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Saturday, May 30, 2020

Instantly COVID-19 is put on the back burner by the mass news media and seems to be just a footnote to protest riots

Editor Note

An injustice by the police that caused a death of an arrested man has caused the mass media to focus on the resulting riots in several cities.

Keep in mind these people that are destroying property and looting are  those who use violence to get what they want immediately.

They are criminals using the system molded by the mass media.

Destruction of society is their goal by whatever means.

A quote from Tucker Carlson:

"What you’re watching is the ancient battle between those who have a stake in society, and would like to preserve it, and those who don’t, and seek to destroy it.

Underneath it all, this violence doesn’t have much to do with the behavior of the Minneapolis police department.

Video from the  1992 riots in Los Angeles 30 years ago could have been shot this afternoon.

When you express an opinion our leaders don’t like, they call it violence. When criminals commit acts of actual violence, they call it speech. In other words, the game is rigged."

This is episode 2 of how to destroy America using the mass news media and those who want to destroy America.

Episode 1 was about the destruction of the US economy using the manufactured media covid-19 crisis.

This continues along with the new twist of physical destruction of property because a statement needs to be made that burning and destroying property is ok especially if the officials in your town are politically correct and allow criminals to run lose destroying personal and priviate proterty at will.

All it takes is ONE national media news story to set people off who are hell bent on the destruction of America at any cost.

These people are in the streets doing the destruction and your congress member is in self isolation   doing the same thing using the excuse of the manufactured corona virus crisis.

There are two monkey wrenches in these processes:

(1) President Trump

(2) Your weapon to protect yourself and property if attacked.

Bottom line:

Their efforts to destroy America will be fought and delayed.

It remains to be seen who will win this war.

What you’re watching is the ancient battle between those who have a stake in society, and would like to preserve it, and those who don’t, and seek to destroy it.

Be seeing you.

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