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Friday, May 8, 2020

Doctors can potentially significantly reduce the number of deaths from Covid-19

We already have medicines for treating cytokine storm syndrome, the immune response that’s killing many who die of Covid-19, another name for SAR-COV-2 or version 2 of the 2003 SARS virus.

Critically important studies emerging from China suggest that for many patients who die of Covid-19, it may be their own immune system, rather than the virus itself, that deals the fatal blow. This is called a cytokine storm. 

During a cytokine storm, an excessive immune response ravages healthy lung tissue, leading to acute respiratory distress and multi-organ failure. Untreated, cytokine storm syndrome is usually fatal. Patients in other studies who developed cytokine storm syndrome after viral triggers often ironically possessed subtle genetic immune defects resulting in the uncontrolled immune response. 

Over the past two decades, much has been learned about the diagnosis and treatment of cytokine storm syndromes. On the front lines of the Covid-19 response, it is critical that medical professionals are aware of the syndrome and prepared to identify and treat it. 

This act of preparation could help to significantly reduce the number of deaths from Covid-19. In treating cytokine storms brought about by other illnesses, like other viral infections and autoimmune diseases, death rates among patients suffering a cytokine storm have been reduced to as low as 27 percent.

 it is possible that millions of people may become infected around the globe. This is in part due to minimal early symptoms in up to 80 percent of those who become infected. 

However, seemingly mild cases of Covid-19 can morph into more severe cases involving the lower lungs and up to 20 percent of symptomatic novel coronavirus infected individuals require hospitalization, with 5 percent overall needing intensive care.

Although individuals who are elderly or who have underlying chronic health problems are at a higher risk of mortality, younger previously healthy people have also succumbed to severe Covid-19. 

Cytokine storm syndromes go by many names, but they share the pathology of an overly active immune response that leads to frequently fatal multi-organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS). The risk factors for why some previously healthy individuals become deathly ill remain unknown. There are likely host factors, including genetic mutations that put individuals at higher risk.

Until the risk factors are known, the medical community will need to treat those Covid-19 patients based solely on the severity of their disease.

The information you read below could save you life or the life of a loved one if your doctor is not screening you properly for a cytokine storm.

COVID-19 victims must all be screened for cytokine storm syndrome if they are sick enough to be hospitalized!!!!!!!!!!!!

How to screen for cytokine storm syndrome in sick patients

While novel and repurposed anti-viral therapies are being explored to treat Covid-19, those individuals with cytokine storm syndrome also require treatment of the overly active immune response.

In these situations, an overactive immune response can be deadly. All Covid-19 patients sick enough for hospitalization should be given a cheap, quick, and readily available serum ferritin blood test.

Indeed, elevated serum ferritin values have recently been reported in Chinese hospitalized patients with Covid-19.

This is a good first screening tool for the possibility of a cytokine storm syndrome in sick patients with high fevers.

Properly  treating a cytokine storm syndrome once it is identified is the key to saving the lives of covid-19, sar-2 patients!

The treating physician is often placed between a rock and a hard place. Corticosteroids can be powerfully broad immunosuppressive agents, and they are inexpensive and readily available throughout the world. However, it can be frightening for a physician to treat a severely ill, infected individual with such powerful and wide-ranging immune suppression.

Dr Thomas Yadegar ICU pulmonologist knows how to treat ICU patients with the covid-19 or wuhan virus.

He does not treat all the patients the same but knows each covid-19 case is different and unique.

He tests each patient first then gives them the correct medicines to cure them of the covid-19 virus.

This is what all doctors should be doing.

There are many deaths from covid-19 that have occurred or are occurring that can be prevented!!

The media created panic can be CURED knowing the covid-19 virus can be cured.

We already have medicines for treating cytokine storm syndrome triggered by viruses

With the development of biologic therapies for a variety of rheumatic, oncologic, and other conditions, novel approaches to treating the immune response are now available. These highly targeted medicines go after one or a few inflammatory molecules, including cytokines, without the general immune suppression effected by corticosteroids and other relatively non-selective immune suppressants. 

Recently, a number of specific anti-cytokine approaches have proven effective in treating a variety of cytokine storm syndromes, including those triggered by viruses.

These include drugs targeting interleukin-1 (IL-1), IL-6, IL-18, and interferon-gamma.

While randomized trials will be needed to confirm which, if any, of these therapeutics will effectively treat Covid-19-infected patients with cytokine storm syndrome, IL-6 blockade has recently been reported to be in use in China with successful outcomes in some individuals receiving this as part of their treatment

Note that there is not a need for randomized trial to confirm which therapeutics will effectively treat and cure covid-19 patients.

This is because  Dr Thomas Yadegar ICU pulmonologist knows how to treat ICU patients with the covid-19 or wuhan virus.

He has not lost a single covid-19 patient nor has any of his patients been place on ventilators!!!

There is an effective treatment and cure for the covid-19.

While working to prevent future outbreaks of deadly coronavirus infections with vaccine development and discovering new or re-purposed anti-viral medicines to treat the virus, we must also use all the knowledge at our disposal to treat those patients most at risk of dying – including from Covid-19-induced cytokine storms. 

For this to occur, the medical community must first be aware of the possibility, then make the diagnosis, and finally treat infected individuals with overly active immune responses that are harmful, if not fatal, left untreated.

This is because  Dr Thomas Yadegar ICU pulmonologist knows how to treat ICU patients with the covid-19 or wuhan virus.

This should help save the lives of those unfortunate individuals at risk of Covid-19 induced cytokine storm syndrome.

Randy Q. Cron, MD, PhD, is a professor of pediatrics and medicine and director of the Division of Pediatric Rheumatology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. In November 2019, he published Cytokine Storm Syndrome, the first dedicated textbook on cytokine storms.

Editor Note

Covid-19, SARS--COV-2, Corona Virus is similar to the SARS virus in 2003.

The big difference is it spreads faster.

It was known in 2003 that the SARS virus caused sudden deaths in patients who had severe acute respiratory syndrome.  SARS

Thats why they named it SARS.

The covid-19 SARS-COV-2 was allowed to spread all over the world in a manner that would seem to have been done on purpose.

In 2003 the SARS virus was contained much more by hospitasl workers who locked down their own hospitals with patients who had the SARS virus.

This is what curtailed the spread of the SARS virus in 2003.

In 2019 this did not happen. The COVID-19, SARS-Cov-2 was allowed to spread all over the world.

It is now know that the reason SARS and SARS-2 COVID-19 kills more people and faster is that in some patients their immune system goes into a cytokine storm syndrome which results in the quick death if not treated quickly.

The key to treating a COVID-19, SARS-COV-2 patient is to screen the patient if they are hospitalized for covid-19 symptoms for  the possibility of a cytokine storm syndrome in sick patients with high fevers.

Identifying patients with testing for the possiblility of a cytokine storm syndrone is how covid-19 is cured in an ICU.

Identifying patients that have underlying health conditions is critical in treating patients who have the possiblility of developing a cytokine storm which will kill them.

All covid-19 patients are different because all covid-19 patients will not have the same symptoms.

Underlying health conditions will affect the patient symptoms.

After testing the right medicines can be given to PREVENT a cytokine storm from killing any covid-19 patient!


The media and cdc seem to just want you tyo concentrate on the new death numbers everyday, which are not vaild because of the cdc mandate that all corona virus deaths be labeled as caused by the covid-19 even though their were any other health issuse.

The cdc has told doctors to indicate the cause of death of a person even if the person was SUSPECTED of having the covid-19.

Totally false media dn cdc death rates are reported as caused by the corona virus, covid-19 daily.

Social media is also suppressing this critical information.

Social media and the national fake news media do not want you to know the truth about covid-19 and that it CAN BE CURED!

They want you to continue to be in a panic mode not knowing the facts about the covid-19 virus, wuhan virus.

IT CAN BE CURED!!!!!!!!!

All Covid-19 patients sick enough for hospitalization should be given a cheap, quick, and readily available serum ferritin blood test. Indeed, elevated serum ferritin values have recently been reported in Chinese hospitalized patients with Covid-19. This is a good first screening tool for the possibility of a cytokine storm syndrome in sick patients with high fevers.

Ask your doctor to give you a  serum ferritin blood test if you have been hospitalized.

This will alert the doctor if you have the possibility of a cytokine storm syndrome.

Its a cheap, quick, and readily available serum ferritin blood test.

THIS IS WHAT MAKES THE DIFFERENCE in a doctor saving your life.

Ask or tell your doctor aboust this critical test that should be given to ALL covid-19 patients if they are admitted to a hospital with covid-19 symptoms.

Failure to inform your doctor about the  serum ferritin blood test if your are hospitalized could mean you will have a cytokine storm which will most likely KILL you!

The stupid national media says test, test, test for the corna virus covid-19 when they should be telling the American public to ASK, ASK, ASK your doctor if he is going to give you a serum ferritin blood test if hospitialized for symptoms of the covid-19 virus.

Whatever your do don't fail to ask your doctor for this critical screening test!

If the doctor won't give it to you, get another doctor fast or threaten to sue the doctor for failure to give you this test --- if you survive later. 

Ask your doctor to give you a  serum ferritin blood test if you have been hospitalized for covid-19 symptoms.

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