Is this Obam's real father a radical comminist?
The Obama investigation in Hawai’i, Part Three
Obama’s Hawai’i Years: The truth finally revealed
Barack Obama is not “Barack Obama”
Executive Editor
“Factually Correct, Not
Politically Correct”
(HONOLULU, HI)(October 22, 2008) Internet powerhouse Andy Martin told a Honolulu news conference today that after an intense international investigation he is convinced that Barack Obama, Junior, the presidential candidate is really the son of Obama’s controversial mentor Frank Marshall Davis.
“Mendacious adults ‘switched’ Obama at birth. That is why he has refused to allow access to the original or ‘vault’ birth certificate,” Martin told a Honolulu news conference. “We believe the original certificate did not list a father. Barack Obama became the father as a result of an agreement between Ann Dunham, Frank Marshall Davis and Barack Obama, Sr.
“Davis was already married to a White Woman. He did not need a nonmarital child by a second one. Ann probably refused to have what was then called a ‘back alley’ abortion. Davis may have felt that ‘Obama’ would face less stigma with an ‘African’ background than a Negro one. The civil rights revolution, of course, turned that gambit upside down. In discovering and understanding what happened we cannot forget we are dealing with events in 1961, not 2008.
“The irony in all of this is that Obama once stated he did not want his daughters to be ‘victimized’ with a child. And he is alive because his mother took the contrary view.
“Barack Obama has known this since adulthood, and the shock of this discovery still reverberates in his psyche.
“Ironically, what I have to say today dilutes the ‘Muslim’ theory that has propagated. Davis was not a Muslim. If Obama had told the truth at some point in his life, instead of living endlessly with the lies that were imposed on him by the adults in his life, we would have avoided a great deal of confusion. I, for one, have deep compassion for Mr. Obama. He is not the first person in history to be caught up in this kind of family fraud.
“The disclosure by the two women in his life that he was not the ‘son’ of his ‘father’ also explains why he manifests such extreme ambivalence to both his mother and grandmother. He is angry because he was cheated of his real father.
“Obama was robbed of his birthright of being the son of civil rights royalty, and of a father with whom he was completely simpatico. He could have grown up the son of Frank Marshall Davis, civil rights pioneer and activist, cutting-edge journalist, poet and man of letters. Mr. Davis was an extraordinary man in a dark period of this nation’s history, the pre-dawn of the civil rights era.
“Obama has probably suspended his campaign and is flying to Honolulu because he is deathly afraid his grandmother may make a ‘dying declaration’ and blow the whistle on his family fraud. Dying people often blurt out the truth. The true facts of Obama’s parentage also reflect why there has been so much tension and alienation, as well as genuine love, in Obama’s relationship with his grandmother.
“There has been a great deal of confusion and misconception about Frank Marshall Davis. A brief history lesson is essential to understanding the bizarre facts of Obama’s provenance.
“During the 1920’s and 30’s many Negros (African-Americans) became ‘communists’ because the Soviet Union and the Communist Party USA promised to end racial segregation and Jim Crow laws in the United States. The Democratic Party, of course, was the powerful force behind segregation and Jim Crow. So it is a twist of fate that the same party that oppressed Blacks has now nominated one for president.
“Madelyn Dunham is the last surviving person who knows the truth about the switch. That is why as we closed in on Dunham, Obama went ballistic, cancelled his campaign and came to Hawai’i to head us off.
“I actually carry an official, certified pocket-sized birth certificate on me at all times [Andy shows a copy to media]. But this is NOT my ‘birth certificate.’ The original certificate is held in the City Clerk's vault in Middletown, Connecticut. That is what has come to be known as the 'vault copy.'
“Likewise, the document that Obama has plastered over the Internet is NOT his original birth certificate or even a copy of his original certificate. It is a computer generated facsimile of an official record and nothing more. The original certificate was either handwritten or typewritten, not computer-generated in 1961. No one has ever seen that original certificate except the people that are working so hard to keep it hidden from the American people.
“I am asking Judge Ayabe to impound the value certificate and have the court hold it for safekeeping.
“By the time Barack Obama learned who he was, it was too late to change his identity. He was who he was, so he continued the ruse of being the son of an ‘African herder,’ which was yet another lie. ‘Dreams From My Father’ bears no connection to dreams from Barack Obama; there were none. It was Frank Marshall Davis who communicated his dreams to his secret son.
“There is a simple way for Obama to resolve this controversy: he can either admit the truth of these facts and order the immediate release of his vault certificate; or he can submit to a DNA test. We can conduct a Maury Povich-style DNA test to determine filiation between Obama and his brothers, one of whom blogs at BarackObama.com.
“In closing, I can only say that we used the fictional ‘Hawai’i Five-O’ as our dramatic template for this investigative operation. We could have as easily used the great, real-life Hawai’i detective Chang Apana as our polestar. He was featured in yesterday’s newspaper.
“As for Mr. Obama, all I can say is ‘Book’em Danno.” Case solved. Barack Obama the presidential candidate is the son of Frank Marshall Davis.” Martin stated.
“I bear Mr. Obama no ill will and no animus. I have only been a faithful servant of the search for truth, and I believe we finally know the secret truths about who Barack Obama really is: the son of Frank Marshall Davis.”
Readers of Obama: The Man Behind The Mask, say the book is still the only gold standard and practical handbook on Barack Obama's unfitness for the presidency. Buy it.
Book orders: http://OrangeStatePress.com. Immediate shipment from Amazon.com or signed copies from the publisher are available.
FULL DISCLOSURE: I recently decided to oppose Barack Obama's election and became Executive Director of The Stop Obama Coalition, http://StopObamaCoalition.com. By default, I became the national leader of the anti-Obama movement. I am not acting as either a Democrat or Republican. I have had no contact whatsoever with the McCain Campaign. I am not a member of any political organization. The views expressed are entirely independent. I am acting as an American citizen who sincerely believes Obama is not the man we need in the Oval Office. We are going to run a very dynamic and aggressive campaign against Obama. I will continue to write my news and opinion columns for ContrarianCommentary.com. /s/ Andy Martin
URGENT APPEAL: The Committee of One Million to Defeat Barack Obama is raising money to fight Barack Obama. http://CommitteeofOneMilliontoDefeatBarackObama.com. Please give generously up to the maximum of $100. Our ability to fight and defeat Barack Obama is directly dependent on the generosity of every American."
The Committee of One Million to Defeat Barack Obama limits itself to $100 maximum contributions; there are no bundlers, fat cats or illegal contributions. Obama is opposed to everything America stands for," says Executive Director Andy Martin. "But while Obama has raised more than a third of a BILLION dollars, his opponents have raised virtually nothing. We can't just sit back and expect John McCain to do the job all alone. Americans can either contribute now, or pay later. If we do not succeed, Obama will."
E-mail: contact@CommitteeofOneMilliontoDefeatBarackObama.com
Andy Martin is a legendary Chicago muckraker, author, Internet columnist, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. He is currently based in New York selling his new book, Obama: The Man Behind The Mask. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of www.ContrarianCommentary.com. © Copyright by Andy Martin 2008. Martin comments on regional, national and world events with over forty years of experience. He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law.
His columns are also posted at ContrarianCommentary.blogspot.com; contrariancommentary.wordpress.com. Andy is the author of Obama: The Man Behind The Mask, published in July 2008, see http://www.OrangeStatePress.com.
Obama wrote in his book about Frank Marshall Davis: As the night wore on, the two of them would solicit my help in composing dirty limericks. Eventually, the conversation would turn to laments about women.
In a surviving portion of his autobiographical manuscript, The Incredible Waikiki Jungle, discovered posthumously, Davis confirmed that he was the author of Sex Rebel: Black after an astute reader/fanboy noticed the "similarities in style and phraseology" between the pornographic work and his poetry.
"I could not then truthfully deny that this book, which came out in 1968 as a Greenleaf Classic, was mine," Frank Marshall Davis wrote. In the introduction to Sex Rebel: Black, Davis (writing as Greene) explains that although he has "changed names and identities…all incidents I have described have been taken from actual experiences."
Frank Marshall Davis
Could this be Barack Hussein Obama's real father?
Note the above forward by Frank Marshall,"all incidents I have described have been taken from actual experiences"
Obama’s “Sex Rebel”
Communist Mentor:
The “Naked Truth” About
Frank Marshall Davis
Frank Marshall Davis: Sex Specialist
“Frank Marshall Davis [was] an activist in Hawaii who died in 1987. Barack Obama met
Davis when he was just 10 years old and sought his advice throughout his teen
years…Who was he and what kind of an influence did he have on young Barack
By Cliff Kincaid*
The sexual perversion of Frank Marshall Davis -- the “sex specialist” -- adds a dramatic
and alarming element to the controversy over his relationship with Barack Obama.
Davis, a member of the Communist Party USA, was the subject of a 19-year FBI
investigation and his FBI file, posted on www.usasurvival.org, is 600 pages long. Some
information in the file suggests espionage activities on Davis’s part.
Davis was part of the “Toward Soviet America” movement and greatly admired
Soviet Russia.
Toby Harnden of the London Daily Telegraph was the first to report that Davis’s sexual
proclivities were documented in a 1968 pornographic novel, written just two years
before Davis became Obama’s mentor, which was titled, Sex Rebel: Black (Memoirs of
a Gash Gourmet). Davis wrote the book under a pseudonym, Bob Greene.
He [Davis] stated that “under certain circumstances I am bisexual” and that he was “
a voyeur and an exhibitionist” who was “occasionally mildly interested in sado-
masochism”, adding: “I have often wished I had two p_____s to enjoy simultaneously
the double – but different – sensations of o__l and g_____l copulation.”
from Toby Harnden’s August 24, 2008, story, “Frank Marshall Davis, alleged
Communist, was early influence on Barack Obama.”
Harnden flatly asserted that, “The book, which closely tracks Mr. Davis’s life in Chicago
and Hawaii and the fact that his first wife was black and his second white, describes in
lurid detail a series of shockingly sordid sexual encounters, often involving group sex.
One chapter concerns the seduction by Mr. Davis and his first wife of a 13-year-old girl
called Anne. Mr. Davis wrote that it was the girl who had suggested he had sex with
her.” Harnden added, “He then described how he and his wife would have sex with the
girl” many times over the course of several weeks. “On other occasions,” he added, “Mr. Davis would cruise in Hawaii parks looking for couples or female tourists to have sex
with. He derived sexual gratification from bondage, simulated rape and being flogged
and urinated on.”
Obama is not responsible for being put into close contact with this alleged child
molester, who was also an alcohol abuser and pothead. Obama’s growing-up years
were sad and tragic, especially with his black father taking off and his mother spending
much of her time elsewhere. His grandparents basically raised him. But his grandfather
should never have turned Obama over to Davis.
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There is no question that Davis wrote the book under the pseudonym of “Bob Greene.”
John Edgar Tidwell, the editor of other books by Davis, has confirmed this is the case.
But Tidwell has questioned how much of Sex Rebel is based on Davis’s own life
experiences and describes it as “semi-autobiographical.” Harnden acknowledged to me
that Davis “left himself some wiggle room, not least I suppose because of the possibility
of prosecution” for statutory rape of a 13-year-old.
But in the introduction to Livin’ the Blues, a book by Davis that Tidwell edited, Tidwell
reveals that Davis left behind after his death an uncompleted manuscript, “The
Incredible Waikiki Jungle,” which describes how Davis “specialized in sex” during the
period 1969-1976. No details are provided by Tidwell. He also says that Davis wrote
another unpublished manuscript called “Mixed Sex Salad.”
Whether the book Sex Rebel is entirely based on Davis or not, the controversy
certainly demonstrates that Davis had a perverted sexual interest and should not
have been trusted as a mentor for any young person.
Andrew Walden, the editor of the Hawaii Free Press who has written about the history
of the Communist Party USA in Hawaii, obtained a copy of Sex Rebel. We asked him to
analyze the book and comment on its significance. .
Obama’s “Sex Rebel” Communist Mentor
By Andrew Walden
Sex Rebel: Black (Memoirs of a Gash Gourmet), written under the pseudonym “Bob
Greene” by Barack Obama’s Honolulu mentor Frank Marshall Davis, has been
dismissed as pornography by those few writers who have seen fit to investigate -- and
not without reason.
A typical passage (p 274) describes Davis in November, 1958 stalking Kapiolani Park in
Waikiki, Hawaii. He soon encounters two tourists--a Seattle couple he calls “Dot” and
“Lloyd” The three of them sit at a picnic table. Things start innocently enough. “Dot”
takes off her sunglasses to expose “gray eyes”. Lloyd brags to the complete stranger
about Dot’s figure. After a few minutes of small talk to establish their mutual interest in
“swinging,” Dot squeezes Frank’s crotch and exclaims, “Oooh, you’re nice size! Not too
big and not too small. Lloyd and I like ‘em that way. And it feels like you’re ready.”
Davis then devotes almost all of Chapter 27 to a graphic and detailed description of
their three-way sexual encounters over the next few days.
Sex Rebel is Davis’s “complete sex autobiography....” (p14) He changes the names
and identities but emphasizes, “all incidents I have described here have been taken
from actual experiences.” Davis’s book was printed by porn publisher Greenleaf
Classics. Writing an introduction under the pseudonym “Dale Gordon, PhD” Greenleaf
Page 4
boss Donald H. Gilmore PhD praised Sex Rebel as “a non-fiction sexual self-
confession, an intensely personal autobiography.” (p 5)
In a footnote to Davis’s memoir, Livin’ the Blues (p350), editor John Edgar Tidwell
discusses Sex Rebel and writes: “The potboilers don’t stop here. Discovered among
(Davis’) papers were several other unpublished manuscripts. Using the pseudonym
Floyd Marshall, Davis wrote ‘Mixed Sex Salad’; again using Bob Green (without the ‘e’),
he wrote ‘Penguins in Paradise’; and finally, ‘In Reverse,’ a fiction bearing no
identification, except for its title….” Davis acknowledges his authorship of Sex Rebel in
an appendix to Blues (p 346).
Two years after Sex Rebel was published, Obama’s grandfather Stanley Armour
Dunham—a decade-long friend of Davis--introduced him to the impressionable 9-year-
old Obama. The late 60s had been the end for Davis’s family life. The year after Sex
Rebel came out, Davis’ son left home and joined the Air Force. After years of marital
difficulties described in Davis’ FBI files, his wealthy wife Helen Canfield Davis, whose
own sexual escapades are described extensively in the book, finally divorced Davis in
In spite of the Obama connection, if porn were all that was to be found in Sex
Rebel, then this would be a titillating but intellectually dull subject. But Davis’s
sex book gives important clues to the history of the Communist Party, USA, in
Chicago and Hawaii.
In the early 1930s, the CPUSA had faced off with the NAACP over the defense of the
Scottsboro Boys. Davis, then editor of the Atlanta Daily World was interviewed by the
NAACP’s Crisis magazine in 1932 as part of an article titled “Negro Editors on
Communism”. He explained his attitude, not as the result of patriotic or otherwise
principled beliefs, but as a practicality. The interviewer describes Davis as believing
“that the violent opposition of whites to negro Communists in the South might bring
trouble to an ‘already over-burdened race.’”
A decade later the practicalities had changed. According to Tidwell: “Sometime during
the middle of the war, he (Davis) joined the Communist Party.” (Black Moods pg xxviii)
In Sex Rebel, Davis describes why joining had become easier: “With the Soviet Union
and the United States allies in the world struggle against the Axis, it was quite
respectable to join and work with many groups later labeled Communist.” Without
skipping a beat, Davis continues, “Black and white mingled openly; for the first time
many snow broads and spade studs could meet without fear or stigma and they made
the most of this opportunity.” (p 115)
Sex Rebel also opens a window to the racial-sexual psychodynamics of the left—
most of which emerge entirely from the sexual dynamics of the system of Jim
Crow segregation. The sexual revolution of the 1960s and 70s has been
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described as a Communist plot, but looking through Davis’s eyes, the Communist
movement looks like a sex rebels’ plot.
The interrelationship between the two is not solely an American phenomenon. So-
called “Free Love” was a key element of the 19
century Russian radicalism which led
to the formation of the first Russian socialist groups and eventually to the 1917 Russian
Revolution. Like mid-20
century beatniks and hippies, many mid-19
century Russian
radicals practiced free love and did not bathe. Many emigrated directly from Russia and
other European countries in the massive wave of U.S. immigration before WWI and
eventually became founders of the Communist movement in the USA.
Davis continues the timeline, writing, “I think World War II accelerated the sex revolution
begun during World War I. With so many virile men in service, thousands of wives who
ordinarily might never have made it with another man looked to almost any available,
interested, and presentable male for sexual relief….Thus it was that any reasonably-
appealing (draft-)deferred male could, without really trying, accumulate a harem for the
duration.” (p108)
Davis sees himself a “Sex Rebel” against a society he caricatures as believing in “sex-
for-procreation-only” and religion he caricatures as attempting to “ban sex”. (p16)
Davis’s rebellion is personal but is also aimed at overthrow of the existing social order.
Porn publisher Gilmore (writing as Gordon) explains, “We see the progressive steps
toward what many sociologists call the ‘sensual society.’ Sex becomes the be-all, end-
all, of a restless, insecure society, whose individual members have to search further and
further afield for stimulation and satisfaction.” (p8)
Davis targets what he sees as “hypocrisy” in social attitudes towards sex. He writes: “I
am aware that this book will be objectionable to the censors. But under their damp
stones, I can envision them smacking salacious lips over its ‘obscenity’ and
‘pornography’. Right now I want to warn them that if they object too strongly, I shall not
produce any more volumes of this general type, thus diminishing the possibility of their
private jollies being kicked off by this writer.”
But Davis has his own hypocrisy to confront. While Gilmore/Gordon writes
glowingly of the “sensual society”, Davis dedicates half of Chapter 9 to
describing sadomasochistic humiliation requested by a white Communist named
“Gloria” (p116-129).
Davis makes no bones about where this behavior leads. He explains: “I was never
again involved with Gloria, but I frequently heard about her. After hitting the hay with all
the willing Negro males she met at mixed parties, and finally running out of new
partners, she started going solo to South Side bars and letting herself be picked up.
Eventually she contracted syphilis and dropped out of circulation. I often wonder
whether she got herself medically cured or decided with masochistic logic, to suffer, and
in time die painfully, as the supreme expression of her personal atonement.” (p129)
Page 6
In his introduction Davis firmly states: “…I feel no guilt over anything I have
Like Gloria, Davis meets his second wife Helen Canfield Davis (pseudonym: Charlene)
at what he describes as “a special school on the twelfth floor of an office building on
West Washington Street in the Loop”. (p172) This corresponds to the CPUSA-run
“Abraham Lincoln School” at which Davis taught in the late 1930s and early 1940s.
From page 114 to 260 Davis describes dozens of sexual encounters related to “mixed
parties”, “club meetings” and “fundraising affairs” all of which are likely connected to his
membership in the CPUSA.
Davis also pays a price, although he does not seem to realize. After a lifetime as a “Sex
Rebel,” Davis explains: “Under certain circumstances I am bi-sexual. In addition to
cunnilingus, at times I enjoy analingus. I an (sic) interested in urolagnia. I’m also a
voyeur and exhibitionist. Occasionally I am mildly interested in sado-masochism.” (p
Married or not, Davis’s fun and games continued unabated after moving to Hawaii in
1948. After his escapade with “Dot” and “Lloyd”, Davis describes group sex and
voyeurism at “the Green Goose, a bar in Honolulu’s ‘Little Harlem’ on Smith Street, then
operated by one of my friends.” (p280) Smith Street was Honolulu’s one and only slice
of the ghetto scenes so prevalent in Mainland inner cities.
In Livin’ the Blues Davis spends all of pages 320 and 321 listing the black professionals
who had found success in Hawaii. He then whines: “These and similar jobs and
elective positions were obtained solely on merit. There are not enough souls here to
wield political or economic power. There is no ghetto, hence no potential Black
Power….Hawaii is not for those who can be happy only in Soul City. This is no place
for those who can identify only with Afro-America. ‘Little Harlem’ is only a couple of
blocks of bars, barbershops, and a soul food restaurant or two. When I arrived, the
local establishment was trying to shunt black servicemen, gamblers, pimps, dope
peddlers, and prostitutes into this area to better localize the racism by police and others
imported from the mainland, but this disappeared after a confrontation between a group
of us and the police chief.”
Davis complains: “Unfortunately, many settling in Hawaii want to lose their black
identity. To them the black revolution had little meaning. They consider themselves as
achieving, on a personal level, what others want as a group, and they are satisfied.”
As part of a failed Communist Party attempt to take over the Honolulu NAACP in 1949,
Davis apparently pointed to Smith Street as evidence that segregation existed in multi-
racial Hawaii. Communists oriented heavily to that little street with sometimes amusing
results. A former Hawaii communist, interviewed by this writer, tells of a prominent
white Hawaii labor leader and Communist Party member whose white wife gave birth to
a black baby after partying with the pimps on Smith Street. They later divorced.
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In Hawaii, at the advice of Communist Party members Paul Robeson and International
Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) leader Harry Bridges, Davis immediately went
to work writing for the ILWU-funded Honolulu Record. The Record was edited by Koji
Ariyoshi, a Communist Party member who had during WW2 joined the OSS
(predecessor to the CIA). Working in China with Mao Zedong, Ariyoshi used his
position to influence US policy in Mao’s favor. The record published from 1948 until
1958 and Davis column “Frank-ly Speaking” ran in almost every edition until, according
to his FBI file, marital difficulties caused Davis to suspend submission of the column
shortly before the Record folded. Davis’s name as well as that of “Honolulu Seven”
lawyer Harriet Bouslog appear on materials promoting the CPUSA front group
“American Committee for the Foreign Born” as late as 1973.
The ILWU-controlled Democratic Party took control of the territorial legislature in 1954
and has never lost control. At times Republicans have held as few as one or two
legislative seats. From the 1962 gubernatorial election of ILWU leader and Democrat
Jack Burns until the 2002 election of Republican Governor Linda Lingle, Hawaii was
essentially a one-party Democrat state.
In 2006, Hawaii Democrats were among the first to launch a “draft Obama” movement.
Davis achieved his nirvana not on Smith Street but two miles east in the “Waikiki
Jungle”—an area of low rent bungalows and tenements with a mixture of hippies and
UH Manoa students as well as drug dealers and prostitutes servicing the tourist trade.
Revolutions cost lives and Davis biographer Tidwell gives us another of Davis’ brief
moments of honesty about the cost of the sexual revolution. Tidwell explains: “In the
forward to ‘That Incredible Waikiki Jungle,’ Davis writes: ‘In popular use a Jungle is a
place where people struggle fiercely to survive. That describes the Waikiki Jungle and
most of its residents. What with the dominance of sex, drugs, and violence, survival
was no easy task.”
Davis continues: “Being addicted to neither drugs nor violence, I specialized in sex. I
have not attempted to detail all my experiences in this unbelievable area… But I think I
have presented a true picture of what it was like to live in the Waikiki Jungle between
1969 and 1976….Let me assure you this account is entirely factual.” (Blues p350)
Children are a target of the sex “specialist.” Davis explains: “Undoubtedly an
individual’s sexual patterns can be traced back to early childhood experiences.”
(p 35) Davis later writes of a threesome between himself, his first wife and a
thirteen year old Jamaican girl. (p 71-78) His account begins, “Spring: warmer
weather, children playing on the sidewalk in front of our building. An unusual
looking child stared solemnly at me each day as I approached the entrance, then
turned away when she caught my eye. I knew she was a niece of dad’s former
landlady, but that was all. Some day she’d be brightly beautiful; she now had it in
miniature.” The next seven pages are a detailed description of their sexual
Page 8
“No guilt” Davis explains that years later, the Jamaican girl “became engaged several
times in California and Chicago only to have her fiancés back out when they learned of
her voracious sexual appetite and desire for multiple activity.”
Obama’s relationship with Davis would last from age nine to eighteen and is
described in chapters four and five of Obama’s autobiography, “Dreams from my
Father.” Obama describes gramp’s other black male friends but is not
particularly impressed with them.
He then writes:
“There was one exception; a poet named Frank who lived in a dilapidated house
in a run-down section of Waikiki….He would read us his poetry whenever we
stopped by his house, sharing whiskey with gramps out of an emptied jelly jar.
As the night wore on, the two of them would solicit my help in composing dirty
limericks. Eventually, the conversation would turn to laments about women.
“‘They’ll drive you to drink, boy,’ Frank would tell me soberly. ‘And if you let ‘em
they’ll drive you into your grave.’
“I was intrigued by old Frank, with his books and whiskey breath and the hint of
hard-earned knowledge behind the hooded eyes. The visits to his house always
left me feeling vaguely uncomfortable, though, as if I were witnessing some
complicated, unspoken transaction between the two men, a transaction I couldn’t
fully understand. The same thing I felt whenever gramps took me downtown to
one of his favorite bars, in Honolulu’s red light district….usually I would sit at the
bar, my legs dangling from the high stool, blowing bubbles into my drink and
looking at the pornographic art on the walls—the phosphorescent women on
animal skins, the Disney characters in compromising positions….”
But while Davis “specialized in sex”, the young Obama’s Smith Street adventures would
eventually take a different direction. He writes: “…even then, as young as I was, I had
already begun to sense that most of the people in the bar weren’t there out of choice,
that what my grandfather sought there was the company of people who could help him
forget his own troubles, people who believed would not judge him. Maybe the bar did
help him forget, but I knew with the unerring instincts of a child that he was wrong about
not being judged. Our presence there felt forced, and by the time I had reached junior
high school I had learned to beg off from Gramps’s invitations, knowing that whatever it
was I was after, whatever it was that I needed, would have to come from some other
source.” (Dreams p78)
By the middle of high school Obama was “specializing” in marijuana and cocaine,
a habit he would continue until arriving at Colombia University where he began
attending “socialist conferences” and acquired his interest in politics.
Page 9
Tidwell explains the attitude of Communist Party leader Paul Robeson when he
encouraged Frank and Helen Davis to relocate in 1948. “For him Hawaii contained a
veritable ‘lesson in racial matters to be learned’ one that could ‘speed democracy in the
United States,’ if Hawaii were to be admitted to the Union as a state.” (Blues xiv)
For Communists like Robeson, “democracy” was a codeword for communism.
This report is published and distributed by America’s Survival, Inc.
Cliff Kincaid, President. 443-964-8208 Kincaid@comcast.net
Please go to our website to see the
600-page FBI File on Frank Marshall Davis
Posted on Wednesday, October 22, 2008 (Archive on Wednesday, October 29, 2008)
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