Filed means filed. Accepted means accepted. Obama's certification has not been accepted.
The obvious question must be asked: If Obama has an original "long form" birth certificate issued on the day of his birth by the state of Hawaii, why would he also have a "Certification of Live Birth"?
It would not be necessary.
Barack Obama was asked if he was eligible to become president under the Article II "natural born" eligibility clause. Obama masked the truth by posting a Hawaiian Certification of Live Birth (COLB).
Upon further investigation, the mask of the C.O.L.B. started to be more and more revealing of the original 1961 certificate, made much of by Hawaii’s Governor Lingle and the state’s Department of Health official, Dr. Fukino, as more probably a Dept. of Health document and not a hospital long form.
If Obama was trying to promote his Hawaiian native born status, he would have willingly posted a hospital certificate as solid, best evidence. A C.O.L.B. is labeled as only prima facie evidence; the validity of its information open to inspection by a proper Hawaiian court venue.
If the C.O.L.B. referenced document was not a hospital birth certificate, what was it? Under Hawaiian statute, specifically §338-5, it is compulsory for the Dept. of Health to register a newborn child of a Hawaiian resident, even if no documentation of place and time of birth is presented. Only the word of one parent is required by law.
If the hidden 1961 certificate is a §338-5 form, face down like a card in a poker game, the $1,400,000 Barack Obama ponied up to prevent its public release means Obama is not just bluffing, but covering up perjury and other violations of law.
In the end, a §338-5 compulsory registration will be more probative of the direct testimony evidence of Obama’s Kenyan birth, than of his claimed Hawaiian birth.
Who Is Obama?
We Don't Know.
The Certification Of Live Birth obama presented to the world has never been validated by the registrar in Hawaii on the form.
The Certification Of Live Birth obama has asked you to believe is valid cannot be validated unless it is compared against his original long form "certificate of live birth" hidden in Hawaii, which obama has refused to reveal.
We really don't know who obama is.
No medical records will be released. Barack Obama stands alone in the last three elections as the only candidate to not release medical records to the public. What is in those medical records?
No medical records to indicate who obama is.
Obama refuses to release his medical history in any form.
There is nothing to verify or prove obama exists. There is nothing to verify obama is a male or female. Nothing. No medical records that can be verified or checked out.
We really don't know who obama is. We don't know what obama is.
No record that can be verified. No college records. Nothing.
Instead of people focusing on whatever is in the news, people should focus on who or what obama is.
As of this date there is no record that can be verified that obama exists.
Obama is a no record.
This is amazing. Obama is an avatar that has been presented to the public as a real person.
Obama looks and acts like a real person yet obama will not reveal or prove who or what he is. The mass propaganda has convinced the public obama is real.
Obama is not real. Obama cannot prove he exists. Obama is a mirage that is believed to exist by millions.
I saw the matrix movie. I understood it was a program that controlled people through deception.
The deception was not easily perceived by most people.
Today the "matrix" in effect is the "state controlled mass media".
It is similar to a program that controls the population through deception.
The deception is that we are living in a country that has elected the first black president.
The state run media matrix continues to mask the real world or obama and who he is.
There are people who are not deceived by the matrix of the state run media.
I do not listen to the propaganda of obama.
I know he can't prove he exists. I have just proved he can't prove he exists.
Two big problems affect obama.
(1) No Medical Records Released To Public
(2) No Birth Certificate Released That Can Be Verified
Can you prove obama exists? A paper trail or documentation.
Its also a real possibility no long form "certification of live birth exists".
It is possible no documentation exists that obama exists.
This would be my best guess.
No records for a no record failure barack hussein obama.
A voiced opinion by an Hawaiian public official is in no way documented evidence that obama was born in Hawaii.
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