Pictures of the oil flows
Revisiting Oil Well Pressures and Blowout Preventers after BP's Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill
BP and BO are using the scam or the "oil crisis" and "carbon credits" on the CCX to bilk America. obama is also bilking Americans out of their Constitutional freedoms.
A blowout
Oil rig survivor says that the well was shut in and they were going through the process of separating the rig from the well, and moving it off.
They began by cleaning out the drilling mud from the riser, replacing it with sea water. However, when they re-opened the valves at the top of the well, the pipe in the well had become filled with gas from the well, under considerable pressure, and this “Kicked” the well as the valve opened.
Gas, as the pressure gets less as it moves up the pipe, expands much more than oil. And unfortunately in the process of disconnection, the pressure to hold the gas, which comes from the density of the drilling mud in the riser initially, had been removed as part of the disconnection process.
So the high pressure gas was able to blow all the sea water in the riser out onto the deck of the rig. (This happens extremely quickly, well below a minute) The gas then followed, and as it flowed out of the pipe at the top of the well there was some hot source that caused it to ignite.
(This could even be from a static electricity spark). Because of the depth of the well, the pressure in the bottom of the well was in the 30-40,000 psi range.
Part of the problem that arises with flows at that pressure is that any abrasive particles (such as small pieces of rock) will cut through metal at the speeds at which it is carried.
(Such jets were used to remove the damaged tops of the wells in Kuwait after the Gulf War, for example).
So that it is possible that as the Blow Out Preventor started to function the high-velocity flow may have eroded part of the system to allow some fluid to bypass the plug that the BOP inserted.
If that happened then the continued flow would just enlarge the passage again fairly quickly, so that the BOP will become ineffective.
However there are pictures of the leaks available.
There is a recent report that the accident may have been caused by a poor cementing job by Haliburton:
After an exploration well is drilled, cement slurry is pumped through a steel pipe or casing and out through a check valve at the bottom of the casing. It then travels up the outside of the pipe, sheathing the part of the pipe surrounded by the oil and gas zone. When the cement hardens, it is supposed to prevent oil or gas from leaking into adjacent zones along the pipe.
As the cement sets, the check valve at the end of the casing prevents any material from flowing back up the pipe. The zone is thus isolated until the company is ready to start production.
The process is tricky. A 2007 study by the U.S. Minerals Management Service found that cementing was the single most-important factor in 18 of 39 well blowouts in the Gulf of Mexico over a 14-year period. But at the time of the accident, "well operations had not yet reached the point requiring the placement of the final cement plug, which would enable the planned temporary abandonment of the well," the Halliburton statement said.
However it is hard to see from what is known, that this was a cause in this case.
If a well is shut in it closes of the blow-out preventor. There is a report from a survivor (h/t Fractional Flow ) that says that the well was shut in and they were going through the process of separating the rig from the well, and moving it off.
Story Reports analyzes the BO and BP manure. Don't believe BP or BO they are liars.
It could be they thought the well was "shut in" or closed off by the blow out preventor closing its valves to cut off the oil and gas pressure. The survivor says this was done. It could be he thought this was done. Maybe they thought the bop was closed off.
If they thought it was closed off preventing the oil and gas from comming to the surface they would start going through the process of seperating the rig from the well. This process involves cleaning out the drilling mud from the riser, replacing it with sea water.
However, when they re-opened the valves at the top of the well, the pipe in the well had become filled with gas from the well, under considerable pressure, and this “Kicked” the well as the valve opened.
If the BOP only partially closed when they re-opened the valves at the top of the well, the pipe in the well had become filled with gas from the well, under considerable pressure.
Only 30 to 40,000 PSI!
"Gas, as the pressure gets less as it moves up the pipe, expands much more than oil. And unfortunately in the process of disconnection, the pressure to hold the gas, which comes from the density of the drilling mud in the riser initially, had been removed as part of the disconnection process."
So now I think I understand what the heck could have happened.
They thought the BOP shut off the oil and gas on the sea floor. It did not.
(1) Could the BOP malfunctioned?
(2) Could the operator have make a mistake and not closed the BOP correctly or fast enough?
(3) Could a waco environmentalist have had his hands on the controls and faked the closing off of the blowout preventor???
(4) Could BP have done this on purpose to make billions through the CCX that obama and gore created?
Which one do I think it is? I can only take a guess because the 11 men who died are not talking.
If BP goes bankrupt then morphs into a carbon based trading company I would say, (3)or (4) a waco environmentalist faked the closing of the BOP to create a manufactured crisis and BP did it on purpose to make millions on the CCX.
If after testimony under oath and corroborating evidence is creditable I could possibly believe it was an accident waiting to happen just like BO before he was "elected".
The tooler or foreman that died on the rig told his father that BP was cutting corners and taking safety risks and he was having to fight them all the time.
If this is true it must be also happening on other rigs. BP has made their employees sign a gag order not to talk.
This is why I suspect a coverup by BP. Remember BP was in bed with obama before this oil crisis. BP was obama's biggest contributor to his campaign. Rohn E and BP were also in bed together.
Caron credits are the greatest scam in human history
BP America President and Chairman Lamar McKay: “BP supports an economy-wide price for carbon based on fair and equitable application across all sectors and believes that market based solutions, like a cap and trade or linked-fee, are the best solutions to manage GHG emissions.” (Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Energy and Environment, U.S. House Of Representatives, Hearing, 6/15/10)
Shell President Marvin E. Odum: “That is why Shell supports legislating a solution to energy and climate issues as a means to create a secure U.S. energy future, reduce dependence on foreign oil and decrease greenhouse gas emissions. This requires setting a price for carbon, and we recommend cap and trade.” (Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Energy and Environment, U.S. House Of Representatives, Hearing, 6/15/10)
ConocoPhillips CEO James J. Mulva: “Another key element of a comprehensive energy policy should be federal action to address global climate change. As you are aware, ConocoPhillips supports passage of a comprehensive federal law establishing a clear and transparent price for carbon.” (Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Energy and Environment, U.S. House Of Representatives, Hearing, 6/15/10)
(Of course cap and trade is just an excuse to tax Americans on a problem that does not exist. Why do all the oil companies support cap and trade? Why would oil companies want a price for carbon set?
I'll tell you. They are invested in the obama/raines/gore carbon credit scheme.
Caron credits are the greatest scam in human history
Gary E explains:
If you have ever sat back, scratching your head and wondering why the Marxists are pushing for a “cap and trade” bill that would not only make energy costs “necessarily skyrocket,” to quote Barack Obama, but do absolutely nothing to effect fictional “climate change, ” one way or the other, you are about to find out.
We have long known this Marxist idea was nothing more than a continuation of the communist desire to “spread the wealth” by forcibly stealing from those who create and earn, and giving to those that don’t. This is an inbred mental defect that can’t be cured, only contained, the most effective way being: not to elect these evil, corrupt bastards in the first place!
When we first learned of the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) we smelled a rat. No one has been more radical than Barack Obama when it comes to pushing the “global warming” hoax, and the “cap and trade” scheme. Being based in Chicago, common sense told us that Obama was somehow involved, and it was as corrupt as the day is long.
It took Glenn Beck to put it all together, and he has done a remarkable job of spelling it all out. In the videos below, Glenn documents Obama’s ties to the multi-trillion dollar carbon trading scam, Goldman Sachs, the Joyce Foundation, domestic terrorist Bill Ayers’ brother, Al Gore, George Soros, Maurice Strong and a whole cast of nerdowells.
Beck does a great job of connecting the dots here, as well as spelling out the scam itself. It’s quite interesting to note that all of the Marxist-democrats were pounding Goldman Sachs in their “show trial” for their handling of derivatives, a “synthetic” financial product, created out of thin air. Never mind it was the Marxist-democrat Party controlled Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac who were involved in the creation of this product, and President Bill Clinton who sanctioned it. (IE carbon credits)
Caron credits are the greatest scam in human history
Even Obama’s boss, George Soros, got in on the act writing an essay on his website speaking to the dangers of derivatives.
And yet, this is what carbon trading is, in a way. You are not buying a real product, or producing a benefit. Trading carbon credits can best be described as a “sin tax” with the “sinner” being able to purchase the ability to continuing “sinning,” without stopping the “sinful behavior” in any way whatsoever. You are simply redistributing wealth. In this case, those who actually produce will be forced to purchase the right to continue to produce from those who don’t produce. A real triumph for the glorious communist revolution!
But stealing money from the producers, and giving it to the non-producers is only half the story. These carbon credits will have to be tracked and traded. These credits will be treated as any other commodity, and traded on the open market. This is where the Chicago Climate Exchange comes in. They will be the only exchange for trading these credits and will make hefty commissions buying and selling these credits. (They get paid coming and going)
Energy prices will “necessarily skyrocket” because of two factors. One, because producers will have to purchase these credits, adding to the cost of doing business, a cost that will be passed on to the consumer, and two, these producers will be forced to buy the privilege of continuing to produce, from the Chicago Climate Exchange, which will raise the cost of doing business even more, again this will be passed on to the consumer.
(Did ya get that? Bp and the other oil companies will purchase these credits and make millions off of the fake carbon credits. So will BO and al gore etc. All of the cost will be passed on to Americans.) Story Reports
This is where Obama, and the rest of what Beck is calling Crime, Incorporated come in. Conservative estimates are Obama, Gore and the other scam artists involved in this deal will gross ten trillion dollars yearly, selling nothing but thin air. This is a fact.
(Obama will be good at this because he produces nothing now and never has except the total destruction of America.) Story Reports
Carbon credits are the greatest scam in human history
(Now does the gulf "oil crisis" make sense??. Its all about BP, BO and other scum making millions through a scam. A scam obama created in chicao with al gore. The CCX or chicago climate exchange. Yes obama and gore did conceive this evil black nationalist/communist plan to spread the wealth around. BP is like I said in bed with BO. Its a backdoor way to spread the wealth around and pay reparations. Its a scam to make thugs like obama and gore wealthy. Its a way to control the American people through the scam of global warming/ climate change/ pollution reduction and investment, or PRI.
Even if it was true that carbon emissions make the temperature of the earth rise, the cap and trade bill will not make any difference because china and other countries will not stop doing what they are doing. They are polluting but it does not cause the temperature of the earth to increase. So even on the surface of the scam it is evident carbon emissions will NOT be reduced by the CCX. Its a total BO and BP scam! ) Story Reports
Author's Note: This is a guest post by William Semple. Mr. Semple is a drilling engineer and independent drilling consultant with 37 years of experience in the oil and gas industry. He worked for 16 years with a major oil company and has 24 years of experience as a drilling supervisor.
Sequence of events
Drilling of the Macondo well had reached total depth (TD) at 18,360 feet (ft). The previous casing shoe was at 17,168 ft. Open hole diameter was 8 ½ inches (in). Rotary Kelly Bushing (RKB) to Mud line was 5,067 ft. The open hole had been logged over a four-day period.
7 in by 9 7/8 in casing was run from TD all the way back to the wellhead--a single string.
The casing had been cemented using +/-100 bbls of slurry. There were no losses and the plug was bumped. No back flow was observed after displacement (although “U” tube effect was not significant.) Top of cement is estimated at 16,200 ft.
9 7/8 in casing hanger was landed with no lock ring (Reason not known).
No pack off or secondary seal was run (Reason not known).
11 hrs after cementing, the casing was tested to 2,650 pounds per square inch (psi) with the blind shear rams closed.
Drilling string was run to 8,367 ft.
Sequence of events
16.5 hrs after bumping the cement plug, the draw down or negative test was carried out to establish well integrity prior to displacing 14.3 pound per gallon (ppg) oil-based mud out of the well from a depth of 8,367 ft.
This test was carried out part-way through the displacement of the well to seawater including a complex spacer pill, with the well shut in and the kill line open & full of seawater. Kill line pressure was zero but there was 1400 psi on the drill pipe.
The inflow/draw down test was probably flawed. It would not equate to what the well would see after the riser was displaced to seawater. There is also witness statement information that the observation of return flow from the kill line to the cement unit was 15 bbls during the inflow test. As can been seen in the BP report, there was quite a lot going on during this process, and the data seems rather confusing. However, the test was deemed to be satisfactory.
The annular was opened up and the process of displacing the well to seawater continued at 25 to 31 barrels per minute. During this time, oil-based mud was being transferred to the supply boat, so total fluid in and out volumes could not be monitored. However, flow in and out was being monitored.
20:58-21:08 hrs there was an indication of increased flow from the riser returns. This coincided with a slowdown in pump rates and then stopping of pumps to carry out a sheen test in preparation to dump “clean” fluid returns to the sea (fluid spacer). During this period the drill pipe pressure increased (+/- 200 psi increase over five minutes).
21:15 hrs pumping restarted and returns were dumped overboard. The diverter was closed for this operation so there was no longer flow-out measurement.
21:31 pumps off. The pump pressure just prior to this had been increasing but then showed, a drop off which could have been a sign of the gas coming up to surface. Records show 4 telephone calls between the rig floor and the Toolpusher (drilling manager responsible for all operations) during this time.
21:31 – 21:47 erratic drill pipe pressure probably due to unloading of riser because of gas expansion.
21:49 Drill pipe pressure had risen rapidly to 5,800 psi. It is thought that the annular preventer may have been closed at this time. But since the drill pipe valve (Kelly cock/stab in valve) was not closed, the pressure would have reached the pumps where the relief valve pressure could have been exceeded and tripped gas would have flooded the pump room (this is speculation but quite likely).
21:49 All data transmission from the rig were lost presumably due to the explosions & fire.
21:56 hrs The EDS (emergency disconnect system which closes all valves & rams & blind shear rams on the BOP --blowout preventer--and disconnects the riser) was pressed from a remote location but it did not appear to work.
After loss of hydraulics and communication from the well the AMF (automatic mode failure system) on the BOP should have functioned. This would have closed all BOP rams but not the disconnect. This did not appear to work.
Post-explosion ROV (remotely operated vehicle) interventions were conducted to attempt to activate the blind shear rams, variable rams and other BOP functions.
Leaks were found in the system that were previously noted in the rig log.
Hydraulic system errors such that test rams (lower pipe rams) were activated instead of the lower variable rams.
Subsequent NDT (non-destructive testing) examination of the BOP indicated that the blind shear rams & variable rams did move and may be in the locked position, but final status will not be possible until the BOP is recovered.
Well Planning
* The hanger was run without a lock ring. Pressures from gas leaking up from the producing formation could have provided sufficient pressure to move the hanger and affect seal integrity. There was no lock ring or secondary seal (pack off) to prevent this.
* Hanger was only a single barrier—the cement was and could not be tested.
* Gas from the annulus getting past the hanger seal was the most likely source of the kick and subsequent blowout.
Policy & Procedure
The method of conducting the inflow or draw-down test in conjunction with displacement of the well from weighted mud to seawater is suspect at best, and possibly fundamentally flawed.
Basic Rig Practices
# The inflow/draw down test did not appear to offer satisfactory results, and also took place over a relatively short period of time.
# During the displacement of the well to seawater, volume, flow show and pressure anomalies were evident but did not result in the well being shut in in a timely manner.
# Even after there were some indications that all was not well, pumping operations continued. Returns were dumped and the return flow meter was bypassed,so the rig was effectively blind until things started to get quite serious.
(Here is the definitive answer to the question, what caused the manufactured crisis in the gulf.)
When the well was shut in, the drill pipe safety valve or IBOP was not closed in time to stop rapid rise in pressure getting back to the pumps and probably blowing the pressure relief valves.
(Why? Answers 1,2,3,4 of my previous questions apply.
(1) Could the BOP malfunctioned?
(2) Could the operator have make a mistake and not closed the BOP correctly or fast enough?
(3) Could a waco environmentalist have had his hands on the controls and faked the closing off of the blowout preventor???
(4) Could BP have done this on purpose to make billions through the CCX that obama and gore created?) Story Reports
What lessons can we learn from this tragedy?
(It was done on purpose.) Story reports
1. The practice of running a long string instead of a liner to seal off a reservoir means any failure in the cement job cannot be monitored. It is well known that, in certain circumstances, some of the hydrostatic pressure of the cement column can be lost during the cement-curing process. Running a liner means the cement job can be monitored or tested, or that a liner-top packer can be used to act as an additional barrier.
2. The industry should embrace existing techniques to prevent or compensate for potential loss of hydrostatic pressure during the cement-curing process.
3. Hanger assemblies can and should offer dual barriers.
4. Hangers should always include a locking mechanism. This should not be left out for the sake of convenience.
5. Cement should not be considered as a barrier unless it can be properly tested in the direction of flow.
6. Barrier policy should require dual barriers tested in the direction of flow.
7. Inflow/draw down testing and displacing wells to lighter fluids is not part of the IWCF syllabus. It should be.
8. Displacing wells to under-balance hydrostatics should require monitoring of volumes pumped and returned. The process should stop while volume is pumped to a boat.
9. Flow checks during such displacements to lighter fluids should be mandatory and thorough.
10. Basic well control training teaches us that, when there are indications of a kick, the well should be shut in.
11. Basic well control training teaches us that before closing in a well, the drill pipe should be shut in first.
12. Drillers must be empowered to have the confidence and authority to close the well in if they have any suspicions that a well might be flowing. Close the well in first – ask questions later.
(Here is some additional information about the coast guard. After reading this you start to think it really is BP and BO in bed together giving birth to a crisis. Like I said the whole thing smells like BO!) Story Reports
The inevitable happened via the US government and BO.
Obama doesn't let a crisis go to waste
The US Coast Guard turned up on site and deluged an abandoned Deepwater Horizon until it sunk 2 days later as the Coast Guard flooded the pontoons. The sinking of the rig resulted in the failure of the riser and the initiation of the worst spill in US history. Now I am NOT apportioning any blame to the US Coast Guard, but the decision to deluge the rig? Was it really wise? I mean if they had let the fire rage what would have happened?
i). The fire would have burned fiercely above the drill floor and would have eventually consumed everything from there up.
ii). Is it possible that the pontoons, the rig legs and the drill floor could have survived the fire for a week or two or maybe even more?
iii). Is it possible that the riser could have maintained intact for many days after the blowout? Simply feeding oil and gas to a giant inferno above the rig.
It is my opinion that, the best cause of action would have been for the Coast Guard to sit back and watch the rig burn. In fact there should have been a conscious effort to keep the rig dry, as the fire would have consumed all the oil that would otherwise be spilling into the gulf. Even if the rig burned for just two weeks that time would have been invaluable for planning the response.
The current set up over the Malongo well is actually identical in principle to the set up that was sunk by the Coast Guard two days into the response operation. In fact the original set up was better as we had a Marine Riser from sea floor to deck that was structurally intact and preloaded in place.
I wonder how much BP would pay to get that scenario back in place?
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