Editor Note
Relying on the government is dangerous to your health and your job!
(1) The data the government is relying on is based on incorrect prediction models.
(2) The initial corona virus test the govenment sent out was actually contaminated with the wuhan virus.
For you in rio linda as Rush says, this means the government was giving you a test that did not work and also giving you the CORONA VIRUS!!!!!
Contamination at CDC lab delayed rollout of coronavirus tests
“The bottom line is, if you have a negative sample, and it’s coming up positive, the only way for that to happen is cross contamination. . . . There is no other explanation for it,’’ the scientist said.
The cross contamination was the covid-19 in the government test kits.
Yes the CDC is dangerous to your health because instead of just giving you a test for the corona virus the CDC sent out kits that actually contained the corna virus. THIS IS INSANE!!!
Ameirca has been duped by the CDC, dr brix and dr fauchy into thinking they must do what these 2 doctors tell them to do. Other studies have shown their advice is invalid. The American public is only being fed the same line over and over from the CDC and these doctors.
President Trump should wake up and let other "experts" present their more accurate information.
The proportion of a population that has to be immune in order to confer herd immunity on the rest of the population is a function of how contagious the virus is. Data from Wuhan is still preliminary, but mercifully, Covid-19 does not appear to be as contagious as measles. Its ‘reproduction rate’ has been estimated to be as low as 2.2 (every one person who gets the disease gives it to 2.2 people), which means you would reach herd immunity when 40 to 60 per cent of the population has been infected.
If there was a way to safely grant two-thirds of a society Covid-19 immunity, the pandemic would stop.
Covid-19’s mortality profile is peculiarly age-specific. Bird flu, swine flu, SARS and MERS outbreaks were all equal-opportunity killers. They showed no mercy to the young and healthy. This does not seem to be the case with Covid-19. The crude mortality data from China by age points us in this direction:
People under 50 are 25 times less likely to die of Covid-19 than people over 80. Of the 0.2 per cent of young people with Covid-19 who die of the disease, it’s believed that most had some other medical problem, had minor conditions such as mild asthma, high blood pressure, were obese or smoked.
This peculiar mortality profile probably explains why Italy has had such a high case fatality rate. Italy is home to the world’s second most elderly population. These elderly citizens are famously close with their extended family, and scholars have documented high rates of intergenerational contact among them. No attempt to particularly sequester the Italian elderly was ever made.
What does all of this mean?
It means the wuhan virus will surface again until the herd immunity, 40 to 60 per cent of the population has been infected.
The longer President Trump allows dr brix and dr fauchy to delay the herd immunity, the longer it will take for the wuhan virus reach the immunity threshold in the US and also the more the US economy will be destroyed!
It is well known that the herd immunity is what contains virus outbreaks.
Dr fauchy and dr brix don't want you to know this, but want you to think you must stay at home to reduce a curve that predicts covid-19 deaths that is incorrect in the assumption of deaths.
These doctors are acting like mad scientists that are actually killing more Americans and destroying the US economy.
The media and government treat these 2 doctors as absolute authorities but in fact are not. They are duping President Trump and all of America into thinking if they stay at home, wash their hands, wear masks and stay 6 feet away from another person that is what will lead to the wuhan virus going away. IT IS A LIE!!!!
The truth is the elderly are more at risk especially those in nursing homes.
This is because of underlying health conditions.
Currently the CDC requires doctors to code wuhan virus deaths as being caused by the wuhan virus without considerations for ANY underlying health condiitions!!!
This is why the wuhan virus death rates are incorrect and inflated.
Its is a very good possibility you have had the wuhan virus but don't know it.

Herd immunity might still be key in the fight against coronavirus | The Spectator
Herd immunity might still be key in the fight against coronavirus | The SpectatorExtreme measures to suppress Covid-19 through enforced social distancing are likely to be successful in the short term, and seem to have already succeeded in Wuhan. However, as an Imperial College London paper published last week makes clear, these measures may only work as long as they remain in place.
Once people begin to travel freely, engage in commerce, and send their children to school again, the epidemic could pick back up right where it left off. Social distancing does not prevent the virus from infecting people in the future, it merely buys time while we prepare for anothe outbeak until herd immunity contains the virus, 40 to 60 percent get the wuhan virus.
Some have suggested that using that delay to increase life support capacity (i.e. sourcing mechanical ventilators) in hospital intensive care units could help. Sadly, preliminary (and limited) data suggests that up to 90 per cent of Covid-19 patients who go on life support will die. So ‘more ventilators’ does not seem like the game-changer we seek.
America has been duped into believing that if they stay at home the wuham virus will go away!
Dr fauchy and Dr brix of the CDC initially used incorrect projected death rate data from the wuhan virus and started a wuhan panic in America that is still ongoing!
The news media, federal, state and local governments are still listening to dr fauchy and dr brix which is causing America to panic and stay home when wwe should be working and living as we did in the past when there was a seasonal flu outbreak.
Protect the elderly from the wuhan virus or any virus and continue your life like you did in the past is the answer.
The US federal, state and local authorities will not let you do this now.
We have become a "wuhan" police state that has us all under surveillance by drones and other means.
The wuhan panic crisis is a media manufactured overblown presentation daily on your radio and tv.
The best thing you can do for yourself if you are not elderly or have underlying health conditions that lower your immune system defenses is to get out of your house and help raise the herd immunity stastic to 40 to 60 percent before the mass media and government cause you to live in a third world country under martial law and no Constitution.
People fears are unfounded for the wuhan virus if they have a normal health immune system!
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