WASHINGTON (AP) - A spokesman says Democratic Rep. John Murtha of Pennsylvania, a retired Marine Corps officer who became an outspoken critic of the Iraq war, has died. He was 77.
He had been suffering complications from gallbladder surgery.
Murtha's congressional career was clouded by questions about his ethics—from the Abscam corruption probe in 1980 to more recent investigations into the special-interest spending known as earmarks and the raising of cash for election campaigns.
The quotable John Murtha: ‘If I’m corrupt, it’s because I take care of my district’
Murtha was a thieving old geezer.
Caught on film making a hotel room kickback deal he is quoted “If I get to know you better, maybe I’ll take it (the money)”. A lowlife, slimeball politician if there ever was one.
If there were a definition of a democrat–it would have Murtha’s picture beside it. The old coot was the antithesis of tax-&-spend democrats, with their pork, earmark, bring-home-the-bacon, kickback, pay-to-play mentality–and the HELL with the rest of the USA.
Murtha was thriving under the Obama administration. He knew the low-road game well.
Murtha has routinely and deliberately undermined the United States military, slandered servicemen serving in combat, and caused irreparable damage to our international reputation. While serving as a Representative from Pennsylvania, Murtha called Marines from 3d Battalion, 1st Marines “cold blooded killers” who “murdered innocent civilians.” Before an investigation into the Haditha incident was even conducted, Murtha went on numerous television news programs and announced that the Marines “went into houses and killed women and children.”
He said, “There’s no question in my mind about what happened here. There was no gunfire, they killed four people in a taxi…24 people were killed.” When asked specifically if he claimed that innocent civilians were intentionally executed by Marines, he said, “That’s exactly what happened.” Not content to slander those Marines directly involved, he went on to claim that if these Marines were not punished, “other Marines would say well I’ll do the same thing.” Murtha then continued to use this incident to lobby for the immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq, citing it as evidence that our military was incapable of winning the war.
Eight Marines were originally charged. As of March 17th, 2009 all charges were dropped against six Marines, one was found not guilty on all counts in courts martial. The prosecution has delayed the court martial of the final defendant indefinitely. The original allegations of a massacre and the statements of Congressman Murtha have been thoroughly discredited. Despite the facts, John Murtha refuses to apologize to those he slandered.
Don’t Honor John Murtha. He Deserves No Honor. Murtha has routinely and deliberately undermined the United States military, slandered servicemen serving in combat, and caused irreparable damage to our international reputation. Murtha turned his back on the US military. He became an enemy to the US military. The US military will be better off now that this traitor has died. America will be better off without john murtha. (Story Reports)
Jeff Emanuel Red State
The “Slow Bleed Strategy” of john murtha
Let’s journey back to February 2007. At this time, the U.S. was approaching its 4th anniversary in Iraq, the military death toll had passed 3,000, and Iraqi civilians were caught in the middle of a furious sectarian battle that had been kicked into overdrive by the bombing of the Golden Mosque in Samarra.
General David Petraeus had just been tapped to take over Multinational Force-Iraq, and was ramping up a “surge” in troops there in preparation for the implementation of his counterinsurgency doctrine in the theater — a comprehensive overhaul of Iraq war strategy that would ultimately prove to be incredibly successful. Democrats in the House had just passed a non-binding resolution condemning the “surge” in troops (Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called this a “symbolic victory in the fight over the Iraq War,” despite the fact that the Senate version of the resolution fell 4 votes short of cloture. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said “It’s pretty clear that a resolution that in effect says that the general going out to take command of the arena shouldn’t have the resources he thinks he needs to be successful certainly emboldens the enemy and our adversaries”).
This was the setting for perhaps the most insidious move of Jack Murtha’s career, if not his life: the design and introduction of what he called a “Slow Bleed Strategy” designed to deprive soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines in Iraq of the supplies — bullets, armor, etc. — they needed not only to push forward in Iraq, but to keep themselves alive while there. The rationale behind Murtha’s aptly — if appallingly — named Slow Bleed Strategy was that, if the supply chain to our troops in combat could be forced to dry up, enough of America’s warfighters would be killed in action that President Bush would have no choice but to “redeploy” our military men and women out of Iraq and back to America.
That’s right: Murtha became one of the only leaders in the history of warfare to advocate, rather than fight to the death to prevent, the drying up of his own military’s lanes of resupply. Not even Benedict Arnold attempted an act so insidious that it was more worthy of an enemy sleeper agent than a sitting Member of Congress.
Murtha announced this Slow Bleed Strategy in mid-February of ‘07, announcing at a press conference that House Democratic leaders had joined forces with several leftist “anti-war” groups (such as the “Win without war coalition,” “Americans against the escalation of the war in Iraq,” and others) in a combined legislative- and multimillion-dollar advertising campaign whose purpose would be to undermine the President’s authority as Commander in Chief of the nation’s fighting forces by “limiting the administration’s options” through the passage of legislation and the inclusion of several stipulations for receipt of funding in appropriations bills.
In other words, as mentioned above, Murtha’s plan was to force the President to withdraw our troops from Iraq, either immediately or after thousands more had been killed due to a termination of resupply efforts.
(Only a bastard would cut off supplies to our troops. I'm sure murtha fits this description. Obama also has a “Slow Bleed Strategy” for the US economy. Liberal democrates like murtha and obama are more than willing to "cut off supplies" to US troops or American civilians to further their radical agenda. We are nothing more that grass to be trampled on. Rush Limbaugh calls obama a man child. This is an accurate description. He is a man who thinks like a child. Murtha was a coward who acted like a coward. Obama and murtha are similar.) Story Reports
Jack Murtha used the fractured home front to push his agenda of ending a war he disagreed with at any cost — both human and political. As a leader within the party in control of the legislative branch of government, he sought to “slowly bleed” the war effort until it was dry of funds with which to purchase bullets, body armor, and other supplies, while also seeking to whip the American public into such an “anti-war,” anti-military frenzy that the dwindling number of surviving Iraq war veterans would be even more reviled than his fellow Vietnam veterans were in their day.
That, more than AbScam, billions in Pork, or even the reckless and irresponsible (if not treasonous) Haditha accusation, is what Jack Murtha should be remembered for, and it is why I personally, along with many, many others, will not lose one moment of sleep, nor waste one breath in false condolence or respect, over the loss of such a “man.”
John murtha would have not had a gall bladder operation if obamacare was his only choice and neither would most Americans.
Obama's "bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgement of their level of productivity in society". The Title IV quality: Subtitle A says the cost of proposed treatment will be divided by the remaining years of your statistical life expectancy. If your per year life cost exceeds the state mandated threshold your won't get health care.
See TITLE IV–QUALITY: Subtitle A–Comparative Effectiveness Research. “Comparative Effectiveness Research” means that they will take the cost of your proposed treatment and divide that by the remaining years of your statistical life expectancy. If your per-year life cost exceeds the state-mandated threshhold, you won’t get the health care. Are you a military veteran over 59 who risked everything for your country? No heart by-pass surgery for you, you expensive old goat!
(You ask what is a "death panel". I will tell you.)
The "health care" bill provides for mandatory euthanasia counseling for senior citizens every five years AND whenever they receive a diagnosis of terminal illness (page 425, House version of the bill — H.R.3200, America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009).
But we are not just talking about those very near the end of life. The specific wording in the bill is:
….if there is a significant change in the health condition of the individual, including diagnosis of a chronic, progressive, life-limiting disease, a life-threatening or terminal diagnosis or life-threatening injury, or upon admission to a skilled nursing facility, a long-term care facility (as defined by the Secretary), or a hospice program.
Just a “life-limiting” disease is enough to trigger the state’s interest in you. Down’s Syndrome? Muscular dystrophy? Alzheimer’s? Senile dementia? You could be encouraged to “go home” early.
But even if you are in fairly good shape, and you are past middle age, you have cause for concern.
(I would say this is a DEATH PANEL that decides if you are WORTHY OF LIFE using an amount obama has decided it will cost the state. The older you are the less the government DEATH PANEL will pay out for your medical need. This is a fact. It is not assuming anything. I talked with IDIOTS that deny this is in the bill. They say the government would never do this. I am surrounded by a vast number of IDIOTS who deny this is in the obama bill. Story Reports)
• Page 30: A government committee will decide what treatments and benefits you get (and, unlike an insurer, there will be no appeals process)
• Page 42: The "Health Choices Commissioner" will decide health benefits for you. You will have no choice. None.
HR 3200 House Bill Obamacare
John murtha would have been told by obama's panel to just take a pill and go home because of his, "diagnosis of a chronic, progressive, life-limiting disease, a life-threatening or terminal diagnosis or life-threatening injury,."
This is exactly what obama said he though his own grandmother should have done.
John murtha voted for obamacare. Murtha wanted all Americans to have a panel of so called experts decide if you would live or die. Its in the house bill HR 3200 read it.
Obamacare does contain panels that are efficitively Death Panels
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