The Centers for Disease Control released information showing how many people who died from COVID-19 had comorbidities or underlying conditions as they are sometimes referred to by doctors.
According to the CDC, comorbidity is defined as: " more than one disease or condition is present in the same person at the same time.
Conditions described as comorbidities are often chronic or long-term conditions. Other names to describe comorbid conditions are coexisting or co-occurring conditions and sometimes also “multimorbidity” or “multiple chronic conditions."
Comorbidity and underlying conditions can both be used to describe conditions that exist in one person at the same time. These can also contribute to a persons death who has been diagnosed with COVID-19.
COVID-19 deaths are identified using a new ICD–10 code.
When COVID-19 is reported as a cause of death – or when it is listed as a “probable” or “presumed” cause — the death is coded as U07.1.
This can include cases with or without laboratory confirmation.
Table 3. Conditions contributing to deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), by age group, United States. Week ending 2/1/2020 to 8/22/2020
If you can't read the table I posted please go to the CDC link above.
Table 3. Conditions contributing to deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), by age group, United States. Week ending 2/1/2020 to 8/22/2020.*
Updated August 26, 2020 Number of Conditions | ||||||||||
Age Group | ||||||||||
Conditions Contributing to Deaths where COVID-19 was listed on the death certificate1 | ICD–10 codes | All ages | 0–24 years | 25–34 years | 35–44 years | 45–54 years | 55–64 years | 65–74 years | 75–84 years | 85 years and over |
Total COVID-19 deaths2, as of 8/22/2020 | U071 | 161,392 | 330 | 1,241 | 3,228 | 8,501 | 20,295 | 34,334 | 42,587 | 50,867 |
2Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19, coded to ICD–10 code U07.1
Editor Note
When COVID-19 is reported as a cause of death – or when it is listed as a “probable” or “presumed” cause — the death is coded as U07.1.
NOTE that 161,932 covid-19 deaths are coded as probable or presumed!
The CDC has admitted that 161.393 covid-19 deaths are probable or presumed!
Comorbidity and underlying conditions can both be used to describe conditions that exist in one person at the same time. These can also contribute to a persons death who has been diagnosed with COVID-19.
The CDC has kept this information hid up until now!
There HAS NOT been 161.932 deaths caused by covid-19 alone!
There has been approximately 11,000 deaths because of covid-19 nationwide.
BIG, BIG money is being made by hospitals when they admited a patient coded as having covid-19
$13,000 per admission!
BIG, BIG money is being made by hospitals if a covid-19 patient is put on a ventilator.
$39,000 per admission!
Hospitals, the CDC and many doctors don't want you to know there IS A CURE for covid-19.
Its all about BIG money and politics.
Study Results Prove Hydroxychloroquine Saves Lives!
The worst thing that can happen is being put on a ventilator.
There is NO need for anyone to be admitted to a hospital in most covid-19 cases if the person is given Hydroxycloroquine and azithromycin when you get the covid-19.
If these 2 medicines are given when you get the covid-19 it cures the covid-19.
You must be given these medicines at the start of being diagnosed with covid-19 for these medicines to cure the covid-19 quickly.
If these 2 medicines are given after you are admitted to the hospital they can increase the possiblility of you being cured from covid-19 but the longer you wait to take these two medicines the greater the possiblilty covid-19 will not be cured.
All hospitals and all doctors are NOT the same.
Some are in business to cure you and some are in business to make BIG bucks only!
The fact the government pays hospitals big bucks to admid covid-19 is exactly why the Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin covid-19 cure is being suppressed!!!!
This is also why the covid-19 daily case stats are being pushed as much as they are.
In reality the covid-19 death rates, as the CDC finally admits, are NOT confirmed but fabricated numbers.
Study Results Prove Hydroxychloroquine Saves Lives!
Read what table 3 says from the CDC.
2Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19, coded to ICD–10 code U07.1
All deaths with patients of any kind with underlying health conditions are coded as being covid-19 deaths.
Because of this all of these deaths that have included covid-19 are NOT confirmed deaths caused by covid-19 alone!
There has NOT been 161,392 deaths caused by covid-19 alone in the United States since 2/1/2 - 8/22/20
There has been about 11,000 deaths from covid-19 alone.
Most deaths are from a nursing home/long term care facility.
This is because the government has required that patients discharged from hospitals be readmitted to nursing homes all over the US.
President Trump has told the American people of the real cure for covid-19 many times.
The mass fake news media keeps reporting that hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin doesn't cure covid-19 but it is an absolute cure for covid-19.
Study Results Prove Hydroxychloroquine Saves Lives!
President Trump wants you to know there IS A CURE for covid-19!
I want you to know also.
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