Euphemisms are a type of word game. Barack Hussein Obama to me is an example. His "strategic misrepresentations" are a euphemism for "lies,". Obama's Euphemisms have also transformed ordinary sewage sludge into "regulated organic nutrients" that don't stink but merely "exceed the odor threshold." BO doesn't STINK it merely exceeds the ODOR threshold!
Thomas Jefferson
know of no safe depository of the ultimate power of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion.
This is what I, "Story Reports", am attempting to do, inform you the American public and enlighten you to exercise control before its to late!
When psychologists have explored the relationship between I individuals and authority figures, they have found that it can be disturbingly easy for false experts to manipulate the thinking and behavior of others. One of the classic experiments in this regard was conducted in 1974 by Stanley Milgram, who tried to see how far people would go in following orders given by a seemingly authoritative scientist. The subjects of Milgram's research were taken into a modern laboratory and told that they would be helping conduct an experiment that involved administering electric shocks to see how punishment affected the learning process. The subjects were seated at a machine called a "shock generator," marked with a series of switches ranging from "slight shock" to "severe shock." Another person was designated as a "learner" and was hooked up to receive a jolt each time he gave the wrong answer on a test. A third individual, the "scientist," stood over the experiment giving instructions and supervision. Unbeknownst to the real subjects of the experiment, both the "learner" and the "scientist" were actors, and no actual electricity was used. As each fake shock was administered, the "learner" would cry out in pain. If the subject administering the shocks hesitated, the "scientist" would say something like, "Although the shocks may be painful, there is no permanent tissue damage, so please go on," or "It is absolutely essential that you continue." The result was that many subjects continued to administer shocks, even when the "learner" claimed heart trouble, cried out, or pleaded to be set free. "With numbing regularity," Milgram observed, "good people were seen to knuckle under the demands of authority and perform actions that were callous and severe. Men who are in everyday life responsible and decent were seduced by the trappings of authority, by the control of their perceptions, and by the uncritical acceptance of the experimenter's definition of the situation, into performing harsh acts."
Obama knows that his "authority" will compel ordinary people to succumb to the trappings of his "authority" and then be seduced into UNCRITICAL ACCEPTANCE of his every pronouncement which will lead to callous and severe harsh acts with numbing regularity.
In another famous experiment, known as the "Doctor Fox Lecture," a distinguished-looking actor was hired to give a meaningless lecture, titled "Mathematical Game Theory as Applied to Physical Education." The talk, deliberately filled with "double talk, neologisms, non sequiturs, and contradictory statements," was delivered before three audiences composed of psychiatrists, social workers, psychologists, educators, and educational administrators, many of whom held advanced degrees. After each session, audiences received a questionnaire asking them to evaluate the speaker. None of the audience members saw through the lecture as a hoax, and most reported that they were favorably impressed with the speaker's expertise.
The distinguished looking "actor" is none other than Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Sorento. The meaningless lecture is any speech which he has given. His speeches or "press conferences", are deliberately filled with double talk, neologisms, non sequiturs, and contradictory statements. After each speech audiences are polled and asked to evaluate the "speech" or "news conference". Most Americans do not understand Obama is a HOAX, and will conclude he knows what he is talking about being impressed with Obama's expertise never realizing the credit should go to the teleprompter and Obama's skill as a con man.
Between World Wars I and II, the rise of the public relations industry in the United States and the growing use of propaganda by fascist and communist governments prompted a group of social scientists and journalists to found a remarkable organization called the Institute for Propaganda Analysis. The IPA published a periodic newsletter that examined and exposed manipulative practices by advertisers, businesses, governments, and other organizations. Fearlessly eclectic, it hewed to no party lines and focused its energies on studying the ways that propaganda could be used to manipulate emotions. It is best known for identifying several basic types of rhetorical tricks used by propagandists such as Obama:
1. Name-calling or "playing the race card". This technique, in its crudest form, involves the use of insult words. Newt Gingrich, the former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, is reported to have used this technique very deliberately, circulating a list of negative words and phrases that Republicans were instructed to use when speaking about their political opponents-words such as "betray," "corruption," "decay," "failure," "hypocrisy," "radical," "permissive," and "waste." The term "junk science," is an obvious use of this same strategy. When name-calling is used, the IPA recommended that people should ask themselves the following questions: What does the name mean? Does the idea in question have a legitimate connection with the real meaning of the name? Is an idea that serves my best interests being dismissed through giving it a name I don't like?
2. Glittering generalities. This technique is a reverse form of name calling. Instead of insults, it uses words that generate strong positive emotions-words like "democracy," "patriotism," "motherhood," "science," "progress," "prosperity," "hope," "change we need" etc. Politicians love to speak in these terms. Democrats use words such as "caring," "children," "choice," "commitment," "hope," "dream," "duty," "empowerment," "change," and "hard work" when talking about themselves and their own programs. Democrats, of course, use the same strategy. Think, for example, of Obama's talk of "the future," "growing the economy," "yes we can," or his campaign slogan: "Change we can believe in."
3. Euphemisms are another type of word game. Rather than attempt to associate positive or negative connotations, euphemisms merely try to obscure the meaning of what is being talked about by replacing plain English with deliberately vague jargon. Rutgers University professor William Lutz has written several books about this strategy, most recently Doublespeak Defined. Examples include the use of the term "strategic misrepresentations" as a euphemism for "lies," or the term "employee transition" as a substitute for "getting fired." Euphemisms have also transformed ordinary sewage sludge into "regulated organic nutrients" that don't stink but merely "exceed the odor threshold."
Vague jargon is Obama's middle name. A con man selling you a false bill of goods.
4. Transfer is described by the IPA as "a device by which the propagandist carries over the authority, sanction, and prestige of something we respect and revere to something he would have us accept. For example, most of us respect and revere our church and our nation. If the propagandist succeeds in getting church or nation to approve a campaign in behalf of some program, he thereby transfers its authority, sanction, and prestige to that program. Thus, we may accept something which otherwise we might reject." In 1998, the American Council on Science and Health convened what it called a "blue-ribbon committee" of scientists to issue a report on health risks associated with phthalates, a class of chemical additives used in soft vinyl children's toys. People familiar with ACSH's record on other issues were not at all surprised when the blue-ribbon committee concluded that phthalates were safe. The committee's real purpose, after all, was to transfer the prestige of science onto the chemicals that ACSH was defending.
This is what Obama has done by getting elected. He has succeeded in getting the nation to approve a campaign of hope and change on behalf of his hidden agenda of socialism and total control of America.
5. Testimonial is a specific type of transfer device in which admired individuals give their endorsement to an idea, product, or cause. Cereal companies put the pictures of famous athletes on their cereal boxes, politicians seek out the support of popular actors, and activist groups invite celebrities to speak at their rallies. Sometimes testimonials are transparently obvious. Whenever they are used, however, the IPA recommends asking questions such as the following: Why should we regard this person (or organization or publication) as a source of trustworthy information on the subject in question? What does the idea amount to on its own merits, without the benefit of the testimonial?
The prime example is Obama's web site fight the smears where Congress and a majority of the US electorate believed his own web site endosement of himself! How STUPID can this country be? Poeple did not question his web site certification of birth on its own merits. If they had maybe they would have asked about seeing documentation that would have proved Obama is a US citizen.
6. Plainfolks. This device attempts to prove that the speaker is "of the people." Even a geeky multibillionaire like Bill Gates tries to convey the impression that he's just a regular guy who enjoys fast food and popular movies. Politicians also use the "plain folks" device to excess: George Bush insisting he eats pork rinds; Hillary Clinton slipping into a southern accent. Virtually every member of the U.S. Senate is a millionaire, but you wouldn't know it from the way they present themselves. Obama talking one on one with potential voters in various local settings, etc.
Somehow the brain dead electorate believed Obama was plain enough to be elected. I guess just being "black" was enough.
7. Bandwagon. This device attempts to persuade you that everyone else supports an idea, so you should support it too. Sometimes opinion polls are contrived for this very purpose, such as the so-called "Pepsi Challenge," which claimed that most people preferred the taste of Pepsi over Coca-Cola. "The propagandist hires a hall, rents radio stations, fills a great stadium, marches a million or at least a lot of men in a parade," the IPA observed. "He employs symbols, colors, music, movement, all the dramatic arts. He gets us to write letters, to send telegrams, to contribute to his cause. He appeals to the desire, common to most of us, to follow the crowd."
Obama contrived his image by hiring media consultants who formed a vast "left wing conspiracy" website which carried his propaganda to every section of the country. Most blacks and whites, who had a "white guilt complex", followed the crowd and got on the bandwagon to disaster.
8. Fear. This device attempts to reach you at the level of one of your most primitive and compelling emotions. Politicians use it when they talk about crime and claim to be advocates for law and order. Environmentalists use it when they talk about pollution-related cancer, and their opponents use fear when they claim that effective environmental regulations will destroy the economy and eliminate jobs. Fear can lead people to do things they would never otherwise consider. Few people believe that war is a good thing, for example, but most people can be convinced to support a specific war if they believe that they are fighting an enemy who is cruel, inhuman, and bent on destroying all that they hold dear.
The Obama/ACORN manufactured crisis. An emotional device to reach you at your most "primitive" level to support his hidden socialist agenda.
The IPA disbanded at the beginning of World War 2, and its analysis does not include some of the propaganda devices that came to light in later years, such as the "big lie," based on Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels's observation that "the bigger the lie, the more people will believe it." Another device, which the IPA did not mention but which is increasingly common today, is the tactic of "information glut"-jamming the public with so many statistics and other information that people simply give up in despair at the idea of trying to sort it all out. These are the people Obama targets.
Obama's big lies are repeated often by the national and local media. Information in the form of Obama's lies are repeated over and over like a tv commercial which has the effect of selling you his hidden agenda socialism, complete control, and loss of your freedoms. Hitler said, "tell the people a lie often enough and they will begin to believe it!"
The Precautionary Principle
By training and enculturation, most "experts" in the employ of government and industry are technophiles, skilled and enthusiastic about the deployment of technologies that possess increasingly awesome power. Like the Sorcerer's Apprentice, they are enchanted with the possibilities of this power, but often lack the wisdom necessary to perceive its dangers.
When you hire a contractor or an attorney, they work for you because you are the one who pays for their services. The PR experts who work behind the scenes and the visible experts who appear on the public stage to "educate" you about various issues are not working for you. They answer to a client whose interests and values may even run contrary to your own. Experts don't appear out of nowhere.
The client is Obama and the PR firm is now the US government. The "government" does not have your best interest in mind. The education you are receiving is propaganda from the "controlled" mass media to further Obama's socialist agenda of control and destruction of the US economy including martial law.
In understanding the hold that government "experts" have on our lives, we should consider the role that we ourselves play as consumers of information. Most propaganda is designed to influence people who are not very active or informed about the topic at hand. There is a reason for this strategy. Propagandists know that active, informed people are likely to already hold strong opinions that cannot be easily swayed. The people who are most easily manipulated are those who have not studied a subject much and are therefore susceptible to any argument that sounds plausible.
Propaganda elected Obama. Blacks and whites alike were not fully informed people making plausible judgements about the FRAUD Obama. It is too late now. Obama and the "democrate" majority will destroy our freedoms and capitalism as we know it. The propaganda war continues. I am aware of the FRAUD Obama, are you?
Live "Postiively" and question authority without fear of being called "negative" because you now know how the propagandists work to quell your freedom of thought to make an informed decision about the FRAUD Obama.
I've heard people say if the "authority" of Obama is questioned they don't want, "all that negativity around them". My answer is I don't want "all that naivete around me" because it indicates a lack of knowledge of who Obama is and what his agenda is going to produce. (Story Reports)
The mass hypnosis article below explains why and how barack obama, a skilled politician, can sway a crowd. It is an excellant view of why and how obama is creating mass [mania: An excessively intense enthusiasm, interest, or desire; a craze:]
After reading the article below you will understand what is really going on with obama! Hitler used the same techniques and so have many others. It is obvious he is using the same speech technique of mass hypnosis.
To turn a gathering of people into a crowd you need eloquence. You need to have everybody's attention, and as you talk to them and they listen, by suggesting what they will or will not experience, by adding strong emotional content, with repetition, with their minds collectively focused on a single pointed idea, that idea being trance, you already have most of the crowd in trance, and they don't even know it!
The main thing with stage hypnosis is the expectation and anticipation of the audience. Possibly the most important factor in achieving instantaneous trance is the prestige, (authority) of the operator, and his skill to control the audience. The greater prestige, (authority) the operator has, the greater the belief of the masses in his power and influence. This is why all performing hypnotists say they are "The World's Number One" and so on and so forth.
Let us imagine that a hypnotist is performing in your town or city. Posters are displayed advertising this hypnotist to be "The World's Number One" and other exaggerated claims such as "Master Of The Mind". In the eyes of the general public who don't understand mind and crowd control, the hypnotist is a person with amazingly mysterious powers and skills. The stage hypnotist uses the ignorance of the masses to his advantage, (Obama).
People are drawn to see the show with preconceived ideas. Their own susceptibility to suggestion already heightened, they are already in a level of trance. Speed hypnosis, or instantaneous hypnosis is then fairly easy to achieve by a skilled operator.
All stage hypnotists and hypnotherapists know about post-hypnotic suggestions. The pre-hypnotic suggestion is less widely recognized or mentioned in books on therapy, yet it is highly important, and that cannot be stressed enough. The pre-hypnotic suggestion is vital in both areas of hypnosis. It goes back to the old saying, "As a man thinketh so is he". What you believe will be true for you, especially when trance is induced. Therefore if you think that after having experienced hypnosis you will have a headache, you will most likely have one. If you think that it might drive you insane, then it could. If you think it will be a good laugh, then it will be. But remember, there is no general rule of thumb!
With a stage setting many people are drawn to see the show as if by some compelling inner force. They are already controlled by their own fears and anticipation. Some of the audience are already on the verge of, or already in, a level of trance. Moods and feelings are contagious.
The more packed the audience the more likely you have a crowd.A large gathering of people does not necessarily make a crowd. A crowd is when the gathering of people are all experiencing similar thoughts and emotions, and this creates an element of collective unconsciousness. Man is a gregarious animal, and his mind can and does lose its individuality and personality when in a crowd setting. This is of course how mobs and riots occur. This is how a skilled politician can sway a crowd.This is how Hitler hypnotized a whole nation. A skilled stage hypnotist will use this to his advantage.
To turn a gathering of people into a crowd you need eloquence, or a teleprompter in Obama's case.. You need to have everybody's attention, and as you talk to them and they listen, by suggesting what they will or will not experience, by adding strong emotional content, with repetition, with their minds collectively focused on a single pointed idea, that idea being trance, you already have most of the crowd in trance, and they don't even know it!
In some ways it could be described as a form of telepathy. There are numerous different types of telepathy. Most people when they hear the word telepathy think of mental telepathy. Probably the most common form of telepathy is emotional.
With a good crowd you have a very strong form of emotional telepathy. This of course can work for you, or against you if you don't understand it. It is the gut feeling, literally coming from the solar plexus region.
It is an invisible energy which not only do we feel, but we also transmit and receive. It is as if the solar plexus is the main emotional radio of the body. When we are close together as with a crowd these feelings transmit more easily from aura to aura, from person to person. This is why there is likely to be total panic when a fire occurs in a public building like a nightclub or cinema. A skilled operator, Obama, can sense this, whether he is consciously aware of it or not, and can use it to his advantage. When the call for volunteers arises in a hypnotic show certain individuals just can't help but put themselves forward, moved by an invisible compelling force. That is to say, the positive pre-hypnotic suggestions of the hypnotist have already been made, and they come forward as the post-hypnotic suggestion is made calling for volunteers. The fact is that they are already being controlled because they are already in an element of trance. Their trance may have started when they first heard about or saw a poster advertising the event. It may have occurred only minutes beforehand. But it has already occurred.
So to summarize how stage hypnosis works, it is mass hypnosis, (the mass media). There is a level of collective unconsciousness, which is generally emotionally oriented through apprehension, based on fear. (This is the the fear that Obama and the Democrates have manufactured). A gathering of people is transformed into a crowd. A crowd is dominated by suggestions of which it is unconscious.
Don't you agree? Doesn't this explain this mysterious surge of obama supporters?
The stage hypnotist uses the ignorance of the masses to his advantage. This is what obama does. At first I thought he was an empty suit, I still do but an empty suit that hypnotizes the willing masses of the mass media! (Story Reports)
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