Crimes Against Liberty: An Indictment of President Barack Obama
David Limbaugh (Author)
As Americans, liberty is an inalienable right that is granted to us by God, protected by the Constitution, and upheld by our government. Yet, Barack Obama doesn’t seem to share that view. To him, liberty is a threat to the government’s power and something to be squashed by any means possible, as bestselling author David Limbaugh shows to devastating affect in his new book, Crimes Against Liberty. In Crimes Against Liberty, Limbaugh issues a damning indictment of President Barack Obama for encroaching upon and stripping us of our individual and sovereign rights. Laying out his case like he would a criminal complaint, Limbaugh presents the evidence—count-by-count—against Obama. From exploiting the financial crisis for political gain, to restricting our personal freedoms through invasive healthcare and “green” policies, to endangering America with his feckless diplomacy and reckless dismantlement of our national security systems, Limbaugh proves—beyond a reasonable doubt—that Obama is guilty of crimes against liberty. Comprehensive and compelling, this is Limbaugh’s most powerful book yet.
Was This the Hope and Change America Voted For?
Socialized healthcare?
A foreign policy of abasement to our enemies—and hostility to our friends?
Bailouts upon bailouts?
“Stimulus spending” that’s really pork-barrel spending on steroids?
American voters might have been naïve when they went to the polls in 2008, but New York Times bestselling author David Limbaugh wasn’t. He warned voters of what would be in store. Now he’s back with more than a warning. A practicing lawyer, he has compiled the most comprehensive and devastating indictment of what is turning out to be the most destructive presidency in American history.
Limbaugh charges that this presidency is ambitiously unraveling the Constitution, actively rooting out American traditions and values, and most of all, committing crimes against American liberty. In Limbaugh’s brilliant new book, he documents:
Obama’s offenses against the rule of law (including the administration’s blatant pursuit of race-based justice)Violations of the public trust (including Obama’s Chicago-style bully boy tactics to protect and advance the administration’s cronies)Abuses against the private sector (including how the Obama administration is removing any limits to federal power)Crimes against good governance (including Obama’s mania for secrecy after getting elected on promises of transparency)Betrayals of the national interest (including the administration’s gagging of honest discussion of the threat of radical Islam)
Praise for Crimes Against Liberty
“In Crimes Against Liberty my good friend David Limbaugh presents a thorough, incisive, and compelling indictment of Barack Obama and his administration. His research and writing skills and his legal training have never been put to better use—every liberty-loving American has a patriotic duty to read this book.”
—Sean Hannity, host of Hannity’s America
“Barack Obama likes to pose as a constitutional lawyer, but David Limbaugh is the real deal—and the real guardian of freedom. Crimes Against Liberty is the most effective skewering of Obama’s contempt for the Constitution and our nation’s foundations that I have yet read. Buy it.”
—Mark R. Levin, nationally syndicated talk radio host
“Reading David Limbaugh on the Obama administration is imperative right now. Week in and week out, his devastating columns provide cathartic relief during these dark days for the republic. In his terrific new book Crimes Against Liberty, he has given us a powerful indictment of this administration—its hypocrisy, dishonesty, radicalism, and corruption. Arm yourself with knowledge for the coming showdown: Read this book.”
—Ann Coulter, bestselling author
“In Crimes Against Liberty: An Indictment of President Barack Obama, David Limbaugh charges the egomaniac in the Oval Office with fraudulent campaigning, cold-blooded lying, contempt for free enterprise, and a deep—and disturbing—disrespect for the U.S. Constitution. Limbaugh marshals the often jaw-dropping evidence with a force, clarity, and wit sure to win from any honest jury the verdict Obama deserves: Guilty on all counts.”
—Terence P. Jeffrey, author of Control Freaks: 7 Ways Liberals Plan to Ruin Your Life
David Limbaugh is a lawyer, nationally syndicated columnist with Creators Syndicate, political commentator, and author of three New York Times bestsellers: Absolute Power, Persecution, and Bankrupt. The brother of radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, he lives in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, with his wife and children.
David Limbaugh's espose of the Indictment of President Obama is extremely well documented and can be verified by checking out the extensive footnotes to back up Limbaugh premise of Obama's crimes against Liberty.
Obama's legacy documented in detail. David Limbaugh has done this nation a great service. Read it - then verify what you are reading from other sources - and, if your brain is open to the truth - you will be horrified at what this nation is being put through.
Saturday, October 23, 2010 – 12 Noon to 4:00 p.m.
U.S. CAPITOL – West Front
* The United States Constitution mandates the President of the United States must be a United States “natural born” Citizen – Article II, Section I;
* Obama was born in Mombasa, in what is now Kenya, Africa;
* Obama is an Indonesian Citizen as he was adopted/acknowledged by his stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian Citizen;
* Obama’s legal name is Barry Soetoro; and
* The Healthcare bill (ObamaCare) signed into Law by Obama on March 23, 2010 is unconstitutional and voidable since he is “Constitutionally ineligible” to serve as President of the United States.
For these reasons, Philip J. Berg, Esquire, Obamacrimes.com is sponsoring the “OBAMA BIRTH CERTIFICATE / ELIGIBILITY / OBAMACARE” RALLY IN WASHINGTON, D.C. The Rally will be on Saturday, October 23, 2010 – 12 Noon to 4:00 p.m. at the U.S. CAPITOL – West Front.
All individuals participating are requested to bring a copy of their Birth Certificate.
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