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Friday, May 1, 2020

Body Fat, Ventilators And The COVID-19 Virus - What You Must Know.

Adipose tissue, body fat, or simply fat is a loose connective tissue composed mostly of adipocytes.

If you are obese - having excessive body weight caused by the accumulation of fat you are a a much higher risk if you become infected with the covid-19 virus or wuhan flu.

The enlarged adipocytes of obese individuals recruit macrophages and promote inflammation.

If your body is already predisposed to inflamation because of excess fat the covid-19 virus will be worse if it kicks off your body's immune system in an abnormal way such as the problem, known broadly as a "cytokine storm," which can happen when the immune system triggers a runaway response that causes more damage to its own cells than to the invader it's trying to

Let me put it another way. If you eat foods that make you gain weight you are a prime candidate for big trouble if you get the corona virus.

Your body's immune system will use your body's excess accumulation of fat that causes even more inflamation in your body.

You are more likely to have a cytokine storm, which is your immune system going crazy and killing your own body organs causing death.



It's a strange and tragic pattern in some cases of COVID-19: The
patient struggles through the first week of illness, and perhaps even
begins to feel a little better.

Then suddenly they crash.

The crash typically happens seven days into the disease and can occur in young, otherwise healthy victims of COVID-19.

This "crash" is your immune system going crazy which is called  a "cytokine storm,"

If your doctor has not been treating you if necessary with certain drugs to suppress you immune system if you are at risk for a  "cytokine storm," you will get one which can cause your body to trun on itself and destroy various body organs.

Dr Thomas Yadegar ICU pulmonologist knows how to treat ICU patients with the covid-19 or wuhan virus.

His team has learned to look for early signs of your body over reaction causing an auto immune response which can lead to heart attacks, blood clots, strokes etc.

The amazing thing is he has NOT lost a single patient with the covid-19 virus!

Neither has he had to use a single ventilator on a covid-19 patient!

He says every covid-19 patient is different and must be treated differently.

There isn't a quick fix as with other viruses like the flu.

What makes the corona virus unique is that it triggers some peoples auto immune system and a "cytokine storm," developes killing you!

This happens suddenly after about 7 days in some patients.

Avoiding putting someone on a ventilator if possible is best because when a person is on a ventilator other complications can kick in.

In Spain this is something they did not do and therefore there were many more deaths.

Even though mechanical ventilation can be life saving, it can also cause several serious and life-threatening complications.

This is why you wan to avoid being put on a ventilator if possible

When the corona virus first hit the nation dr fauchy, doctor brix and those that offer advice to President Trump had him and the entire nation thinking ventilators were the answer to the covid-19.

Ventilators are to be avoided if possible because of all the other problems associated with using them.

Dr fauchy, dr brix and the CDC never told the public ANYTHING about this!!!!!

Never think the advice or "help" from the government is all you need.

The government has been wrong about their predictions on the death rate.

The government has been wrong on how to trat the covid-19.

Its doctors like Thomas Yadegar who are correct and NOT CDC doctors like fauchy and the scarf queen.


Life Giving Information You
Need To Know

If you or a another person is admitted to an ICU, intensive care unit, because you have the
corona virus you may be at risk from dying if your ICU doctor is treating your
symptoms in a one size fits all manner or a quick fix manner.

The flu is an example of doctors treating symptoms in a one size fits all
manner and it worked because the seasonal flu affects many people in the same

The Wuhan Virus, covid-19, corona virus is much different in symptoms and how
it should be treated in any ICU.

Life Giving Information You
Need To Know

Please pass this life giving information on to doctors you know.

Dr. Thomas Yadegar is
the ICU Director at Providence Cedars-Sinai Tarzana Medical Center.
He's a pulmonologist, and his California team hasn't lost a single
patient to COVID 19. Better yet? They haven't used a single
ventilator, either. How?

Dr. Yadegar says that
this new coronavirus doesn't just trigger a response to the virus,
but it can trigger negative immune system responses too. These auto
immune responses can then lead to heart attacks, blood clots,
strokes, or more.

His team has learned to look for these signs, specific markers, 
EARLY in patients, rather than searching for a quick fix -- or a
one-size-fits-all -- approach to treating the virus. All cases
differ, and THAT's the key to preventing loss of life.

Please take the
time to watch this 17 min video where Dr Thomas Yadegar explains how
his group has treated the covid-19 in their ICU and not lost a
single patient or used a single ventilator!

Pass this information along quickly to doctors to save lives.

Some doctors will resist simply because they want a quick fix to the
corona virus covid-19 but this is exactly what doctors should not be
using or looking for concerning the covid-19 virus.

think this information I am sending you is a Real Life Giving
Donation during this time.

hope you will pass this life giving information to others.

Thank You

Dr. Thomas Yadegar is the ICU Director at Providence Cedars-Sinai Tarzana Medical Center. He's a
pulmonologist, and his California team hasn't lost a single patient to COVID 19.

Better yet? They haven't used a single ventilator, either.

How? Dr. Yadegar tells Glenn that this new coronavirus doesn't just trigger a response to the
virus, but it can trigger negative immune system responses too.

These auto immune responses can then lead to heart attacks, blood clots, strokes, or more.

His team has learned to look for these signs EARLY in patients, rather than searching for a quick fix
-- or a one-size-fits-all -- approach to treating the virus. 

All cases differ, and THAT's the key to preventing loss of life. 

Key to Treating COVID 19 is Realizing There's NO QUICK FIX to Virus,
All Cases Differ

California pulmonologist on how he's identifying and treating extreme COVID-19

People are dying in ICU's all over the USA because many doctors are not aware of
how to treat a COVID-19 patient in the ICU

Dr. Thomas Yadegar is the ICU Director at Providence Cedars-Sinai Tarzana Medical Center has and is saving lives treating the COVID-19 virus.

A key factor is treating each COVID-19 patient differently because each COVID-19
is different.

Inflammatory markers in some patients are elevated and these patients suddenly
get much worse.

They go from needing very little oxygen to the need to be intubated within 6 to
12 hours.

If these patients are treated before they get to the point of needing to be
intibated by using the inflammatory markers with anti inflamatory medication,
strong immunine suppressive medication, which is counter intuitive, but THAT IS

Acting fast and early is the key to effectively treating a corona virus patient
in an ICU.

Early detection and early treatment will save lives!

IF you are an ICU doctor please use this information to treat your ICU COVID-19 patients.

California pulmonologist on how he's identifying and treating extreme COVID-19

A California pulmonologist explained on “Fox
& Friends
” on Tuesday the protocol he created to help identify and treat
the most extreme

cases, saying the key is to find these patients and prevent
them from going onventilators

The new coronavirus is spread by microscopic droplets from coughs or sneezes and
causes mild to moderate symptoms in most. For some, especially older adults and
the infirm, it can cause pneumonia and lead to death.

Speaking from Los Angeles on Tuesday, Dr. Tom Yadegar, a specialist in critical
care medicine who has been treating COVID-19 patients, said he noticed several
patients were deteriorating quickly and needed to be put on ventilators. He said
he realized that he had to find out why these patients were experiencing sudden

“This happened to me just like it's happened to every other doctor who is taking
care of these patients and it was very alarming that I didn't understand what
happened,” said Yadegar, medical director of the intensive care
unit at Providence Cedars-Sinai Tarzana Medical Center.

He said that prompted him to start researching what was happening to those
COVID-19 patients. Yadegar explained that through his research he found out that
“what was happening is a process called cytokine storm syndrome.”

According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), cytokine storm, which can occur as a result
of infection, autoimmune conditions or diseases, is “a severe immune reaction in
which the body releases too many cytokines into the blood too quickly.”

“Cytokines play an important role in normal immune responses, but having a large
amount of them released in the body all at once can be harmful,” NCI explained.

On Tuesday, Yadegar explained that “in this syndrome, the immune system is
activated – you have intense inflammation and subsequently it leads to patients
requiring mechanical ventilation.”

He said once he figured out what the diagnosis was, he started doing more
research to try and figure out “how do we look for it in a laboratory value so
that we can find it before it happens because when it happens, it's almost
too late.”

He added that “it’s very important to find these patients and prevent them
from going on ventilators.”

Yadegar said he came up with “a handful of lab tests” that he thought
were useful “and we started ordering them on admission when the patients were
presenting to the ER [emergency room] and then tracking them every few days
and it was a very clear pattern that we learned.”

He noted that it is not the case that every COVID-19 patient that is admitted
to the hospital develops cytokine storm syndrome

“You can predict on presentation who is going to be at risk for it and then if you follow
certain markers and their clinical course you can actually tell who is going to
develop it and, more importantly, you can intervene to prevent them from getting
to that point where they need a ventilator,” Yadegar said.

He said that as people’s immune systems kick in, he has a better result by
actually suppressing that person’s immune system, which he said was “pretty


“For the past few months we have heard about this virus that's killing
everyone," he said, "and the way to disarm it is disarm the immune system."

Save lives by knowing when to disarm the immune system in COVID-19 patients.

Know the signs, ie markers, by using lab tests like Dr Yadegar has done.

Contact him if necessary to find out how he has saved lives. All his patients
have survived and none have been on ventilators.

Providence Cedars-Sinai Tarzana Medical Center


This is REAL Life Saving Information. Knowing what dr Drew and Dr Yadegar are telling you about how to diagnose and treat covid-19 is life saving information. Doctors are like other people. Some will use this information and save lives others will not because of their bias or ignorance. Its like this, if you find a good mechanic who can fix your car and keep it running correctly you have confidence in him.

If you find a good doctor that is like Dr Yadegar that can keep your body running correctly you will also have confidence in him knowing he can save your life.

I do believe God in his mercy has presented people like Dr Yadegar to us for the purpose of helping us. Thank You Lord Jesus for your mercy on us all.

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