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Monday, June 1, 2020

Obama's civilian national security force has been activated by the FAKE news media.

Blue states and cities, democrate controlled, are on fire.

Here's the DOJ report proving "Hands up don't' shoot" never happened.

Incredibly, they still think Officer Darren Wilson actually shot an innocent, unarmed black man with his hands up in Ferguson. Which makes them victims of yet another media-driven hoax.
The Obama Justice Department issued a report that found that "hands up don't shoot" never happened. The man who made that up was one of two who had actually attacked Officer Darren Wilson. The Obama DOJ report found Officer Wilson acted in self-defense. 
Alleged victim Michael Browns' DNA was found on Officer Wilson's gun and in his car. The DOJ report concluded that this was because Brown forcibly entered Officer Wilson's car, wrestled Wilson for his gun and discharged it in the act of attempting to kill Officer Wilson while the two grappled for the gun in the car. It truth, it was a miracle Officer Wilson survived the attack.
The Obama DOJ concluded that Officer Wilson acted in self-defense. Again, according to the report, witnesses at the scene said hands up don't shoot never happened. That tall tale came from just one of the witnesses at the scene, who the media interviewed over and over, excluding those whose stories differed. 
This is how the media creates hoaxes to further their agenda ... by ignoring facts that don't support the narrative, until the truth becomes unrecognizable.
 "We choose truth over facts" - Joe Biden    


According to liberals, truth is a matter of perspective independent of facts. 
Thus they also claim that regardless of their anatomy, their gender is subject to their "truth" rather than reality.
This is what happens when the nuts are allowed to dictate, FAKE news media, what is real and the sane people are put away for not living in fantasyland or at least pretending to.
The local sheriff of Greenville County SC said, there were some people in their twenties that you could just not talk to.
A definition of politically correct liberal on auto pilot.
Like mind numb robots.
Our country is infested with these type of people who when  activated by the FAKE news media respond according to the FAKE news media current narrative.
Currently they are responding as agitated protesters.
Social media is where they find marching orders on cue.
Social media has created a new class of people who live in a fantasy world where as Joe Biden said, choose "truth"  over facts.

These mind numb group of deceived people don't respond to facts presented, they respond to the

"truth" of the FAKE news media which is in reality misinformation, false or inaccurate.
Today's national news is not based on facts.
Obama said he would created an "army" and he did of deceived individuals controlled by the FAKE news media.
He further promised it would be “just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded as the US Military.”
Other countries have, or had, their national security forces.  Countries like the old Soviet Union, Cuba, China, North Korea, and Venezuela, and in the past, Hitler’s own “SS,” and let us not forget the Iranian “Revolutionary Guard.”
Red Guards, Chinese (Pinyin) Hongweibing or (Wade-Giles romanization) Hung-wei-ping, in Chinese history, groups of militant university and high school students formed into paramilitary units as part of the Cultural Revolution (1966-76).

These young people often wore green jackets similar to the uniforms of the Chinese army at the time, with red armbands attached to one of the sleeves. 
Glancing over this list of nations…did you happen to notice any similarities among them?  

Former Red Guards remember a time when killing was normal

Scars of Cultural Revolution run deep for some survivors.
The Cultural Revolution, a decade of political and social turmoil that lasted until 1976. It was a time when killing became normal, as universities, factories and cities around China turned into battlefields in what Communist Party chairman Mao Zedong (毛澤東) called an “all-out civil war”, with all the factions involved vowing to protect Mao’s revolutionary line.
As in most cities in China at the time, rebellious workers and students in Chongqing split into two major factions, each accusing the other of being “capitalist roaders”.
At first it was debates and big-character posters, but sticks and rifles soon followed.
As Beijing condoned such fights, and even openly urged local army units to support them, Red Guards and other rebels in Chongqing ransacked local arsenals and used rifles, tanks, cannons and gunboats to fire on neighbours and colleagues who were members of the opposing faction.

While that level of violence might seem unimaginable today, at the time it looked like a perfectly reasonable choice to many restless youths involved in the Cultural Revolution following a directive from Beijing to purge “members of the bourgeoisie ” from government and the cultural sphere.

In Chongqing, Zheng, who was studying electrical engineering, saw his “humble” principal targeted as the local authorities tried to fill the quota of “two to three capitalist roaders at each university”. 

The quota was passed down by the provincial authorities in Sichuan, which then governed Chongqing, following a directive from Beijing.

Numerous cadres, intellectuals and students labelled enemies of the party had been purged in the 17 years since the founding of the People’s Republic in 1949, but Mao wanted something different in 1966. 

In a document issued in August of that year denouncing traditional top-down purges, Beijing said “[We] must trust and rely on the people ... don’t be scared of chaos.”

A week after that document was issued, thousands of people in Chongqing, more than 1,400km from Beijing, staged a massive protest against the city government, something rarely seen before.

Many of the protesters, including Zheng, who said he “exploded like a volcano” after hearing of the death of his principal, became the city’s first Red Guards. They named themselves after the date of the protest – 815.

Cao Dengju, then a high school student at Chongqing, shared Zheng’s anger. But he also felt a freedom he hadn’t tasted before, thanks to what he called a “power vacuum”.

“Freedom was scarce before the Cultural Revolution. That’s why we unleashed so much energy,” Cao, now 69 and a retired materials science professor at Chongqing University, said in a recent interview.

 “Anarchy was what we all longed for. It felt too repressed before the Cultural Revolution.”
Cao soon joined Zheng’s Red Guard faction. Like others, he published political commentaries and took part in armed conflict.

“In Mao’s words, we felt we were liberated,” Cao said. “In fact, we fell into a bigger trap and became his pawns.”

While seizing power from the bureaucrats, rebels around the country also ended up firing at each other. When Beijing ordered rebels to return weapons to the army two years later, 2.13 million rifles and more than 10,000 artillery pieces were reclaimed across the country.

In July 1967  Mao’s wife, Jiang Qing, a member of the party’s leadership, trumpeted violence with the slogan “attack with words and defend with force”.

{Can you see the parallels in the current protests in the US?}

“Why do terrorists blow themselves up nowadays? 

They were manipulated by extremist propaganda and hatred upon seeing others killed in the battlefield,” Zheng said, drawing an analogy with his mindset during the Cultural Revolution.

The slogan “attack with words and defend with force” was invented by a rebel group in Henan province headed by Yuan Yuhua, then a worker at a pork factory. 

{Some people are manipulated in America by the current extremist FAKE news media propaganda of hatred upon seeing a person mistreated and later dying.

This is very similar to what happened in the red guard purge in china in the 1960's. Their rage is directed at society in general especially established authority of government.

This rage gets out of control and is minipulated by the National Fake News Media to give these type of individuals marching orders. These people are lawless thugs who put law abiding Americans at risk of personal harm.

American's who believe in the rule of law must defend themselves against these lawless thugs, a form of "red guards", who will do them harm.

In democrate controlled blue states most law enforcement allows these lawless thugs to rampage freely and cause chaos and destruction of personal property and business property, looting etc.

I hope you own a weapon and are able to defend yourself and property if your life is in danger because of these out of control lawless thugs.}

Yuan said the people and Mao relied on each other to crush the bureaucrats in the middle.

“Some might say we were used. But we preferred to be used. Without it, we are slaves.

Before the Cultural Revolution, we had no democratic rights,” he said. “Before the Cultural Revolution, if you opposed a low-level leader, you would be labelled an enemy of the party ... during the revolution, we could criticise anyone except Mao and other top leaders.

Despite the freedom to accuse, slander and even kill, even the most oblique criticism of Mao could be dangerous, if not fatal.

Former Red Guards of China's cutural revolution remember a time when killing was normal


Obama’s “Civilian National Security Force”

“Barack Obama wants to institute a Civilian National Security Force, a vast militia not unlike Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, a personal army. He knows he would need such a force to protect him and to enforce his will on Americans.”
 “If you want to see another civil war, just wait for this new security force to come into being. Obama would need it because the concept of Posse Comitatus forbids the use of the U.S. military to enforce laws within the nation.
An army of domestic followers of “the One” would fill that need, assuming that all other law enforcement agencies failed to resist such a horrendous plan.”

Law enforcement agencies in various blue democratic controlled states don't resist looters, their fellow "civilian national security force" comrades but condone and allow looting and protesters to burn businesses at will.

The national FAKE news media gives the "civilian national security force" daily marching orders.

They have been activated because the manufactured fake news media crisis about covid-19 has crippled the US economy and now is the time for  alinsky rebels to try to overwhelm the system in the streets and elsewhere.

Communist-minded community organizer Saul Alinsky, in his prologue to “Rules for Radicals,” explained that the most effective activists were those who worked within the established “system,” not against it, so as to stir the revolutionary pots of change through fear.

His words:

“Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people.

They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and chance the future,” noted.

This is Coronavirus Chaos, exemplified.

 Comrades of chaos are trying to overthrow our government.

Antifi is a dometic terror group as was the china red guard.

What is Antifa, the far-left group tied to violent protests?

Antifa, the far-left militant movement that calls itself "antifascist," has no defined organizational hierarchy or membership process.

The collection of autonomous Antifa groups in mostly left-wing cities sees itself as a descendant of the European anti-Nazi movements, and generally agree that the best way to combat ideas they find odious is not through speech or debate but by direct action and physical confrontation.

The first modern Antifa group traces its roots back to Portland, Ore., in 2007, and more than a decade later that city has proven a hotbed for many Antifa members' preferred activities:

Threatening and violently assaulting journalists, declaring that all police officers should be killed or at least fired, wearing dark clothing and ski masks that sometimes obscure their artificially colored hair, and even engaging in performative clashes with right-wing groups to dull the monotony of typical suburban life.

 In May 2020, Trump said the U.S. would indeed designate Antifa a "terrorist organization," after a rash of violent protests following the in-custody death of George Floyd. The move gives authorities more tools to track and prosecute criminal members of Antifa.

It remained unclear exactly who was behind the escalation what began as peaceful protests against police, with accusations lobbed against both far-left extremists and white nationalists. The president has been forceful in pointing the finger at the former. "It’s ANTIFA and the Radical Left. Don’t lay the blame on others!" Trump tweeted.

@LeighTauss, an editor at a left-wing newspaper, was in support of the protests-turned-riots—until they broke into her paper's office and she had to take cover from rioters

The worm turned.

This woman's face is the face of a liberal "progressive" ignorant, misled and misleading individual that is typical of the many you people who are being deceived by the FAKE national news media and social media.

She got as dose of reality and was "bitten" by her own ignorance of antifi.

Her "friends" trashed her progressive newspaper without regard to her or her paper.

Will she continue to support her "friends" ie fellow protestors?

She won't if she realizes that she has been living in a fantasy world.

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