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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Public Schools Class Supplies Scheme/SCAM

Public schools are ‘ripping parents off’ with classroom supplies scheme


The money-making scheme is generating windfall profits getting tucked away in school slush funds.


A company offers packages of schoolhouse basics — notebooks, crayons, paper and more — at inflated prices, in some cases up to double what stores and online retailers charge.

Excess supplies are apparently hoarded in closets and storerooms, creating an artificial shortage.

Insiders suspect the real purpose behind pushing parents to buy supplies is for the schools to avoid spending money they get from the DOE on supplies.

Their share of the profits can be spent on anything, including music or art programs, field trips, and other extras.

DOE spokeswoman Danielle Filson said it does not sanction companies: “Families are not required to purchase school supplies from any particular vendor, and schools will also ensure that every student has the necessary supplies regardless of their ability to pay,” she said.

The DOE’s Teacher’s Choice program also gives teacher up to $250 each to spend on supplies.

Teachers and others in schools get funds for supplies from the DOE

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