No medical records will be released. Odd man out.
The Obama campaign has stated that no medical records will be released. Instead, a one-page undated letter from a doctor will have to satisfy reporters on that issue.
The New York Times on Barack Obama in May: 2008
The letter is the first publicly released information about Mr. Obama’s medical history or current condition. The six-paragraph, one-page statement summarized the senator’s health for the last 21 years and was signed by Dr. David L. Scheiner, who said he has been Mr. Obama’s primary care physician since March 23, 1987. The undated letter was released less than a week after Senator John McCain of Arizona, the presumptive Republican nominee, released his medical records.
A spokesman for Mr. Obama said his campaign would not make Dr. Scheiner available for a telephone interview.”
–New York Times, May 8 2008, “Obama’s Doctor, Praising His Health, Sees No Obstacles to Service”
Barack Obama stands alone in the last three elections as the only candidate to not release medical records to the public.
Gore did it in 1999: Gore’s Health ‘Outstanding,’ Doctors Say
Bush released medical and service records in 2000 and again in 2004: Bush releases his Vietnam-era military files
Though there were some questions, Kerry released records in 2004: Kerry allows Navy release of military, medical records
What is in those medical records?
The medical records join Obama’s college and university records as parts of the candidate’s past that is off-limits.
Birth records: That can't be verified are off-limits.
NO MEDICAL RECORDS. Obama has more than a no record birth to hide. Something is super ODD about obama. Something doesn't smell right. I could make a guess. Its one of two things.
Both would qualify for not releasing the obama medical or birth records.
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