(3) CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTIONS.--Nothing in this division shall be construed to prohibit any constitutionally protected speech, expressive conduct or activities (regardless of whether compelled by, or central to, a system of religious belief), including the exercise of religion protected by the First Amendment and peaceful picketing or demonstration. The Constitution does not protect speech, conduct or activities consisting of planning for, conspiring to commit, or committing an act of violence.
(4) FREE EXPRESSION.--Nothing in this division shall be construed to allow prosecution based solely upon an individual's expression of racial, religious, political, or other beliefs or solely upon an individual's membership in a group advocating or espousing such beliefs.
What is hate speech. It does not exist. Only hateful speech. Let me express my individual thoughts about queers, bi-sexuals, cross dressers and pedifiles. All these perverts are a threat to normal people especially children. Also the congress of the US and obama are a bigger threat because they condone sexual preversion and protect child molesters. We the people have the right to protect ourselves and our families against perverts described in this pedifile protection act that the congress attached to the defense bill. What was this attached to the defense bill? Because it was the only way to get it passed. Most normal people do not want the US government passing a bill protecting pedifiles and queers. I agree queers should not be assaulted unless the queer has assaulted an individual and he or she is defending against a "queer/pedifile" attack of some sort. Normal people must protect themselves when assaulted also. We need a normal people protection act that has the same penalties against queers and perverts. We need to be protected aginst the queers and perverts in congress. Remember America you have the right to protect yourselves against queer/pervert attacks and also you have the right and obligation to defend your family and children against pedifiles,queers,perverts and crossdressers. The queers in congress are trying to protect themselves and their queer pervert butt buddies.
Sick lesbian perverts are protected by the sick perverts in congress and supreme court.
National Center for Lesbian Rights like one of their own:
Our assessment of this nominee as she enters into the Senate confirmation hearings stage is as follows:
“Judge Sonia Sotomayor is eminently qualified, has a classically moderate and restrained judicial temperament, and would bring a keen appreciation for the struggles of ordinary people, including LGBT people, to the bench. She has earned a unanimous “well qualified” rating from the American Bar Association. We are confident she would give our arguments a fair and open minded hearing, which is all we can ask from any judge. Her every writing and recorded utterance has been closely examined, revealing a distinguished record. This potential Supreme Court justice both seeks to understand the potential impact of rulings and respects the rule of law. It is our extremely strong sense that Judge Sotomayor will be, and should be, swiftly confirmed by the Senate.”
With that said, Senate confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominees always make for fascinating legal theatre. We’ll be watching.
Kate Kendell, Esq.
Executive Director
National Center for Lesbian Rights
Preverted lesbians want one of their kind on the supreme court. These are the types of people normal people must protect themselves from. Their preverted minds can at any time make them an instant threat to normal people and their families.
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