(Obama's grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, a bank vice president, and grandfather, Stanley Dunham, a salesman, lived in a two-bedroom apartment in downtown Honolulu and helped raise their grandson Barack until he graduated from high school. Barack rarely talks about his grandmother. She is in poor health and still lives in the same Hawaii apartment he grew up in.)They zeroed in on comments he made about his white grandmother and her racial phobias."The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity," he said. "But she is a typical white person. If she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know. . .there's a reaction in her that doesn't go away and it comes out in the wrong way."
Wrong! The point he was making was that his grandmother did harbor racial animosity and he then equated her with the anti-American racist Rev. Jeremiah Wright!
(I must state the truth...Barack Hussein IS a black racist who hates white people a black nationalist. [Story Reports comment])
Is Barack Obama avoiding Andy Martin in Honolulu?
Is Obama staying out of Honolulu until Andy Martin leaves?
If Obama’s grandmother is so ill, why is Obama delaying his arrival?
Curiouser and curiouser
Executive Editor
“Factually Correct, Not
Politically Correct”
Why is Barack Obama delaying his arrival in Honolulu?
Could it be because Andy Martin is there, and Obama is waiting for Martin’s departure before The Chosen One lands?
(HONOLULU, HI)(October 21, 2008) This column is just a short response to Barack Obama’s strange behavior. We will have a full column (Part Two) later today after lunch. (Remember we are on Hawai’i time, so the columns come out much later on the mainland.)
Obama suddenly announced Monday his grandmother had been gravely ill for weeks. He has his own plane. All he had to do is tell the pilot to file a flight plan for Honolulu and take off. He’s the king of his own armada.
But instead of rushing to his grandmother’s bedside, Obama is waiting until I leave Honolulu before he lands.
Ask yourself, “What would I do?” What would you do if you had your own plane and mom or dad suddenly took ill? Would you tell the pilot to set course for Hawai’i, or tell him to wait three (3!) days before coming to your relative’s bedside? How sick is she if Obama is will to delay his “emergency” for three days?
This entire episode is becoming curiouser and curiouser.
If his grandmother is sick enough to suspend his campaign, why is he “suspending” it days late? Curiouser and curiouser.
Last night I was out doing interviews that had to be postponed because of Hawai’i Supreme Court litigation during the day. My cell phone kept ringing with people wanting to alert me, and warn me of possible harm from Obama with his imminent arrival here. I do not believe Obama, or even his more rabid supporters, will try to cause me physical harm. They are too busy measuring for carpet and drapes in the White House.
But I do believe there is a powerful awareness on Obama’s part that I have been pursuing his lies for four years, and we are closing in on his secret truths. The negative karma must be overwhelming. The thief always knows when he is about to be caught. (“Book’em, Danno?”)
No one (except the groveling mainstream media) seems to believe Obama’s grandmother is so ill that, in light of their past relationship, she merited a campaign suspension (more on that later today).
Strange as it seems to me, we are apparently getting to Obama, and he is increasingly afraid of the David in this David and Goliath (Obama) drama.
Is Obama trying to avoid me? (We leave Honolulu Wednesday night and he arrives “Thursday.”) You be the judge.
Stay tuned for High Noon in Honolulu.
Posted on Tuesday, October 21, 2008 (Archive on Tuesday, October 28, 2008)
United States Time Zones Hawaii time lags US Mainland time up to 6 hrs on east coast so expect information about OPERATION ALOHA OBAMA later in the day
The strange silence of Barack Obama’s grandmother (HONOLULU, HI)(October 21, 2008) 8:00 AM EST
[Barack Obama's 86-year-old white grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, who has come to be known by many as "Granny Dunham," has been, according to the Obama campaign, "unavailable for comment" to media. This poor woman is "unavailable" only because her treacherous grandson is having her held prisoner in Hawaii. He knows if she talks to the media it could be revealed he is really an ILLEGAL ALIEN with a false birth certificate
(Will America be assimulated by Obama and black nationalism?)
The jury is still out on whether America will assimilate into the barack hussein obama's black nationalism culture or will stay free. The "jury foreman",Obama,is trying to convince the jury,Americans, that false testimony admitted by the judge,the mass media,is what we the people should consider. Don't believe the "judge or jury foreman" but validate the facts on your own! (Story Reports Comment]
Maybe we will find out today if Obama is an illegal alien.
May the force be with us to live long and prosper without the plague of Obama. :)
URGENT APPEAL: The Committee of One Million to Defeat Barack Obama is raising money to fight Barack Obama.
CommitteeofOneMilliontoDefeatBarackObama Please give generously up to the maximum of $100. Our ability to fight and defeat Barack Obama is directly dependent on the generosity of every American."
The Committee of One Million to Defeat Barack Obama limits itself to $100 maximum contributions; there are no bundlers, fat cats or illegal contributions. Obama is opposed to everything America stands for," says Executive Director Andy Martin. "But while Obama has raised more than a third of a BILLION dollars, his opponents have raised virtually nothing. We can't just sit back and expect John McCain to do the job all alone. Americans can either contribute now, or pay later. If we do not succeed, Obama will."
E-mail: contact@CommitteeofOneMilliontoDefeatBarackObama.com
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