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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Senior Lecturers in Law Professor Obama

Navy corpsman pronounced KOR MAN. The uppity professor can't pronounce a simple word correctly. Why? Its because obama is an empty suit. A man who has not released ANY records of his education. Why? I suspect it because his education records reflect a corpse that obama does not want revealed.

Calling obama a "professor" is not racist. If you believe the univ of Chicago obama was considered a senior lecturer at law. The Senior Lecturers in Law are listed under "Professors" while Lecturers in Law are not.

The absent minded professor obama knows how to lecture but this is all. He can tell you something about a subject but thats all. Obama is just a "senior" FRAUD. He is an empty suit lecturing America. Obama has no real solutions nor has he the ability to perform his pompous suggestions.

Obama is just an uppity man/child as Rush Limbaugh has said. If you say that someone is uppity, you mean that they are behaving as if they were very important and you do not think that they are important.

Obama acts as if he is important. Normally what a president says of does is important. We expect something useful from a president. What obama has given us is just a lecture. He is the absent minded arrogant professor. He can't stand anyone disagreeing with his pompous asinine lectures.

Obama likes to tell America what is wrong with America. Obama has ideas that don't produce anything but higher unemployment and failure.

Why? Its because all obama can do is lecture. He is just a useless uppity empty suit.

Obama does not impress me. He can't even pronounce corpsman. Obama is a professor of stupid when it comes to pronouncing simple words. Does this reflect his lack of ability? Does this mean he could possibly be playing a role he is not prepared for? YES.

What happens when someone starts a business but it fails because the person running the business does not make good decisions about the business? What happens when a person starts a business and has no experience running a business and it goes under?

You get someone like barack obama a community organizer and haughty/uppity FAILURE. A man/child that has NO experience running a business and is not an effective leader. Because of his lack of ability to see beyond himself, obama can only lecture and make excuses for his failures. Obama is pathetic. An inept excuse for failure.

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