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This blog has moved to parrotnewsreport.com/cj (Citizen Journalist real News)
Anti-Trump protestors in Austin are bussed in. They are FAKE paid "protestors".
(The picture says it all. Obama, soros continue to fund and execute a plan for nationwide protests that are totally FAKE!
Its the same FAKE protests that have been exposed as black lives matter, the wall street protests and the paid protesters at Trump rallys.)
The real national protest was the presidential election. Donald Trump won the election in a national landslide.
The people who voted for Trump were not paid protesters but are American citizens protesting obama and his conrads/communists.
The paid protestors can't compare to the national presidential election that Trumps the bussed and paid protestors of the radical left!)
Make America Great Again
The bussed in protest side show of obama and the DNC will slowly fade away.
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