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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

A Badge Of Honor For Washington Swamp And Pelosi

A Permanent Stain Of Shame For Pelosi And Her Crazed Party Is The FAKE Impeachment Of President Trump.

Trump tells Pelosi in blistering letter that Dems are 'declaring open war on American Democracy'

Letter To Pelosi From President Trump PDF

Nuclear – Devin Nunes Questions FISC Judge Lack of Candor – Again Calls For Dismantling of FISA Court…

During a stunning interview last Sunday Devin Nunes called for the FISA court to be deconstructed.  In my opinion it was that statement, not the IG report, that spurred FISC Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer to make a public order today.

Today, hours after Judge Collyer released her order, Devin Nunes responded to the review of the FISC by stating, accurately, Judge Collyer doth protest too much.

In this interview Devin Nunes outlines his February 2018 notification to the FISC about the specific fraud upon the court; and as a result of that (and a follow-up) notification, Nunes again takes the FISC to task for saying they were not aware.

Collyer was aware because Nunes told her.

Accepting the totality of the FISC obfuscation, HPSCI ranking member Devin Nunes again calls for the dismantling of the FISA court process.

Editor Note

Our President is being impeached because the swamp is being drained by him.

Pelosi and the deep state are in big trouble.

Most government institutions include people who want to overthrow our government.

This includes the secret fisa court.

This isn't a silent coup but an obvious coup to remove President Trump.

There is an enemy within which includes the rabid democrats, fake news media and other in and out of government who want to overthrow our government through any means.

The Coup to impeach President Trump continues.


 Letter To Pelosi From President Trump PDF       Read President Trumps Letter

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