Just to similar to ignore!
There is even a pirate spokesman (who could not be reached for comment on Friday), The "pirate spokesman in very similar to the pirate spokesman for Obama, who is "Captain Change" "Captain Change" is obama and he is THE pirate stealing America resources through the FED and demanding Congress ransom the American economy. Obama's "Chicago Mafia of acorn and the dems enforce his position as "Chief Pirate".
"They then usually demand millions of dollars in ransom" Just stop a think a little. This is what the "FED" just did to the Congress when Congress was threatened with marshall law or worse if Congress didn't pass the $170 Bill (ranson) that was demanded by the "FED". Crazy, no this is what just happened recently. "They seem to strike with increasing impunity, grabbing everything". "They then usually demand millions of dollars in ransom" The pirates are highly organized. They work in teams. And people usually pay. They travel in light speedboats or (organize assaults via the internet). “These pirates are getting bolder ever day,” Officials say the pirates are growing in numbers. They have evolved into a sophisticated organized crime ring, (from Chicago). An official described the pirates as an oceanic “mafia” or (the from Chicago mafia). “Paying the ransoms is just making this worse,” (The FED again) This is an international problem, (the FED and Congress promoted and created the manufactured crisis in the first place). Somalia’s pirates tend to hide their captured ships in isolated coves, (The FED will not reveal where they are spending all the money). Pirates have threatened the pipeline of food into the country because of the constant hijackings on the high seas, (The FED is constantly making the economy worse by the "hijackings" of the economy!
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