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Saturday, September 19, 2020

RIP Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg - As Your Party Is Defeated In 2020



Update: 10/16/20

Amy Coney Barrett will be the next Supreme Court Justice.

The democrates /deep state/ shadow government gig is soon to be up.

They continue to plan to steal the 2020 election using mail in ballot FRAUD.

Their plan is to use mail in ballot fraud and other types of ballot fraud to cause the election results to not be know on Nov 2020.

This part of their plan will work.

The election result totals will NOT be known on Nov 3, 2020.

This will not be resolved until the US Supreme Court takes a ballot fraud case or other election case an rules in President Trump's favor. 

Amy Coney Barrett is truly President trump's "Trump Card" that will be used in the 2020 election resolution.

The bottom line is this:


The democrates KNOW that Joe Biden is  basket case of a candidate for President.

They don't care about how he stumbles, rambles, misspeaks, has  memory problems.

The democrates think that they can steal the election through mail in ballot fraud and other ballot fraud means.

Pelosi and the democrates plan to remove Biden soon after the election so Kamla Harris will become President using the 25 amendment to the Constitution. They are assuming that they are still in control of the House Of Reps after Jan 20, 2021.

All the democrates want to do and care about is dragging Joe Biden across the Nov 3, 2020 election date.

It will not matter how many fraud mail in ballots or other fraudulent ballots the democrates are able to manufacture in the 2020 election.

The states where the democrates plan to steal the 2020 election will be flooded with fake mail in ballots etc.

One or more of these state ballot results will be decided by the US Supreme court and this will affect the electorial college result total.

Because  Amy Coney Barrett will tilt the court conservative it will Rule in President Trump's favor when the ballot fraud cases or cases get to the US Supreme Court sometime after Nov 3 2020 up until Jan 5, 2020.

This is possible but it is also possible some other kind of ruling will be made by the US Supreme Court.

For instance they could choose not to rule on the  validity of a state's electorial vote count.

The US Supreme Court I think will more likely rule on the ballots themselves and if they are legal and should be counted.

This will effect the electorial vote outcome. This is where Supreme Court Judge Amy Coney Barrett will be the deciding factor of who wins the 2020 election.


Jan 6, 2021 is when Congress will meet to count the electorial votes. on Jan 6, 2020.

They newly elected house of reps and US Senate will change the makeup of the joint session of congress.

When the joint session of the US Congress counts the electorial ballots on Jan 6, 2020 what they decide will be a done deal.

The amount of electorial votes from states that have had massive mail in voter fraud I suspect will not be counted on Jan 6, 2020 because the US Supreme Court will have ruled that these states mail in ballot voter fraud schemes won't be valid ballots to be counted in the 2020 election.

I believe because of this there will be a majority of electorial college votes for President Trump to be counted on Jan 6, 2020.

The mail in ballot fraud scheme of the democrates will also affect the number of democrates who win house of reps and US senate seats.

I also think this will result in even less democrates getting house seats or US Senate seats in the 2020 election.

For this reason I do not think the democrates will have a majority in the house of reps nor the US senate.

There will be many challenges to the electorial votes in the joint session of congress.

In fact this is where another "freak show" will occur.

One democrate from the house of reps and one senator from the senate must agree to contest an electorial state vote.

They will most certainly do this over and over.

It won't matter because the contested electorial vote will be voted on by the US Senate majority which I think will be Republicans. They will vote in favor of President Trump if an electorial vote is contested.

So we see that because of the US Supreme Court ruling to not allow mail in ballot fraud votes in a state or other states the end result will be LESS electorial votes for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

You can be sure that the democrates will make many Fraudulent electorial challenges still trying to steal the 2020 ePresidential election.

The democrate circus will not be over until Jan 6, 2020 or possibly up to 5 days or longer if a recess is allowing during the electorial vote counting in the joint session of congress.

Procedures for joint session

Under Section 4 (3 U.S.C. § 15), Congress is required to be in session on January 6th following the election to count the votes, although this date can be changed by law. Notably, due to the 20th Amendment the joint session is conducted by the new Congress whose term begins on January 3rd, rather than the outgoing lame-duck Congress. The Senate and House must meet in the House Chamber at "1 o'clock in the afternoon" on January 6th, and the president of the Senate – the sitting vice president of the United States – is the presiding officer.[15] Section 7 (3 U.S.C. § 16) specifies the seating arrangements in the House chamber.[20]

Two tellers must be "previously appointed" by the Senate and two tellers by the House of Representatives. The president of the Senate must open all the "certificates" and "papers purporting to be certificates" of the electoral votes, and hand them to the four tellers as they are opened. The certificates and papers must be "opened, presented, and acted upon in the alphabetical order of the States, beginning with the letter A." The tellers, "having read the [papers] in the presence and hearing of the two Houses," must "make a list of the votes as they shall appear from the ... certificates."[15]

If there are any objections to the returns from any state (see Substantive counting rules below), they must be resolved before the process can continue to the next state: "No votes or papers from any other State shall be acted upon until the objections previously made to the votes or papers from any State shall have been finally disposed of."[15]

Debate rules

The structure of the Electoral Count Act's procedural provisions generally requires that any questions arising during the counting process be determined by the two houses acting separately, rather than by both houses together on the House floor. Section 5 of the Act (now 3 U.S.C. § 18) states that "the President of the Senate shall have power to preserve order; and no debate shall be allowed and no question shall be put by the presiding officer except to either House on a motion to withdraw." Section 6 (now 3 U.S.C. § 17) states that whenever the two Houses have separated "to decide upon an objection ... or other question arising in the matter," each Senator and Representative may "speak to such objection or question" for five minutes, and not more than once.[21] After the debate has lasted two hours, the presiding officer of each House must "put the main question without further debate."[21] Once the two houses have both voted, "they shall immediately again meet, and the presiding officer shall then announce the decision of the questions submitted."[15]

Section 7 (now 3 U.S.C. § 16) states that the joint session cannot be dissolved "until the count of electoral votes shall be completed and the result declared."[20] No recess can be taken "unless a question shall have arisen in regard to counting any such votes, or otherwise under [Title 3, Chapter 1]," in which case either House, acting separately, can recess itself until 10:00 AM the next day (Sunday excepted).[20] But if the counting of the electoral votes and the declaration of the result have not been completed before the fifth calendar day after the joint session began, "no further or other recess shall be taken by either House."[20]

When the electorial votes are finally counted President Trump will be the winner of the 2020 Presidential election and Joe Biden will be the loser.

It will not matter who wins or loses to those who plan to riot before and after the 2020 US election.

Its going to happen. More so if the democrates lose as I predict.

What will matter is these people who loot, burn steal, kill etc will be brought to justice. One way or another!

It could happen real quick if someone was defending against harm or it could happen in court later.

This too will happen to those who threaten people with violence and actually do violence on persons and property.

Antifia and the organization members of BLM who commit crimes will be in instant danger of assuming room temperature in many areas of the United States because American's are armed to the teeth and are willing to defend themselves, family and property from antifia and blm terrorists.




RBG was an interesting and intelligent individual. However, her ideology was antithetical to our founding, and the subsequent survival of our nation.

She was a political animal. She was a real fighter in her personal life and for liberal ideas. I read where she took the time to care for her husband and daughter who were sick at the same time and also kept up her partisan liberal supreme court work. She was a real hard worker, its obvious. She cared for her family as she should have. 

She was a partisan judge if there ever was one. RBG came out publicly and endorsed Hillary Clinton during the 2016 Election when it was previously unheard of for a sitting justice to openly jump into politics.

Ginsberg has again injected herself into a political election by leaving a note that asked President Trump to not nominate another supreme court justice until after the 2020 election.

Obviously she does not want President Trump to nominate someone who is not a liberal partisan person like herself to the Supreme Court.

Obviously her hope was that joe biden would be elected and that he could and would appoint another partisan liberal person like herself.

President Trump has NO obligation to honor her last liberal partisan wish.

If she would have resigned in 2015, she would have easily been replaced by a young communist. A lot of people were silently ticked off when she didn’t resign then. That’s why Kennedy resigned when he did.


One possibility, if full court is needed for election litigation or other concerns (and no confirmation has been made) could be a recess appointment. They talked about it with Obama back in 2016.

There have been quick confirmations in the past, however. Ultimately how this unfolds will depend upon political direction Senate Republicans want to take.

In short, if the Senate can’t confirm Trump’s pick (?), Mitch McConnell can adjourn the Senate and, after 4 days, Trump can make a recess appointment. This will ensure that we don’t have a 4-4 split deciding the election. Because this election could be decided in the courts. If President Trump wins in a landslide electorial college vote the game is over and America Wins.



Editor Note From Selected Sources


President Trump is now holding the winning hand in the Nov 2020 election.

He has a trump card advantage.

The Constitution not only assigns to the president the task of making nominations to the Supreme Court, setting off Senate review that may or may not result in approval, but it also gives the Chief Executive the opportunity to fill a vacancy on the Court temporarily, bypassing the Senate initially, if a nominee languishes in the Senate without final action.

The presidential authority at issue in this possible scenario exists, according to Article II, when the Senate has gone into recess and the vacancy a president seeks to fill remains.

Such an appointment requires no action at all by the Senate, but the appointee can only serve until the end of the following Senate session.  The president (if still in office) can then try again during a new Senate session, by making a new nomination, and that must be reviewed by the Senate.


The Supreme Court had never clarified that power until its decision in June 2014 in National Labor Relations Board v. Noel Canning.

The decision was something of a compromise.  The Court expanded the concept of when the Senate would be in recess so that the president could make a temporary appointment, but it also gave the Senate more control over when it does recess and how long the recesses last.  The gesture toward the Senate’s choices was probably the more important result.

Here, specifically, is what the Court decided:

First, on the president’s side, the Court ruled that the recess appointment power applies when the Senate leaves town for a break in the middle of an annual sitting, or a break at the end of each annual session.

Second, also on the president’s side, the decision declared that the president during a recess can fill a vacancy even if the opening occurred well before the recess began.

Third, on the Senate’s side, the ruling made clear that it has to last more than three days, without saying how much more time must pass without the Senate out of town and doing nothing.

Fourth, strongly on the Senate’s side, the decision left it largely up to the Senate to decide when it does take a recess, allowing it to avoid the formality of a recess by taking some legislative action, however minor or inconsequential and however few senators actually take part in some action.

So let me add the President's Trmp card has 2 different sides.

One one side of the T card is President Trump.

On the other side of the T card is the turtle Mitch Mcconnel.

Before President Trump can use his "Trump Card" to appoint a Temp supreme court justice the turtle must make a move in the right direction or he can appoint a supreme court justice as a temporary appointment.

Either way President Trump should appoint a conservative justice.

Hopefully the republican controlled senate will hold a vote and confirm his supreme nomination. 

If not hopefully the turtle will recess the senate an allow President Trump to appoint a temporary supreme justice.

It would seem doubtful to me that there are enough republicans in the US senate to confirm a supreme justice.

This is why President Trump should appoint a temporary supreme court justice during a US Senate Recess.

When the US Senate comes back into session in Jan 2021 President Trump could reappoint the same supreme justice or another of his choosing.

The point of getting a new supreme court justice on the court asap is because the deep state/ shadow government/ radical democrats are planning to use the current supreme court to rule in their favor for varrious state election results etc.

If President Trump succeeds in appointing a temporary supreme court justice it would be MORE LIKELY the supreme court would rule in his favor if the 2020 election was "hanging by a chad" because of voter mail in ballot fraud and other democrate fraud all over the nation.

Go ahead Mr President force the democrates hand - go full tilt - pedal to the medal.

You can bet the radical crazy democrate loons will be going full tilt crazy anyway no matter what happens.

Play that TRUMP CARD NOW!!!!!

Let them yell, scream, squirm, protest, riot etc etc.

If President Trump wins in a landslide election and has an overwhelming majority of electorial votes the turtle won't be a player in the 2020 election.

Game Over.

Other possibilities:

If Another hanging chad election occurs, which means the nov 2020 election is too close to declare a winner the democrates will make sure there are democrate controlled states that have "hanging chad" elections.

These states will be tied up in their state supreme courts.

Some of these undecided states will be decided by the supreme court.

If a new supreme court justice is appointed by President Trump during a Senate recess the Trump card will be a decisive factor.

It could be THE decisive factor.

The communist democrates/deep state/shadow government operatives know this.

The communist democrates also will do everything they can to keep President Trump from appointing a new supreme court justice before, during or after the nov 2020 election.

They don't want President Trump to be able to play the TRUMP card if needed.

I do think the Nov 2020 election will be a mess and totally hosed up if the democrates are able to use mail in voting fraud to stuff the ballot boxes.

The question becomes, will the communist democrates be able to use mail in voting fraud to cause the election to be decided by the supreme court?

Also if this happens will the turtle allow President Trump to play the TRUMP card if necessary?


After the 2020 election if President Trump wins a majority of electorial votes it still isn't over.

This is because of the many ways the communist democrates could mess with the electorial vote count.

Even if the supreme court did rule in President Trump's favor it ain't over until the fat lady sings and the fat lady starts singing of Jan 6, 2021 

The fat lady's singing could be interruped on Jan 6,2020 by challenges to the electorial votes in the joint session of congress.

If some of the electorial votes were not counted for some reason this could make a difference in the outcome of the 2020 election for President.

In this election year this could be a possibility depending on the election results of the US Senate and US House.

Remember if Congress can't make a decision on who becomes President the default president is the speaker of the house of representatives.   This could be a DARK HORSE.

Depending on the outcome of the election the speaker of the house could be ANYBODY.

The speaker of the US House Of Representatives does NOT have to be an elected official!

Speaker Of The US House Of Representatives


A speaker does not officially have to be an elected member of Congress, this has never happened.

One of the most important features of the position of Speaker of the House is that the Speaker is only behind the Vice president in terms of the line of Presidential Succession, followed by the President pro tempore of the Senate.

What does this mean.

This means if the communist democrates win a majority in the US House Of Representatives in the Nov 2020 election a NON elected offical could be appointed as speaker of the house, 3rd  inline to become President of the United States. 


The communist democrate contolled US House Of Representatives appoints a non elected person to be speaker of the house.

Hillary Clinton or Muchelle Obama etc, if Nasty Pelosi is not appointed speaker.

AOC is also a possibility.

In "normal" times I would never expect this to be a possibility.

We are NOT living in "normal" times.

At this point anything is possible.

I don't think that this is probable.

If the election is still up for grabs on Jan 6,2020 the nightmare scenario probability increases.

I pray the election will not be close and President Trump wins by a large majority of electorial votes to thwart any and all efforts by the communist democrates to install a dictator as "president".


On Sept 18, 2020

Hillary Clinton has called on Senate Democrats to use every weapon in their arsenal to prevent Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell from confirming a new Supreme Court justice before the next inauguration. 

“I would argue on the underlying original intent of the Constitution and the founders that presidents have the right to appoint judges, to fill vacancies, and Mitch McConnell denied Barack Obama that right,” Clinton said.

“That set in motion a series of events that I think did great damage to the Senate that can only be remedied by removing Mitch McConnell as the leader of the Senate.” 

Hillary reminds us that the Turtle kept the illegal alien "president" obama from appointing a communist supreme court justice.

The hilda beast is correct when she said,  “I would argue on the underlying original intent of the Constitution and the founders that presidents have the right to appoint judges, to fill vacancies".

I suspect the hilda beast knows and hopes she could be appointed speaker of the US House Of Representatives 3rd in line to the Presidency and  NIGHTMARE SCENARIO of her becoming president by default on Jan, 2021 because the election was so hosed up it could not be decided by electorial vote nor a vote in the us house of representatives.

Do I think this is possible? Yes

Do I think the probability is high for this ever happening, NO.

If this did happen the Hilda Beast would become a dictator like hitler and there would be a purge of those who oppose her as "President"

The purge would involve death camps disguised in elaborate ways.

There would truly be a national civil war for survival.

The hilda beast's coronation and rule would be marked by national bloodshed.

This is because she would do anything to retain power once she ascended to her throne.

Do I think hillary clinton is possessed. Yes

She is controlled  and influenced  by an evil spirit and ideas.

She is evil like her husband.

Lets pray that we won't need to wait until Jan, 2021 to see who is President.

In the mean time prepare for massive civil unrest no matter who becomes President.

This means knowing how to defend yourself and your family.

This means having provisions for your self and family.

This means watching your own back and others you want to protect.




Hillary wearing her clown "man suit" in the 2016 2nd debate. She has never conceded the 2016 Presidential election.

According to Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden will “eventually” win the 2020 election — or at least she believes so. In order for that to happen, however, Joe Biden must not accept the election results if things “drag out.” Specifically, Clinton thinks Biden “should not concede under any circumstances.”

“If it’s a close election — like say Biden ‘wins’ — what do you think Trump will do?” Jennifer Palmieri asked the former secretary of state and failed 2016 presidential candidate on an episode of Showtime’s “The Circus.”

Clinton suggested Republicans will try different strategies, such as “messing up absentee balloting” like she said they have done in Wisconsin. “The only way they can win is by either suppressing or stopping voting or outright intimidating people into feeling that they have to go with the strong guy,” Clinton said.




“This is a big organizational challenge, but at least we know more about what they’re going to do,” Clinton said of Republicans. She suggested Democrats, specifically the Biden campaign, must amass a huge legal operation, an increased poll worker presence, and groups of people to counteract what Clinton alleged would be a “force of intimidation that the Republicans and Trump are going to put outside polling places.”

“Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances,” she concluded, “because I believe this is going to drag out, and eventually I do believe he will win if we don’t give an inch, and if we are as focused and relentless as the other side is.”

This is an interesting conclusion from Clinton, who in 2016, when she faced off against then-candidate Donald Trump for the presidency, said that disrespecting election results is an existential threat.





Some Democrats in recent years have demonstrated their unwillingness or reluctance to accept the results of elections, with Clinton still tirelessly reminding Americans that she won the popular vote and would be in the White House if it weren’t for that pesky Electoral College, and other prominent figures such as failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams insisting she “won” the 2018 Georgia governor’s race.

A new report from the bipartisan but anti-Trump organization Transition Integrity Project — created “out of concern that the Trump administration may seek to manipulate, ignore, undermine or disrupt the 2020 presidential election and transition process” — found that if anyone refuses to accept the results of the upcoming election, it will be Democrats.



“When one side believes the stakes are so high as to be existential — a last chance to stop authoritarianism and unbridled nativism — then virtually any means are justified to prevent the other side from winning,” York said. “One lesson of the Transition Integrity Project game-playing is that today, less than 100 days from the election, some of the president’s most passionate opponents believe Democrats might willingly throw the Constitution aside in their desire to put an end to the Trump presidency.”

That’s exactly what Clinton is encouraging Biden to do.


2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said Thursday that if  President Donald Trump loses the presidential election this fall, she believes he won't go "silently into the night."

The Hilda Beast has not gone silently into the night after her massive 2016 election defeat!


"I don't want to scare people, but I want you to be prepared. I have every reason to believe that Trump is not going to go, you know, silently into the night if he loses. He's going to try to confuse us, he's going to try to bring all kinds of lawsuits, he's got his crony Attorney General (William) Barr ready to do whatever is necessary," Clinton said at The 19th Represents Summit.


Bonus Editor Note


The communist democrates led by hillary and their motley crew are doing exactly what she is telling us President Trump will do.

The communist democrate fake news media is confusing people every day 24 hours a day.


The communist democrates will bring all kinds of law suits to try to steal the 2020 Presidential election.


The hilda beast is a real dark horse candidate for speaker of the US House Of Representatives and she knows it is a possibility she could become speaker and also become President if the US election can't be decided by Jan 20, 2021

I said it is a possibility. It is not likely. Hope springs eternal for the hilda beast no matter what the odds.


Hillary clinton will do anything to become president and a defacto dictator.


She is a real dark horse headed on a real dark course.


AOC is also a real possibility for speaker if the communist dems get a majority in the US House.

This would mean that AOC would be third in line for the office of the President if the communist dems are able to hose up the electorial process until Jan 20, 2020.

If this happens and AOC is speaker, she would become dictator and not president on Jan 20, 2021.

A massive nationwide revolt would result and the nation would be in a total civil war that would result in an ongoing nation revolution.

AOC like the russian communists would use all her power to destroy America as we know it and the US Constitution.

She would declare martial law an suspend the US Constitution etc.

America would descend into the dark ages again.

Pray that President Trump will win the Nov 2020 election with a LARGE margin of electorial votes.


to take control of the US government and subvert the US Constitution and our freedom.

WE THE PEOPLE must fight the communist/mass media/shadow government take over of America.

You will only be able to stay on the "side lines" for a short time.

You will be required to decide who you will support.

You can try to hide but you can only hide for a short time.

If the comminists take over the US Government it WILL become a dictatorship like germany did.

The dem/communist dictatorship will require you to support them totally.

If you don't you will be punished or killed.

This will start on Jan 20, 2021 if the communists get into power.

They will face a tremendous overwhelming force of Americans willing to fight for their FREEDOM!


This is why the "american gulags" and "American concentration camps"  will happen overnight when the communist dictatorship takes over.

They WILL not allow ANY protests by freedom loving Americans.

America will decend into chaos and destruction.

The communists will try to eliminate allow who oppose them.













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