Here’s a side-by-side comparison: (click image to enlarge)

It wasn’t a noose, it was a hand loop to help make closing the garage door easier; and it wasn’t put there for Bubba Wallace, because it was there in November 2019.
Additionally, in November of 2019 no-one would know what garage bay would be assigned to Bubba Wallace in June of 2020. It’s absolutely ridiculous to see this as targeted hate.
That’s it.
100% proof positive evidence of the situation.
Now, the questions remain:
(1) Was this incident purposefully misconstrued as a “hanging noose” to drum up racial controversy by Bubba Wallace’s NASCAR team?
(2) And was that intentional mistake made exponentially worse, purposefully, by NASCAR going public and orchestrating a ridiculous PR campaign around it?
(3) Were all those involved pulling off a demonstrable hoax in an effort to politicize and capitalize on a controversy? With full forethought and selfish intent?
(4) Or was this some big, stupid, oversensitive misunderstanding?
It will be interesting to see how NASCAR responds; but the clarity of the situation is beyond debate.
This “noose in a NASCAR garage” story was false.
This was not targeted racial hate toward Bubba Wallace; and it wasn’t even a noose in a NASCAR garage.
Editor Note
Answers to above questions.
1 Yes Purposefully nisconstrued
2 Yes Intentional "mistake"
3 Yes Purposeful hoax designed with forethought and intent.
4 No It wasn't an oversensitive misunderstanding given every one of the nascar stalls have similar door hand pull loops. These loops are small for a hand to pull the large garage doors down.
Weak organizations are a breeding ground for communal stupid; and every one of them ends the same way. Both the NFL and NASCAR are following the same woke business plan.
Bubba wallace said that simple minded people afraid of change were exposing the fact that every nascar garage door had similar hand pulls used to pull down the doors.
Bubba wallace is the simple minded one.
A simple minded bubba, who like nascar, purposefully misconstrued a hoax designed to make him, a black man, a victim of something that never happened!
Bubba wallace is a total FRAUD as is NASCAR!
Wallace, the only Black driver in NASCAR’s top circuit, has been an outspoken advocate of the Black Lives Matter movement and the corresponding protests against racism and police brutality.
He wore an “I Can’t Breathe” shirt before one event, repainted his car with the “Black Lives Matter” phrase and pushed NASCAR to ban the Confederate flag.

Bonus Editor Note
A FAKE noose constructed by FAKE news has been exposed.
FAKE news, the group called black lives matter, corporations, government officials and simple minded individuals have put a "noose" around all those who support President Trump and oppose the radical racist groups who construct more fake nooses daily.
This noose is more real than the fake nascar noose. Bubba wants the nascar noose to stay on you.
Fake Noose News.
The majority of "news" presented on tv, radio, internet etc is various distractions from anything and everything that President Trump does or says.
Its also a distactions when any other news connected with presenting the Trump administraion in a positive light.
No only does the FAKE news constantly produced FAKE and distorted "news" stories they also make sure you don't read, watch or hear the truth on social media outlets which include twitter, facebook etc etc.
If I only watched cnn or msnbc I would think joe biden didn't have a mental problem.
I would think President Trump is a racist and stupid.
I would think that all white people are born with white privilege.
The Fallacy of ‘White Privilege
A pillar of contemporary Leftism is the notion of “white privilege.”
Given that a generation of high-school and college students are being taught that a great number of “unearned privileges” accrue to white Americans, the charge of white privilege demands rational inquiry.
{Blacks gain "unearned priviledges" through government programs/laws etc. This could be called "black privilege". This black privilege does apply to the great majority of blacks not whites.}
Given that a generation of high-school and college students are being taught that a great number of “unearned privileges” accrue to white Americans, the charge of white privilege demands rational inquiry.
{Blacks gain "unearned priviledges" through government programs/laws etc. This could be called "black privilege". This black privilege does apply to the great majority of blacks not whites.}
The assertion turns out to be largely meaningless. And, more significantly, it does great harm to blacks.
First, no reasonable person can argue that white privilege applies to the great majority of whites, let alone to all whites. There are simply too many variables other than race that determine individual success in America.
And if it were true, why would whites commit suicide at twice the rate of blacks (and at a higher rate than any other race in America except American Indians)? According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, white men, who the Left argues are the most privileged group of all in America, commit seven out of every ten suicides in America — even though only three out of ten Americans are white males.
Whatever reason one gives for the white suicide rate, it is indisputable that, at the very least, considerably more whites than blacks consider life not worth living. To argue that all these whites were oblivious to all the unique privileges they had is to stretch the definition of “privilege” beyond credulity.
Second, there are a host of privileges that dwarf “white privilege.”
A huge one is Two-Parent Privilege. If you are raised by a father and mother, you enter adulthood with more privileges than anyone else in American society, irrespective of race, ethnicity, or sex.
That’s why the poverty rate among two-parent black families is only 7 percent.
Compare that with a 22 percent poverty rate among whites in single-parent homes. Obviously the two-parent home is the decisive “privilege.”
#share#Another “privilege,” if one wants to use that term, that dwarfs “white privilege” is Asian privilege. Asian Americans do better than white Americans in school, on IQ tests, on credit scores, and on other positive measures. In fact, according to recent data from the Federal Reserve, Asians are about to surpass whites as the wealthiest group of Americans. Will the Left soon complain about Asian privilege?

And how about “gentile privilege?” For most of American history it was a lot easier being a Christian than being a Jew in America. Yet, I do not know a Jew — myself included — who doesn’t believe that to be a Jew in America has always been an unbelievable stroke of good fortune.
It is not surprising that an American Jew, Irving Berlin, wrote “God Bless America.”
There are even times when there is “minority privilege” in America today.
Every high-school student knows that given similar scholastic and extra-curricular records, one’s chances of being accepted into a prestigious college are considerably greater if one is a member of a minority, most especially the black minority.
And the biggest privilege of all is American privilege. Unless you or your family make some big mistakes, the greatest privilege of all is to be an American. That’s why much of the world wants to live in America.
So then why all this left-wing talk about white privilege?
The major reason is in order to portray blacks as victims. This achieves two huge goals for the Left — one political, the other philosophical.
The political goal is to ensure that blacks continue to view America as racist.
The Left knows that the only way to retain political power in America is to perpetuate the belief among black Americans that their primary problem is white racism.
Only then will blacks continue to regard the Left and the Democrats as indispensable.
The Left knows that the only way to retain political power in America is to perpetuate the belief among black Americans that their primary problem is white racism.
Only then will blacks continue to regard the Left and the Democrats as indispensable.
#related#The philosophical reason is that the Left denies — as it has since Marx — the primacy of moral and cultural values in determining the fate of the individual and of society. In the Left’s view, it is not poor values or a lack of moral self-control that causes crime, but poverty and, in the case of black criminals, racism.
Therefore, the disproportionate amount of violent crime committed by black males is not attributable to the moral failure of the black criminal or to the likelihood of his not having been raised by a father, but to an external factor over which he has little or no power — white racism.
White privilege is another left-wing attempt, and a successful one, to keep America from focusing on what will truly help black America — a resurrection of the black family, for example — and instead to focus on an external problem: white privilege.