Oliver Stone drops out of Martin Luther King Jr. project.
Oliver Stone drops out of Martin Luther King Jr. project, takes to Twitter to explain
With Martin Luther King Jr. Day right around the corner, Oliver Stone announced Friday that he is no longer on board to write and direct a biopic about the Civil Rights leader. Stone took to Twitter to explain that his rewrite of the script, which dealt with “issues of adultery, conflicts within the movement, and King’s spiritual transformation” was not well received by producers. It’s unclear how or if Stone’s leaving will affect Jamie Foxx, who was attached to star in the DreamWorks and Warner Bros production.
MLK Was A Deceiver As Is obama
The Rev Ralph David Abernathy should be honored on MLK day not MLK.
The Rev. Ralph David Abernathy's career has always been both enhanced and obscured by the fact that he stood so close to the overwhelming presence of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. As he reminds us in the introduction to his autobiography, ''And the Walls Came Tumbling Down,'' Mr. Abernathy ''was there from beginning to end, from the Montgomery bus boycott in the late autumn of 1955 to Memphis in the spring of 1968.''
Now the man who in 1957 helped to found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (the most prominent clergy-led civil rights organization), and served as King's hand-picked successor as president of S.C.L.C. from 1968 to 1976, is at the center of a firestorm of his own creation, one that revolves around revelations not about himself but about his closest friend MLK.
Mr. Abernathy and King were many things to each other - colleagues in the black church, cellmates, strategists, co-conspirators for justice - but at the personal level, they were best friends. But in friendships in which one person greatly outshines the other, a curious mixture of love, envy and competition can sometimes lead to a lingering, often unspoken resentment.
Mr. Abernathy's reasons for providing a detailed description of his friend's last evening and early morning - during which King had sexual encounters with two women and a confrontation with a third close woman companion - can be known only to him.
(Did ya get this bubba? Abernathy wrote a book providing DETAILED description of MLK adultery with TWO women on the last evening MLK lived.
Ralph Abernathy knew who MLK really was. MLK was a whoremonger. MLK day honors a whoremonger according to the Rev Ralph Abernathy MLK closest friend.) Story Reports
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