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Editor Note
There is so much misinformation about covid-19 that its almost inpossible to keep up with.
CDC Says Possibly 'Less Than Half' Of Positive Antibody Tests Are Correct
In updated guidance posted on its website over the weekend, the U.S.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention acknowledged an inability to accurately determine if individuals had been infected with Covid-19 via antibody tests; if the test is used in a population where prevalence is low, it's possible that "less than half of those testing positive will truly have antibodies."
This is particularly dangerous because it could lead to individuals believing they have been infected with the coronavirus, and acting as if they have immunity, when that is not the case.
As a result, the CDC advises that antibody test results should not be used to make decisions related to schools, dormitories, or correctional facilities, and that testing shouldn't be used to determine immune status in individuals.
{ This is exactly what universities in SC are going to use as are hundreds of other schools and universities make decisions related to how they operate.
They are going to rely on invalid antibody tests to determine the immune status of college students and other students including teachers.
{ This is exactly what universities in SC are going to use as are hundreds of other schools and universities make decisions related to how they operate.
They are going to rely on invalid antibody tests to determine the immune status of college students and other students including teachers.
They are going to do this even though the CDC is now telling them TESTING SHOULD NOT BE USED TO DETERMINE IMMUNE STATUS OF INDIVIDUALS!
This applies to hospitals etc. Less than half of covid-19 antibody tests are INVALID!
Less than half could mean what? 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% 49%.
Or 1% of covid-19 antibody tests are valid??
Wearing masks has become to some people of a sign that ones cares about their health or the health of others.
Wearing a face mask is only good for 3 things.
(1) To keep you from touching your face because you think you could have touched something that had the covid-19.
It is safer for your health not to wear a facemask if you are not immune compromised.
Just remember not to touch your face because you are living in fear everyday listening to the fake news media reports about covid-19.
CDC updates guidance to say COVID-19 'does not spread easily' through touching contaminated surfaces
(2) Possibly from keeping you from sneezing or coughing on someone because the CDC has told you droplets from your mouth can travel about 6 feet that contain the covid-19.
It is a guideline only because the CDC cannot verify the 6 foot rule idea.
This 6 foot rule idea has now been written in stone and many people accept it as fact but it has not been tested to be a fact.
Did you know there has not been a valid test of people using the crazy 6 foot rule producing a valid study that people are safer standing 6 feet apart?
This is what is so amazing. People are acting like sheep and not thinking but relying on untested information from the CDC which has been broadcast by the fake news media.
People just accept that the untested 6 foot rule is a valid way to prevent them and other from getting covid-19. This is a totally false assumption.
People are living their lives like the 6 foot rule is a magic force field or something that will protect them.
People are truly like sheep acting like sheep not knowing the real "wolf" is the fake news national media and incorrect CDC guidelines.
It would be much safer for you to cough or sneeze into your elbow than to wear a face mask which is not good for your own health.
Listen to the Tera show on word106.3 Radio 6-10 AM Mon-Fri to get the latest corrected valid information about covid-19.
Covid-19 Risk Calculator
Or 1% of covid-19 antibody tests are valid??
Wearing masks has become to some people of a sign that ones cares about their health or the health of others.
Wearing a face mask is only good for 3 things.
(1) To keep you from touching your face because you think you could have touched something that had the covid-19.
It is safer for your health not to wear a facemask if you are not immune compromised.
Just remember not to touch your face because you are living in fear everyday listening to the fake news media reports about covid-19.
CDC updates guidance to say COVID-19 'does not spread easily' through touching contaminated surfaces
(2) Possibly from keeping you from sneezing or coughing on someone because the CDC has told you droplets from your mouth can travel about 6 feet that contain the covid-19.
It is a guideline only because the CDC cannot verify the 6 foot rule idea.
This 6 foot rule idea has now been written in stone and many people accept it as fact but it has not been tested to be a fact.
Did you know there has not been a valid test of people using the crazy 6 foot rule producing a valid study that people are safer standing 6 feet apart?
This is what is so amazing. People are acting like sheep and not thinking but relying on untested information from the CDC which has been broadcast by the fake news media.
People just accept that the untested 6 foot rule is a valid way to prevent them and other from getting covid-19. This is a totally false assumption.
People are living their lives like the 6 foot rule is a magic force field or something that will protect them.
People are truly like sheep acting like sheep not knowing the real "wolf" is the fake news national media and incorrect CDC guidelines.
It would be much safer for you to cough or sneeze into your elbow than to wear a face mask which is not good for your own health.
Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy
Don't wear a face mask if you are healthy!
(3) Making you feel good about yourself thinking you are doing something to help yourself and others.
In fact you are only deceiving yourself and others wearing a face mask.
You are not protected from the covid-19 and are harming your health by wearing a face mask if you are healthy.
A Facemask has become a political tool for the politically correct to shame others if they don't conform to their nonsense.
A facemask is useful if you are exposed to covid-19 patients in the hospital. It would be useful for doctors and nurses but NOT to the general public at large!
Listen to the Tera show on word106.3 Radio 6-10 AM Mon-Fri to get the latest corrected valid information about covid-19.
Covid-19 Risk Calculator
Today Tera explained why.
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Depending on when someone was infected and the timing of the test, the
test may not find antibodies in someone with a current COVID-19
Antibody tests should not be used to diagnose COVID-19.
CDC - Antibody tests should not be used to diagnose COVID-19
Which makes me wonder ... if the COVID antibodies test returns false positives, what about the other test, the one for the active virus?
Is it useless, too??? Canada Free Press published a piece a while back saying it was, but I've never been able to find a second source to back that up.
Depending on when someone was infected and the timing of the test, the
test may not find antibodies in someone with a current COVID-19
Antibody tests should not be used to diagnose COVID-19.
CDC - Antibody tests should not be used to diagnose COVID-19
Which makes me wonder ... if the COVID antibodies test returns false positives, what about the other test, the one for the active virus?
Is it useless, too??? Canada Free Press published a piece a while back saying it was, but I've never been able to find a second source to back that up.
The implications here are huge.
The left's plan to blame the collapse of the economy on Trump hinges on the wacky theory that he, and he alone, was somehow supposed to be personally responsible for getting the billions of tests it would take to test each American again and again and that if we'd just had that, we'd know who had it and who was safe to return to work.
Those people could have returned to work, and somehow kept things going or something. But if the tests were always useless ...
The left's plan to blame the collapse of the economy on Trump hinges on the wacky theory that he, and he alone, was somehow supposed to be personally responsible for getting the billions of tests it would take to test each American again and again and that if we'd just had that, we'd know who had it and who was safe to return to work.
Those people could have returned to work, and somehow kept things going or something. But if the tests were always useless ...
Anyway, that narrative just half fell apart.
If the antibodies tests are useless, then there was never a way to tell for sure who had it unless you happened to test then WHEN they had it. Remember that when they try to use it anyway.
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If the antibodies tests are useless, then there was never a way to tell for sure who had it unless you happened to test then WHEN they had it. Remember that when they try to use it anyway.
www.facebook.com/TaraServatiusOnline Facebook Page
I get much of the latest correct information from listening to Listen Live! 1063word.radio.com the Teara Show 6-10 AM and Bob Mclain 3-7 PM daily or as often as possible.
Tera posts up to date news articles about false information that the fake news media publishes everyday. She refutes daily covid-19 misinformation and lies.
Covid-19 Risk Calculator
Bonus Editor Note
The fake news mass media puts out incorrect information published by the CDC which is later corrected sometimes by the CDC about covid-19 guidelines.
Example CDC updates guidance to say COVID-19 'does not spread easily' through touching contaminated surfaces
The truth is about 98 percent of the population does not get the covid-19 and if a person does most healthy people are not at risk at all from death.
The truth is the covid-19 death rate is similar to a bad flu season death rate.
The truth is covid-19 is different than the flu.
Flu symptoms are very similar and the flu virus is treated in a similar way.
Covid-19 infected individuals has many different symptoms or no symptoms.
Covid-19 must be treated on a case by case basis and not at all like treating someone who has a flu virus.
Treating covid-19 like it is like the flu virus is what kills people.
People must be aware that the covid-19 is different and has different symptoms but the actual death rate from covid-19 is very similar to a bad flu season death rate.
Covid-19 is also different because it can trigger a cytokine storm in a limited number of people.
Knowing how to diagnose and treat people who are predisposed to a covid-19 inducted cytokine storm, this is where your body's immune system goes haywire and destorys itself, is very important because it is a matter of life and death.
How to diagnose treat and cure covid-19 virus
This is why so many people die in nursing homes and elsewhere.
In the case of a nursing home in most states if they admit patients known to have the covid-19, because of state laws, many more people in nursing home will possible get the covid-19 and because their immune systems are compromised they will often die suddently because of a covid-19 induced immune response that sets off a cytokine storm where the immune system turns on itself and destroys the patient.
This is the majority of most covid-19 death cases.
Like the FLU virus they will also possible die if their immune system is not in a healthy state to fight off the covid-19 virus.
The government has told doctors to code a covid-19 death for all patients SUSPECTED as having or having covid-19 even though they have OTHER underlying health conditions which could have contributed to their death.
Thes fake death statistics are being use by the fake news media to keep you in a panic about the possiblilty of you dieing from the covid-19.
If you have a normal immune system your risk is much less of death, in fact your chances of recovery are very good.
This is what the FAKE news media is NOT telling you. They are controlling you.
Covid-19 Risk Calculator
While you are running around in a face mask, that most people should not be wearing and trying to keep 6 feet apar,t when this has never been tested to be of any use, the US economy and possibly your job has become or will become another victim of the fake media induced covid-19 crisis.
But you just know your doing the "right thing" no matter what happens.
In the next few weeks or months this "right thing" you have been tricked into doing will start to become more and more evident.
You will probably start to become more interested on how to feed yourself and family in the face of becoming homeless and without a job.
But by then it will have become to late and you like many other people who just want to do the "righ thing" will be on a soup line because of your ignorance.
You and I can't control the senseless acts of the government and mass fake news media.
We can control how we react to the senseless acts of the government and fake news media to a great extent.
If you head is in your rear because you are politically correct, and just want to do the "right thing" by doing exactly what the government, CDC and fake news media tells you i'll be seeing you in public wearing a mask that is useless and trying to stay 6 feet away from me which is also useless.
Covid-19 Risk Calculator
Be Seeing You.
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