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Monday, December 30, 2019

Corrupt racists, agitators, and activist rep john lewis

He marched in Selma, Alabama and fought for civil rights. Yes, he is well-respected in the black community. But, that was fifty years ago.  And, over time, he has become something quite different. 

Rep. John Lewis “Republicans Are Worse Than 'Dogs And Water Hoses In The Street”

Representative John Lewis, who heroically fought for civil rights fifty years ago, made waves about his decision to skip Donald Trump's inauguration as well as calling Trump an "illegitimate president." That sparked a firestorm with the President-elect, who told him to focus more on his district instead of "complaining about election results." The media and the Democrats responded harshly to Trump's supposed audacity in responding to Lewis's comments, with George Soros-funded Think Progress accusing Trump of being racist for doing so.
Despite the attacks on Trump, Lewis has been scrutinized for lying that he never missed an inauguration on Meet the Press​. He skipped George W. Bush's inauguration in 2001, saying that he did not "believe that Bush is the true elected president." It is not his first time lying on a national stage, considering he lied that Tea Party members called him the n-word in 2010.
However, the biggest bombshell regarding Lewis this week came from Erick Erickson via The Resurgent. He wrote a piece today exposing a radio advertisement Lewis was featured in for a local race in Georgia where he compared local Republicans to the "dogs and water hoses" he experienced during the Civil Rights Movement. You can listen to the audio at: LISTEN: Rep. John Lewis Said Republicans Are Worse Than 'Dogs And Water Hoses In The Street' | Daily Wire
Not only has Lewis become a corrupt racist and agitator, he is a liar who distorts history for the purposes of political expediency. Like many of the progressive socialist democrats, Lewis fails to mention that the slavery, segregation, Jim Crow laws, lack of support for civil rights, the KKK, were predominantly associated with democrats. And, it was mostly democrats using dogs and wielding fire hoses.

There  corrupt, lying progressive socialist democrats who are going to lead the charge in attempting to delegitimize President Trump and members of his cabinet – as well as obstruct any legislation meant to improve America.

These are the people who form part of the progressive socialist democrat fifth column, attacking America from within for the purposes of bringing about a socialist state – never once looking of the millions of dead and suffering in Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, and elsewhere.

If truth-be-told, North Korea should be a shining example of communism due to its total control over its citizens, its isolation from world affairs, and its ideologically-driven leadership.

Editor Note

John Lews is a racist.

Rep. John Lewis “Republicans Are Worse Than 'Dogs And Water Hoses In The Street”

I vote Republican most of the time.

According to lewis I am worse than a dog or a water horse.

Many black people ignore the fact lewis is a racist.


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