain.

The 7/15/20 primary is a big win for President Trump. It refutes the FAKE democrate polls and reveals that sleepy joe, the hair sniffer, is likely to lose big time.

The radical terrorist group blm and the democrate party will continue to remove statues trying to rewrite history and cause chaos and destruction.

The democrate party, amtifa and blm will continue to use perceived racism as a tool to try to destroy America.

The democrate socialists, antifa, deep state, fake news media and blm will fail in their quest to elect sleepy joe, the hair sniffer, this november.

In the mean time President Trump will continue to Make America Great Again.

The dims know judgement day is coming soon.

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Bonus Editor Note

In an honest election I do think Presiden Trump would win reelection in Nov 2020.

The Nov 2020 election will not be honest in any way.

Since March 2020 the democrates  have been working to steal the election from President Trump.

From March 2020 on the covid-19 virus has been promoted in various ways via the fake news media to persuade people to avoid going out in the public to keep from getting the covid-19 virus.

The democrates actually promoted people going out and protesting despite the covid-19 fake news telling evryone to avoid going out in public, wearing a mask, staying 6 feet apart etc etc.

This fake news mindset has led many people to believe they need to mail in their ballots and not vote in person.

The democrates want people to mail in their ballots to be able to use massive mail in ballot voter fraud in Nov 2020.

Also the democrates have promoted violence via antifa, fake news media and blm to cause people to fear going out because of blm riots and violence.

These 2 things promote the mail in ballot fraud the democrates are hoping to use to steal the Nov 2020 election from President Trunp.

Everything your see and hear is geared to promoting mail in ballots in Nov 2020.

Everything you see and hear in the fake news media is promoting using mail in ballots in the Nove 2020 election.

The democrates know they can't win ana honest election.

The democrates know they can steal the Nov 2020 election through mail in ballot fraud.

Its that simple.

How The Democrates Plan To Steal The Election In Nov 2020

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