40 years ago this weekend Mr. Kennedy was drunk driving his car over a narrow wooden brige spanning a tidal inlet when his car ended upside down and under water. Mr. Kennedy made it out, but Ms. Kopechne didn't. He pleaded guilty to the charge of leaving the scene of an accident in July 25, 1969. He was a DRUNK who killed her. Facts were left out, like Kennedy tried to get one of his underlings to say he was driving the car, then when that failed, he tried one of his cousins, who also declined. The man was drunk, panicked and left her to drown.
Mr. Kennedy said he failed in several attempts to rescue Ms. Kopechne, and then made his way back to the party to retrieve two other men, bypassing several other residences without asking for assistance. The three returned, but couldn't reach Ms. Kopechne. After giving up, Mr. Kennedy instructed the two men to take care of the remaining women at the party. He said he would deal with the accident. He then returned to his hotel room, and went to sleep. By the time he reported the accident to the police at 10 the next morning, the car had been found and a diver had recovered Ms. Kopechne's body.
Kennedy went to sleep the drunk off and 10 hours later reported the accident. By the time he reported the accident to the police at 10 the next morning, the car had been found and a diver had recovered Ms. Kopechne's body.
Why did they leave the party?
Mr. Kennedy said he was heading back to his hotel and would drop Ms. Kopechne at hers on the way, but it's unclear why he didn't have his driver take them, and why they left with one of the only two cars at the party, leaving one car for the remaining 10 people who also had to return to their hotels. Ms. Kopechne left her purse and hotel keys at the party, and no one recalls hearing her say why she was leaving the party. Mr. Kennedy says that they ended up driving away from the ferry by mistake. Around 11:15 p.m., Mr. Kennedy said he was leaving to catch the ferry and would drop Ms. Kopechne off at her hotel on the mainland. Ms Kopechne left her keys and purse at the party so there is no way she could have been going to the hotel to be dropped off.
Despite his reputation as a heavy drinker, he maintains he was not drunk. When he went to the police it was more than 10 hours after the accident and too late to test for alcohol. Ms. Kopechne had a blood alcohol level indicating she'd had three to five drinks.
There was a cover-up. Edward Kennedy is a FRAUD/DRUNK/LIAR. The same fraud and liar who wants to have complete control of your life by constructing a so called health care bill that will require you to do the governments bidding by government force. His own health care bill would not permit him to have the needed medical care he has received. Kennedy wants you to just take a pill when told you have a terminal illness and go home an die. This is what the drunk kennedy should do.
Ms. Kopechne's parents allege people that were paid off not to tell the truth about the incident. The grand jury foreman says he was barred from calling key witnesses, and that the local police chief and district attorney took him aside to insist the incident was an accident, nothing more.
Key fact: Grand jury foreman was barred from calling any key witnesses and as it says the district attorney and local police chief took him aside to insist the incident was an accident nothing more. The Grand Jury Inquest was a SHAM FAKE procedure to hide the fact Kennedy was DRUNK, drove off the bridge, managed to save himself, probably never did try to rescue Ms Kopechne because he was drunk, and waited 10 hours to report the killing after he had sobered up. With no key witnesses to testify before the Grand Jury no evidence was presented to expose the FRAUD kennedy.
40 years ago Edward Kennedy killed Ms Kopechne and it was covered up. The official version of what happened is of course a lie. The coverup continues. This is an example of how the legal system can be used by powerful people to coverup the truth. Obama is also a master of this. His first day in office he sealed all his personal records including his Hawaiian birth certificate from view. Again the legal system is used to coverup a FRAUD. 40 years from now the coverup will continue if no one else is able to expose the FRAUD obama.
On January 21st, 2009, his very first day in office, Barack Obama implemented and signed into law Executive Order 13489
Edward Kennedy and Barack Obama are FRAUDS and LIARS. Both use the system to coverup their true identities. If Kennedy could have signed an executive order the first day he killed Ms Kopechne he would have to conceal the truth just as obama has done.
The body was wisked away without an autopsy and was immediately cremated. There was some speculation she was pregnant. What a piece of slime and he has continued to be elected a senator. I'm sure the democrates are being told by edward his health care bill is his dying wish and that it must be passed as soon as possible before he dies. He is just another tool being used by obama to ram more goverment control through congress which will collape the US dollar much sooner so obama can declare marshal law and install a new regime.
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