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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Media constructed overblown corona virus crisis will cause a recession

The media hype - media constructed overblown crisis over the covid-19 virus is much worse than the virus itself because it is going to cause a REAL recession. Everything in the US is shutting down. This is causing the stock market to crash. The FED has pumped billions into the stock market because banks have lost billions and will lose billions more.

Everybody everywhere has been to to go home and everything everywhere is shutting down killing the economy.

This will cause a recession. A media contructed - political man made crisis consturcted using hype about the covid-19 virus/corona virus.

The media has succeeded in causing people to follow their man made over blown crisis.

The media uses FAKE and twisted real news to confuse and deceive the American public.

Media uses the corona virus as a catalys to make you think the corona virus is much worse than it really is.

The corona virus is a dangerous virus.

It has been infecting people in the US in november, december 2019.

This is because people from china and elsewhere were coming into the US unrestricted that had covid-19 - the corona virus.

Many Americans have had the corona virus and have been infected thinking they had a cold or the normal flu.

About 1,000,000  chineese were flown into the us in nov and dec 2019.

The media is not reporting this fact nor are they reporting the corona virus covid-19 was infecting people in the US back in nov and dec 2019.

The media is now telling the American public we may be heading for a depression which is totally false.

We have been in a "Suppression" and are in a "Suppression".

A Suppression of real facts and news about the true nature of the corona virus - covid-19!

National, state and local governments are overreacting to the media hype of which they are actually part of.

The stock markets are going down because of the media hyping and distorting/suppressing the news.

This is by design. This is exactly what the FAKE news does on a dialy basis.

The testing for the corona virus is increasing. As the testing increases more people will be identified as having the corona virus.

The fake news media will use the increase infection rates because of corona testing to continue to hype and confuse the American public.

As the testing increases more data will indicate that the media hype about the death rate from the corona virus will be much less than reported.

This is when the media hype will be shown to be a scam on the American public and the overblown fake news media man made manufactured crisis will be exposed!

What should you do?

(1) Ride this fake crisis out by realizing it is a fake man made  overblown crisis.

(2)  The corona virus is more dangerous than the flu so take the precautions such as wash your hands and avoid crowds if possible where the corona virus or normal flu can be spread.

(3) The corona virus infections will be greatly reduced because people are staying at home and avoiding groups of people.

(4) Some state governments are implementing unnecessary quarantines designed to push other states to do the same which panics more people and causes more damage to the US economy

(6) Realize that the stock market will go down more because of the overblown fake news media.

(7) The fake news media man made crisis is a combination of a real corona virus threat and fake political news designed to cause a recession and keep President Trump from being reelected because of the fake news media caused recession and drop in the stock market and banks losing money in the stock market.

(8) Realize that you are reacting to both fake news and news about your fear of the corona virus.

(9)  The economy will come back slowly.

(10) Currently the real problem is the fake media - state and local governments overreaction.

The politically correct people in America are like sheep.

These people are in state and local governments.

The politcally correct overblown hype of the fake news media is worse than the corona virus - coovid-19.

The fake overblown media man made corona virus crisis has left the station and we are being taken for a ride and can't get off the train until it stops.

The corona virus fake media train will arrive at the station in about 2 months.

This is an estimation.

When the train arrives things will slowly begin to get back to normal because the fake news media contructed overblown corna media crisis will be exposed.

The result will be many people out of work and a recession.

I do think the economy will slowly come out of the fake media caused recession.

I hope and pray people will realize that the fake media hype about the corona virus caused the recession.

I also hope and pray President Trump will be reelected in spite of the fake news media's attempt to keep President Trump from making America Great again.

The alternative is a senile joe biden, which would be worse than living through a real depression.

Also since you will have realized that the real enemy within is actually the fake national and local news media, which just repeats the national media, you will not listen to the fake national news media news.

Listen to this radio station.

The Tara Show hour 1 on tuesday  3/17/20 explains what is really going on concerning the corona virus.

The Tara Show Monday - Friday 6am-10am


According to multiple online sources, yes, Kudzu is edible.

Eat Kudzu

Kudzu is often viewed as a pest plant with its long-reaching vines. However, you can make a variety of tasty dishes and drinks from fresh and powdered kudzu. Start by harvesting the kudzu in the field or purchasing prepackaged kudzu starch. Boil the leaves and blossoms or peel the roots, as needed. Add kudzu into a variety of recipes for jelly, tea, quiche, and more. Harvesting Kudzu for Consumption Locate a kudzu patch. Look in wooded areas or fields for a vine system that is large and climbing into the trees. 

The vines will have purple flowers on them that smell very similar to grapes. The leaves are green and tri-cornered with small hairs on their skin. If you choose to harvest wild kudzu, make sure that the area has not been sprayed with pesticide. Be careful that you do not harvest poison ivy instead. This plant is often found mixed in with kudzu, but its leaves are smaller. Be careful that you do not harvest poison ivy instead. This plant is often found mixed in with kudzu, but its leaves are smaller. Choose the best harvest time.

If you are interested in the kudzu blossoms, then visit the patch between July to September. If you are hoping to harvest the roots, they are best accessed in the fall and winter with some of the surrounding foliage has died off. Pick off the young leaves in the spring and early summer for maximum tenderness. Pick the blossoms. Use a pair of garden shears or heavy scissors to sever the thin stem connecting each kudzu flower to the larger vine. Gently add the flower to your basket or harvest sack being careful not to crush them. Most of the flowers grow at the base of the plant, so you will not have to pull down too many high-climbing vines. Keep fresh kudzu flowers in the refrigerator for up to one day before processing or cooking. Keep fresh kudzu flowers in the refrigerator for up to one day before processing or cooking.Strip off the leaves.

Use a sharp knife, heavy scissors, or garden shear Kudzu is often viewed as a pest plant with its long-reaching vines. However, you can make a variety of tasty dishes and drinks from fresh and powdered kudzu. Start by harvesting the kudzu in the field or purchasing prepackaged kudzu starch. Boil the leaves and blossoms or peel the roots, as needed.

Add kudzu into a variety of recipes for jelly, tea, quiche, and more.

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