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Friday, September 6, 2019

Buy A Red Hat And Wear A Red Hat

An author urges "normal people" (i.e., non-Trump voters) to avoid wearing any type of red hat, saying they'd be “making people scared” by doing so.

The Chicago based author, Rebecca Makkai, 41, made the remarks in a string of tweets beginning over the weekend and carrying into early this week. She also asked sports fans whose teams wear red hats -- such as the Cincinnati Reds, Philadelphia Phillies and Washington Nationals -- not to don that specific color cap in public.

“Not worth making disenfranchised people feel unsafe,” she wrote.
She also railed against parody MAGA hats if they, too, are red.

Editor note:

Liberal's including author's who urge people not to wear a red hat or a mega hat want to silence your freedom of speech.

Makkai doesn't like red hats or MEGA hats because in her sick mind she thinks they are racist hats just because they are red or she hates President Trump. She makes me feel "unsafe" by telling me I need to not wear my Red MEGA hat. I feel safer wearing my Red hat MEGA or otherwise.

I have a MEGA hat that is red and I wear it from time to time.

MEGA means Make America Great Again.

President Trump is making America Great Again.

He is not a racist as many claim. Liberals are racist and want to curb free speech.

See the link below to get a MEGA hat and don't be afraid to wear it and tell liberals how you feel about President Trump.

Buy a Red MEGA Hat

MEGA Hats Galore

Make America Great Again and Keep America Great.

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