Now I ask you, can anyone be this stupid? Supervision at Mikeedee's ain't no better than where I work. These people are brain dead. The girl strips as a fake caller says he is a police officer and that she is accused of stealing a purse. The fake cop on the phone tells her to strip and get a near by guy to do oral sex on. This is insane. How could anyone be this dumb. The mcdonald's supervisors also went along with what they were told to do. (Global warming must have caused this because what else could have?) So what if she was accused of stealing over the phone, she was not charged and booked. What do they think police are, just someone to tell them what to do no matter what it is? STUPID! What's in them burgers any way!!! They can't get an order correct 1 out of 5 times yet when ya call in they follow insturctions. Did the caller tell them to hold the mayo to?
LOUISVILLE — Three years ago, an 18-year-old high school senior making $6.35 an hour at a McDonald's in Bullitt County, Ky., was subject to the cruelest of hoaxes — accused by a caller of theft, then detained, stripped and sexually humiliated for hours in the restaurant office.
Two others, also duped by the hoax, were convicted of crimes, though a jury acquitted the man police charged with orchestrating the entire thing.
Now, a jury will decide what price — if any — McDonald's Corp. should pay for Louise Ogborn's degrading ordeal.
In a fiercely litigated lawsuit scheduled to go to trial tomorrow, Ogborn will ask a Bullitt Circuit Court jury to make the company pay her more than $200 million — including $100 million in punitive damages — for failing to warn her and other employees about a hoax caller who had already struck 32 other McDonald's stores and as many as 130 other fast-food restaurants and retail stores across the nation.
It is believed to be the first such suit to go to trial; the rest were settled.
McDonald's says it's not to blame and that the real culprits include the caller — and Ogborn herself.
The trial is expected to take four weeks. Stacked one atop the other, the pleadings in the case — 815 documents in 35 volumes — would stand 10 feet tall, twice the height of Ogborn herself.
"It is an interesting collision of forces going to battle over a bizarre set of facts," said William McMurry, the Louisville lawyer who helped win a $25.7 million settlement in sex-abuse cases against the Archdiocese of Louisville.
"There is no middle ground," he said. "It will be either a zero verdict for the plaintiff or a gazillion dollars. I have never seen as sensational a case as this, with so much to lose on both sides."
Lawyers have taken 57 depositions from more than 40 witnesses, and each side lists more than 80 people it might call to the stand.
McDonald's has retained eight expert witnesses in fields as diverse as psychiatry, probability, corporate security and human behavior, and will employ two major law firms in its defense.
The principal antagonists are two of Kentucky's leading trial attorneys, Ann Oldfather for Ogborn and W.R. "Pat" Patterson for McDonald's.
Ogborn, claiming she is wracked by fear and depression, seeks compensation for her lost enjoyment of life and an expected lifetime of therapy and medication costs. A psychiatrist, hired last year by her attorneys, said her symptoms were worse than the typical rape victim's.
Nix was engaged at the time to the store's assistant manager, Donna Jean Summers, who asked him to come watch Ogborn. A man who phoned the store pretending to be a police officer accused Ogborn of theft and ordered her strip-searched.
According to police and court records, Nix said he thought he was following an officer's orders when he directed Ogborn, who was detained four hours in the restaurant's office, to do exercises in the nude and perform oral sex on him. He also slapped her several times on her buttocks, at the direction of the caller, the records show.
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