What is obama speak? Let me explain.
Obama speak are words spoken to conceal the true facts. Obama speak is propaganda speak. The obama regime uses this "black op" tactic to hide the truth. Obama speak is an attempt to coverup the truth. One should always think of his words as a stream of consciousness; like listening to a police radio and hearing codes. You may hear anything. These obama speak code words must be deciphered to be understood.
Let me give you an example:
Obama is stopped for drunk driving because he was weaving lane from lane. The cops find several empty malt liquor cans in obama's car.
Obama says, yes those are malt liquor cans in my car. Those malt liquor cans are not mine. I didn't know the cans were in my care. The malt liquor smell is because of those empty cans. Because I have a cold I can't smell the malt liquor.
The cop asks, why were you weaving?
Obama says, I was adjusting the radio trying to find a talk radio station and didn't realize I was weaving.
The cop tells obama to step out of the car for a test to see if he is sober.
The cop tells obama to raise his hand and touch his nose and asks him if he understands.
Obama raises his hand and touches his enormous ear.
The officer asks why did you touch your ear instead of your nose?
Obama says, I understood you to say raise my hand to my ear.
The cop said you said you understood what I said.
I know thats what I said but I misunderstood officer.
Obama keeps touching his ear when asked to touch his nose.
The cop says i'm taking you in for drunk driving.
Obama says i'll sue you for racism and arresting an innocent black man who correctly touched his ear instead of touching his nose. You are a racist profiling my ears.
Obama speak is also playing the race card when needed.
The Facts:
Airport screeners discovered al Soofi had several items in his checked luggage that raised concerns, including a cell phone taped to a Pepto-Bismol bottle, other cell phones, and watches wrapped in tape. Such items can be transported legally in checked baggage but authorities raised the possibility they may have been a "mock bomb."
American authorities had initially become concerned when the two men changed their travel plans at O'Hare airport in Chicago Sunday night, while their luggage, with its "strange" contents, continued on the original set of flights bound for Sanaa, Yemen.
FBI obama speak:
American law enforcement officials say their initial concerns about a possible terror "dry run" involving two men on a United Airlines flight to Amsterdam have eased, in part because they have learned the men's abrupt change in flights resulted from them missing their original flight.
"These two passengers have not been charged with any crime in the United States and we caution you against jumping to any conclusions," said a statement issued by the Department of Homeland Security Tuesday afternoon.
American officials say they now believe the two men did not know each other and both were re-booked by United after they missed their flight because of a gate change at O'Hare.
In its statement, DHS said the incident "illustrates how airport security protocols, law enforcement cooperation, and prompt international information sharing allows us to respond quickly to potential threats."
(FBI says there is no terror threat because the two Yeman men just changed their flights.
FBI says the two men did not know each other.
FBI pats inself on the back and tells America how good they are doing at keeping us "safe" from terrorists.
What the FBI is not telling you is that they are working for a muslim terrorist sympathizer who thinks the most beautiful sound in the world is the muslim call to prayer.
The FBI didn't address the strange contents of the Yeman men's luggage. Remember Yeman and the USS COLe terrorist bombing?
A cell phone taped to a Pepto-Bismol bottle, other cell phones, and watches wrapped in tape
were not considered any potential threat.
Why in the hell would you tape a pepto bismol bottle to a cell phone?
A cell phone is a detonator for a bomb. A bomb could be made from a cell phone and a pepto bismol bottle or any bottle.
Such items can be transported legally in checked baggage but authorities raised the possibility they may have been a "mock bomb."
THIS WAS A DRY RUN TEST to see what the obama speak FBI would do if a mock bomb was discovered that can be transported legally.
Any potential detonator such as a cell phone pager etc could set off a peto bismol bottle full of an explosive!
FBI obama speak says not to worry about it. Obama speak. Obama says the US economy is getting better, obama speak. Obama says he can't go around with his birth certificate plastered on his forehead, obama speak. The state run media says, "Terror Concerns Fade Over Two Men Arrested on United Flight", obama speak.
The state run media is nothing but obama speak.
Obama speak are words spoke to conceal the true facts. Obama speak is propaganda speak. The obama regime uses this black op tactic to hide the truth. Obama speak is an attempt to coverup the truth.) Story Reports
CBS obama speak:
"Terror Concerns Fade Over Two Men Arrested on United Flight"
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