NOAA map of the 3,858 oil and gas platforms extant in the Gulf of Mexico in 2006.

There are several types of oil platforms and rigs. 1, 2) conventional fixed platforms; 3) compliant tower; 4, 5) vertically moored tension leg and mini-tension leg platform; 6) Spar ; 7,8) Semi-submersibles ; 9) Floating production, storage, and offloading facility; 10) sub-sea completion and tie-back to host facility.
Oil platforms
Obama has suspended the work on the 33 projects already underway. It might look like prudence to some, it could ultimately have economic consequences rivaling those of the spill. 3,858 oil and gas platforms are still pumping oil.
3,858 could have exploded or had oil leaks. 3,858 did not. One did. It doesn't make sense to me that bp would pump seawater down the drill pipe to control the pressure. Something smells and its coming from washington dc. Its the foul stench of BO that is now in the white house. Not only will it take years to clean up obama's manufactured crisis it will also take years to remove the foul stench of BO from the white house. Story Reports
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